Please help...hurt my back.



  • GraceB2God
    GraceB2God Posts: 8 Member
    Very true, no need to be rude, this can happen to anybody... Definitely consult a Medical Physician.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    When I injured my back (at work) I ended up with PT, Traction, the works..

    One thing my Dr told me - dont ever take so much pain meds, you can't feel the pain, because you need to feel if you start to overdo things

    They also had me do this "cat" exercise, even when freshly injured, on all fours, slowly rase your back (like a cat arching its back) - only as far as you can go, then slowly let it drop, past horizontal so your belly hamgs down, rinse, repeat.. only as much as you can deal with - it strengthens the basic muscles

    BUT that said, go see a Dr, like.. now?

    If I were the OP, I would do nothing but rest and take antiinflammatories if she can tolerate them. I would do no exercise. There are many exercises that can be prescribed once the problem is diagnosed, but this could be a ruptured disk.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I agree with everything that was previously said. If you're in that much pain go to the emergency room. It could be more serious than you thought. You only have one back so it's better to be safe than sorry. And I would see a doctor first too.

    As for your fear you need to remind yourself why you decided to get the weight off. Tell yourself that everyday. The mind is powerful and can bring to pass what you tell it. If you keep telling yourself that you are trying to lose weight because of X, this is just a setback and you are going to get right back on the exercise band wagon as soon as you're better then chances are you will do it. Take the time to find out what's wrong, do what you need to do to get better and then start back doing whatever you can until you can do more. You want this for a reason so don't let an injury stop you permanently.

    Good luck to you and I hope you feel better really soon.

    I agree with this.
  • GraceB2God
    GraceB2God Posts: 8 Member
    lifting rule no. 2 lifiting; strengthen the core (abs)
    ignore your limbs for at least 8 months and f'n strengthen your core.

    get a personal trainer since you have no idea what you are doing and can't seem to exercise without serious pain and now have a possible life altering or serious injury.

    that's my professional "help" for you.

    ps, ICE not heat. heat causes inflamation and pain. Duh.
    go the the ER if you can't walk.

    No need to be so rude, really??? The woman's in pain!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You need to go to the ER and get a referral to a good orthopedist. Don't go to the chiropractor, like so many have said. If the orthopedist thinks your injury is the sort that would benefit from physical therapy, he will make those recommendations.

    I'm really sorry and hope you feel better soon.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    What kind or exercises were you doing? You may have hurt yourself lifting, but the straw that broke the camel's back was lifting the laundry basket. Sounds like a muscle strain.
  • ZealousZamboni
    Medically, everyone is blowing the oxy thing out of proportion. Dosages are available online to prevent accidental overdose, and so long as you use them only when in pain and only until seeing a doctor, you should be fine assuming it is for the short term. However, when you do see him/her, you should indicate that you have taken them, how much, and how often. It might be embarrassing, but any prescriber should know of past use of narcotics, opiates, and opioids when diagnosing a new injury.

    Legally, use of a prescription that does not belong to you is quite bad. Keep your ear to the ground and mind that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery as this is most often how people get caught doing such things if you feel that you can't make it until you see your doctor without the meds.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor a registered nurse, nor a pharmacologist. The above does not constitute medical nor legal advice.

    Additionally, ice is suggested for the first 24 hours, as is compression and (in the case of extremities) elevation. After the first 24 hours, heat is suggested to increase blood flow and allow nutrients to reach the site to heal it.

    P.S. See a damn doctor, love.

    Be healthy, be safe, swift recovery.
  • sterven
    sterven Posts: 12
    Soemtimes a little rest is just as good.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Medically, everyone is blowing the oxy thing out of proportion. Dosages are available online to prevent accidental overdose, and so long as you use them only when in pain and only until seeing a doctor, you should be fine assuming it is for the short term. However, when you do see him/her, you should indicate that you have taken them, how much, and how often. It might be embarrassing, but any prescriber should know of past use of narcotics, opiates, and opioids when diagnosing a new injury.

    Legally, use of a prescription that does not belong to you is quite bad. Keep your ear to the ground and mind that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery as this is most often how people get caught doing such things if you feel that you can't make it until you see your doctor without the meds.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor a registered nurse, nor a pharmacologist. The above does not constitute medical nor legal advice.

