What can I do with an avocado?



  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Avocado and crab salad. One avocado one four ounce container of crab meat one red onion tbsp of cilantro squeeze one lime. Mix together. Eat on wheat thins or low fat crackers. YUM
  • king6083
    king6083 Posts: 30
    Scrambled eggs on a tortilla topped with a little avo, cheese and green salsa. Great Mexican breakfast. Or simply fry up an egg or two and throw some avo on them then top the whole works with some salsa. I prefer the Herdez brand salsa for the later combination. Something about it just works better with the yolk and avocado for my taste buds.
  • tashtranquillo
    another addict!! avacado can be used in anything. spreads are easiest but i also make a warm pasta salad with sundried tomatos, mushrooms, corn and avacado chunks. you don't need a dresing just lemon and salt to taste.. yummyumm
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i make a salad/ salsa type concoction of equal parts of diced tomato, red onion, and avacado. i use spicy brown mustard, lime juice, and black pepper as the dressing. (you only need a little bit of mustard). i eat it with a fork, stuff wraps with it, or eat it with whole grain crackers and chips. yummmmmm
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    Scrambled eggs on a tortilla topped with a little avo, cheese and green salsa. Great Mexican breakfast. Or simply fry up an egg or two and throw some avo on them then top the whole works with some salsa. I prefer the Herdez brand salsa for the later combination. Something about it just works better with the yolk and avocado for my taste buds.

    This sounds AMAZING! too bad my digestion does not agree with eggs. :grumble: great idea though! i'm sure my friends would love to try this.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Great ideas...........how do you keep it from browning if you don't eat it all at once?

    I cut it in half and leave the stone in one side and wrap in cling film and keep in the fridge did that 2 days ago and it hasnt turned brown.

    My fave ,griddle some chicken and bacon then put a couple of slices of wholemeal or your fave bread in the griddle pan then top with the chicken ,bacon and avocado its to die for .
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Add me to the addict list! I eat 1/2 of one every day. I chop it up in my salad, put it in wraps or just eat it plain.

    I put the unused half in a tupperware in the fridge it's good for a couple days.


  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    so many great ideas, I'm getting hungry!
    how about raw chocolate pudding!

    using a blender, add 1 avocado, a couple dates, and some carob powder.

    also I make a raw sauce/dip
    using a blender, add 1 avocado, 1 tomato, 1 red pepper, garlic, onion, a bit of lemon juice. you can add hot pepper too if you like
    you can serve on regular pasta or spaghetti squash or shredded raw zucchini,
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm not sure what you'd name this dish I concocted, but it's delightful!

    Cut the avo in half, remove pit. Peel off the skin and place the slices in a bowl slather heavily with chipotle tabasco. Mix together low sodium black beans and corn, microwave it with a sprinkle of cheese, and layer that mixture over the top of the avocado. add more chipotle (I love that stuff!!!) and gobble it all up with a spoon. I use my spoon to carve off a chunk of the avocado and pick up the beans and corn at the same time.

    So yummy.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    you can also keep the pit (seed) in the alvacado and take slices off it. The seed has natural enzymes that keep it from browning. I have kept one alvacado green for over a week with this techique as i sliced off my portions.
  • NeNaBeAr
    NeNaBeAr Posts: 13
    Quick snack, Love Avocados and I love snacks :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    tomatillo guac

    8 firm tomatillos (husked, rinsed, then cooked dry in a skillet until browned and beginning to soften)
    onion (1/2, chopped(
    an avocado

    Whirl tomatillos and avocado in a food processor. Stir in chopped onion & cilantro (to taste). I serve this over brown rice and steamed broccoli. My husband likes it over chicken and brown rice. It'd probably be good with fish, too....
  • axekicker
    I was just wondering about avacado recipes today; I've put it on sandwiches but was wondering what else I could do. Thanks for the posts guys!
  • pinkandloopy
    Great ideas...........how do you keep it from browning if you don't eat it all at once?
    wrap them in a damp paper towel and they'll stay fresh and green for about 2 days :smile:
  • chiklit
    chiklit Posts: 2
    sliced avocado, sliced strawberries. mix juice of one lemon, teaspoon or two of honey, salt and pepper, splash of olive oil- mix and pour over avocado and strawberries. yummy! try it!
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    Don't you mean what CAN'T you do with an avocado? Wraps, pizzas, salads, sandwiches. If you'd put anything creamy (sour cream, cream cheese, mayonnaise) in or on it, you can substitute avocado, likely.

    My favorite combo is chicken, swiss, and avocado. What's really yummy is a little slice of avocado on a Triscuit with a tiny dash of pepper. MMMM!!

    OMG trying the triscuit/avocado/pepper thing asap! YUM!
  • Shawna35
    Shawna35 Posts: 65
    I love avocado too. Dice it up on a salad with craisins and goat cheese. Mmmmm.... I also love sandwiches with sliced avacado layered on some spicy hummus.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Something only Australians would understand - vegemite toast with avocado. Used to have it every morning for breakfast. Vegemite is very salty, so goes extremely well with the avo.
