Cardio First or Lifting First??



  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I do a 15-20 incremental run to start, 30 minute weights, 15 metabolics and end with a 5 minute run. Works great for me and lost most of my weight and inches this way.
  • seishin_murai
    seishin_murai Posts: 3 Member

    I'm about to give my to cents and probably more unrequested info. Here it is:

    Lifting first, cardio after.

    In my case, I always warmup first (usually 5 minutes or so, enough to break into a sweat and raise body temperature 2ºC), then do specific warmup (eg..: before I squat, I do one or two sets of squat with 50% of the training weight on the bar, then 75%) to get the juices flowing.

    After the session, I do 20~25 minutes of stretching. Cardio workout is off training days.

    Do you do some stretching?
    How often do you choose whole, little processed food over "normal" food?

    Depending on the answers, I could recommend some books.

  • Cynthe50
    Cynthe50 Posts: 1 Member
    Just a tip from my trainer so use it if you feel it will work for you.

    When I do my reps on the weight machines, I set up 2 at a time and move back and forth between them with that being the only break. Then I move on to the next 2. I also realize I am lucky to be able to go to my gym during the "slow" hours so this is possible.

    He also suggested, doing weights, then the elliptical, then weights, then the bike, etc.

    I like it and it works for me. Nothing seems daunting or boring.

    I don't know how to add the nifty graphic, but I have lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks and I am perfectly content with the results so far.

    Continued success to you.....
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm jealous of all you people who get to decide which order to do things like it's a choice! I do what fits into my schedule. I run at lunch and do my strength at about 10 at night after the little one is in bed. I think you just have to try it out different ways and see what you like best and what seems to work for you.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    I have done both in the past...when I first started out and didnt know much I did cardio then strength and then all I heard was do your strength training then cardio....not sure whats right but I had gret results both ways I tend to lift first now then cardio as I too find I can lift heavier this way.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I think both is optimal cuz if gain strength it helps with some of the cardio pushups etc....I would alternate every other day the weights to give your muscles a day to rest a bit to help prevent injuries. I would do weights and cardio and then the next day do just cardio and then weights and cardio and then just cardio and keep repeating. That way you don't injure your self as likely and you build up alot of strength
  • xclassiqx
    xclassiqx Posts: 28 Member
    Lift first so all your energy is used for it. Doing cardio after doesn't seem to affect anything but if you do it before, you won't have much energy when lifting. It also depends what and how much you're lifting and what your goals are.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Lift first because it raises your blood pressure and the cardio after lowers it again.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Lifting first is recomended by most sports trainers for safety reasons. If you get tired when you run, you stop running. If you get tired when you lift, you drop heavy things. The latter can result in injuries depending on where said heavy thing lands.
  • gmelissa91
    i've been wondering this same thing for the longest time, thank for bringing it up!
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm jealous of all you people who get to decide which order to do things like it's a choice! I do what fits into my schedule. I run at lunch and do my strength at about 10 at night after the little one is in bed. I think you just have to try it out different ways and see what you like best and what seems to work for you.

    i agree. right now i really don't have an option of which to do first. i guess my advice would be to do them in the order that you CAN, and then do them in the "correct order" only when you are able. if i waited to do exercise in a certain order, i might certainly not ever do it! :ohwell:
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    Lift first so all your energy is used for it. Doing cardio after doesn't seem to affect anything but if you do it before, you won't have much energy when lifting. It also depends what and how much you're lifting and what your goals are.

    i do cardio first and i find that my lifting isn't affected at all. i can still do the same reps, weight, sets, etc.
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    I will do the weight circuit before cardio. Weights every other day if I do upper and lower body together or everyday if I split upper to one day and lower to the next.
  • Rogertx
    Rogertx Posts: 2
    I'm having good success and i do 35 minutes of cardio on an elliptical. That burns between 525 & 560 calories. I alternate upper body and legs. Abs daily. I go to the gym three to five times per week.