    Additionally, ice is suggested for the first 24 hours, as is compression and (in the case of extremities) elevation. After the first 24 hours, heat is suggested to increase blood flow and allow nutrients to reach the site to heal it.

    P.S. See a damn doctor, love.

    Be healthy, be safe, swift recovery.

    I take oxy for depression.
  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the advice!

    To relieve your mind about the brother is a urologist and my sister-in-law is a pediatrician - my dad spoke with them before he brought me the meds. They both said it would be fine until Monday - he only brought me 6.

    I am waiting until tomorrow to see how I feel. I can walk now with the meds....still hurts but not crazy bad. If it is still bad tomorrow, I am going to urgent care.

    As for doctor vs. chiropractor, I think I have to go to the doctor first to be covered by my insurance. Either way, I do believe in a good chiropractor. I used to think they were complete quacks, but I hurt my back moving, about 15 years ago, and went to a chiro after the doctor, and he did an adjustment that immediately relieved the pain. Gave me some exercises, etc., and sent me on my way. He did try to set up monthly appointments, but I declined. I have never had a back injury since. (until now)

    For the young lady who stated I had no idea what I was doing....first, you need to work on your manners. Second, I work out in a weight lifting class with trained leaders....they are very particular about technique. The place I did not use proper technique was while picking up the laundry. It happens. Settle down.

    Oh...and according to WebMD, heat is somewhat proven to help relieve lower back pain, while ice has shown no clinical significance...please be sure to research before you say "duh" to me....

    I am really surprised that someone would be rude in here - a place where we are supposed to support each other....

    Again, to everyone who was posting helpful information, thank you so very much...especially for the inspiration that I can keep going!
  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member
    WebMD link:

    Oh...and I very well may be overdoing it with exercise. I do the weightlifting M,W, F....and on M/F I also do the spin class. T/TH I do the elliptical. It is a lot, but it makes me feel great (well, until now...)
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Absolutely everything written below! I've had two herniated ("ruptured") discs - just woke up one morning in extreme pain. Despite what webMD says, ice is a better option if there is inflammation. Increased swelling can result in nerve damage - heat FEELS better, but cold reduces swelling. An MRI is a really really good idea before seeing a chiropractor - a chiropractor cannot fix a herniated disc. For me, it took an MRI, a 3 week course of steroids followed by prescription strength NSAIDs, icing daily, and then a couple of rounds of PT (including exercises similar to the below stretches) and 2 years of waiting before the nerve damage (numbness, pain, burning, foot drop) was repaired.
    One day last October, I slipped getting into the shower and caught myself in a strange twisted position. Like you, I had to crawl around for days in agony. Here is what I've learned from my experience.

    1) Hurting your back is nothing to take lightly. I'd get an MRI and see a real doctor before letting chiro twist on it. Nothing against chiro's, but I went to one first and made mine worse. When the back is inflamed, you don't want to go jerking it around more. Chiro's are great for that nagging "catch" we sometimes get from sleeping wrong.. not so good when you've really hurt yourself IMHO.

    2) ICE! no heat! .... heat brings blood to the affected area and increases inflammation, which squeezes those tender nerves. Get a reusable ice pack from the store, and lay on it religiously for 15 min intervals. I had 3 docs tell me this and found they were right.

    3) Stretch slowly as much as possible. There are a handful of them I do every day now to keep the pain at bay.

    4) Aleve or Ibuprofen work ok, but they tore up my stomach. Doc gave me an RX for a coated naproxen tablet that I keep on me at all times. Like 3x the over the counter dosage, without the tummy trouble. It may take something stronger to reduce the inflammation which causes the pain.

    Here are some stretches to "try".....don't do anything that makes it worse.

    Knee sway -- Lie on the back, knees up and together. Slowly rock the knees from side to side. Only as far as you can go without pain. Keep back firm against the floor while you do this. It loosens up the hip and lower back.

    Pelvic tilt -- lie on back in same position as above. Knees up. Slowly rock your pelvis up and towards the rib cage while tightening your tummy. Do NOT raise up the butt. Hold and release down. Keep low back firm against floor. Do a few of these.

