Herbalife Weight Loss Supplements Question

krithsai Posts: 668 Member
Hello fellow MFPers!
I had a question about taking Herbalife Weight Loss Supplements. This is NOT for myself. My mother in law, who lives in India recently met a Herbalife representative who did a full body analysis and told her that she needed to lose a lot of weight. She is diabetic and could certainly stand to lose 15-20 lbs and 10-15% Body Fat. Now this marketer, convinced her that by taking their weight loss supplements, her BF % will go down in no time. Important point to remember, my mother in law has rheumatoid arthritis and her mobility is fairly restricted.

I am highly skeptical about taking supplements to lose weight, especially because 15-20 lbs can be achieved through diet and exercise. While her exercising capabilities are limited, I am sure she can take 1 or 2 walks a day because she's retired and she likes being outside in general. My opinion is that she should try the natural way before jumping into supplements. She seems convinced about the potency of these products because she apparently asked some others who've used it and they have not reported any side effects.

So, my question is, have any of you tried this brand or any other brand of weight loss supplements? What have your results been like? Have you observed any significant side effects? Have you been able to keep the weight off over an extended period of time? Thanks in advance for your answers!


  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    In my opinion weightloss supplements are a rip-off, but if it is working for your mother-in-law good for her. Maybe you can convince her to workout with you? Eventually she'll get off the pills and the weight will just creep back on if she doesn't adapt a healthy lifestyle.
  • I did herbalife - i threw up my first two shakes.

    I had a friend push it on me - i gave the rest to a shelter, thought maybe they could use it as shakes, wince I threw mine up.

    I also have rhuematory arthritis (Fibromyalgia), and see a rhuematologist regularly. I highly doubt he would say that the supplements are ok.

    Herbalife REALLY trys and sells you and they make it wound so good. My friend that sold me mine also said I wouldn't ever have to take my fibro meds again because I would be getting everything my body needs with her plan. Um, no. I actually felt WORSE.

    Also, the minute you go off their "plan" and go back to regular food, you gain. Living off shakes for 2 meals a day is not sustainable. You have every right to question it, because your gut instinct is correct.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    In my opinion weightloss supplements are a rip-off, but if it is working for your mother-in-law good for her. Maybe you can convince her to workout with you? Eventually she'll get off the pills and the weight will just creep back on if she doesn't adapt a healthy lifestyle.

    Actually, she's only started taking them. I really want to be clear about this before she goes in and spends a bunch of money on it. Also, considering that she has other health issues, I am usually very wary about giving her the green light to use artificial supplements- she does rely on me and my husband to research such things.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I did herbalife - i threw up my first two shakes.

    I had a friend push it on me - i gave the rest to a shelter, thought maybe they could use it as shakes, wince I threw mine up.

    I also have rhuematory arthritis (Fibromyalgia), and see a rhuematologist regularly. I highly doubt he would say that the supplements are ok.

    Herbalife REALLY trys and sells you and they make it wound so good. My friend that sold me mine also said I wouldn't ever have to take my fibro meds again because I would be getting everything my body needs with her plan. Um, no. I actually felt WORSE.

    Also, the minute you go off their "plan" and go back to regular food, you gain. Living off shakes for 2 meals a day is not sustainable. You have every right to question it, because your gut instinct is correct.

    Wow...thanks for your story. It is very useful for me to hear from someone with a condition similar to her's. I am definitely going to show her this post.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    People rarely seem to keep weight loss off when it is due from supplements and that is assuming the supplements even work.
    Plus, most people dont even know that the weight loss pill industry is not regulated by the FDA so you have no way of knowing the effects the ingredients of those pills will have on your body.

    Everyone I know who managed to lose weight taking pills wound up gaining it back once they stopped. These pills dont teach you the proper way to eat so once the pills are gone you are still eating the same crap that made you fat to begin with. Same as those delivery meal plans. There was a craze in my office where 4 women were doing Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. They all lost weight. They all gained it back within a year. When you dont have to think about what you are eating, when you dont have to cook, then you never learn.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    The problem with my mother in law is quite interesting. She had some un-addressed gynecological issues for several years as a result of which, she gained a lot of weight. What makes it interesting is that she's a poor eater. I can confidently say that she eats no more than 1000 calories a day, not because she's weight conscious, but that's just her appetite. Once her gynec issues were addressed and treated, she lost a lot of weight, but she's still only half way to the right weight.

    I was not aware that weight loss supplements are not FDA regulated - thanks for that piece of info. I guess I'm going to have to teach her to eat a little better including some nutritious, caloric dense foods. Thanks for the replies.
  • Ive been doing Herbalife for a couple of months now.
    Have several health issues and over wieght.

    I have lost to date33 pounds.. at first I was only having a shake every now and then.
    THen went to one everydayfor breakfast with my tea and aloe.
    I have also started seeing a nutritionist and my doc is on board to help.

    They both Love Herbalife and several of the nurses at the Mayo clinic here in town use it as well.
    Today I signed up to start selling it, Mainly to get my discount!

    I feel great!!! I have started at th gym (not going much) and started swinning (for the Low impact)
    All my number have come way down and now I only take meds for my hoshimotos and triglicerides!!
    My cholestrol has dropped to almost half of what it was!!

    I recomend it 100% altho as with any plan I feel you should talk it over with your doc. and a good diet and excersize is always a good thing..

    There is no miracle drug out there to make you lose wieght. You habits will have to change.

    Keep in mind that your body needs the calories and you shouldn't ever go lower than your doc recomends.. I am at 1100 and that is a low number....

    Good luck to you all :)
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    1100? Sigh..............
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I had a friend use Herbalife. I took a look at the material, and along with the supplements it is expected that you eat balanced, document what you eat and drink your water every day.

    She did lose weight, and it was noticeable. I have no doubts that the weight loss could have been achieved by just doing the healthy eating and drinking water. She no longer could keep up with the payments for the supplements and stopped. When she stopped the supplements, she stopped the healthy eating and gained back everything and then some.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member

    Today I signed up to start selling it, Mainly to get my discount!

    Congratulations, they won!
    The goal all along is not to get you thin, because once you are thin you will stop buying product.
    The goal is to recruit as many 'distributors" as possible.
    Another proven story of the success of Multi-Level-Marketing, also known as pyramid schemes.