    Knee hug -- now that you are looser and still on your back with knees, slowly take one knee up and grab with your hands. Hug your knee gently towards your core, Hold and release. Do other knee. That stretches out lower back too.

    Those 3 with ice got me to standing upright again. After that physical therapy got me straight. With that said, you should avoid working out until you are healed.

    For me, I rushed it and jumped on the elliptical and put myself back at square one for another month. Even now, the elliptical is not my friend and will cause a flare up (I avoid it now). You never realize how precious your back is until you mess it up.

    Take care and see a doc sooner than later.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    I am really surprised that someone would be rude in here - a place where we are supposed to support each other....

    You're new here aren't you? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, what passes for rude here is quite tame (unless you're proposing some VLCD or encouraging eating disordered behaviour), if you want to see rude go to scuba forum, tell them you just got Open Water certified and completed a 240ft deep dive on air. Sit back and watch the fireworks!

    I hope your back issue gets resolved quickly; even if you have to take some time off to recover don't get discouraged, adopting a healthier, fitter lifestyle is a marathon not a sprint.
  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member

    According to everything I am reading, either is fine. Not much definitive research on either when it comes to lower back injuries... Definitely worth researching!
  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member
    Steve, that's my first line of defense...not going to get all worried and upset until Monday. It felt a tad better this morning than it did last night. Hoping it will feel a bit better tomorrow, too.

  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Brian!

    I learned my lesson!
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    As for the ice vs. heat... do what works for you. I just know I did heat and it didn't help me. The ice pack did. When I went to physical therapy, they used ice packs. Chiro told me ice. Ortho said ice. From what I read, it numbs out the nerves that are pulsing to cause pain. It may not help it "heal" but it will ease the pain. In the end, what worked for me, might not work for you. Good luck.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I had no back problems ....until one day I bent over to pick up a bucket of paint and something went terribly wrong. Like you. I had to crawl around. I was in bed for several days...crawling to the bathroom was agony! I finally got well enough to lay in a reclining chair. Took 2 weeks till I felt well enough to walk around and STILL the pain wasnt gone.

    BABY your back! To heck with the exercising right now. If you aggravate it, you may end up a LOT worse. When I had sciatica last year, I couldn't exercise for a month....I survived. You will too.

    ETA - I would suggest an MRI. DONT let anyone manipulate your back until you know what actually happened. If you ruptured a disc, you don't want to make it worse.

    this! been there too and if you did what I did, the chiro will not help with this

    get it checked out!
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    As for the ice vs. heat... do what works for you. I just know I did heat and it didn't help me. The ice pack did. When I went to physical therapy, they used ice packs. Chiro told me ice. Ortho said ice. From what I read, it numbs out the nerves that are pulsing to cause pain. It may not help it "heal" but it will ease the pain. In the end, what worked for me, might not work for you. Good luck.

    yep try both, ice did not help me at all but heat does help my muscles to relax and stop the spasms
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Medically, everyone is blowing the oxy thing out of proportion. Dosages are available online to prevent accidental overdose, and so long as you use them only when in pain and only until seeing a doctor, you should be fine assuming it is for the short term. However, when you do see him/her, you should indicate that you have taken them, how much, and how often. It might be embarrassing, but any prescriber should know of past use of narcotics, opiates, and opioids when diagnosing a new injury.

    Legally, use of a prescription that does not belong to you is quite bad. Keep your ear to the ground and mind that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery as this is most often how people get caught doing such things if you feel that you can't make it until you see your doctor without the meds.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor a registered nurse, nor a pharmacologist. The above does not constitute medical nor legal advice.

    Additionally, ice is suggested for the first 24 hours, as is compression and (in the case of extremities) elevation. After the first 24 hours, heat is suggested to increase blood flow and allow nutrients to reach the site to heal it.

    P.S. See a damn doctor, love.

    Be healthy, be safe, swift recovery.

    why on earth would it be embarrassing?

    I take oxycodone for my back for a few years now. My doc and I monitor my usage. He gives me 30 and usually I am not out of those for 6 months. I only take them if I have a flare up which is becoming less and less often :) usually once or twice a year now

    taking pain killers is not embarrassing :)