I think my medication is holding my weight loss back.

sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
I'm on three medications right now, abilify, celexa and synthroid and have been on the former two since February. This is when my weight loss petered out. I've been able to only lose weight upon starving myself and even then it's only been a meager three pounds. I've been able to gain weight ironically enough.

I was eating 1200 at first, being a noob, and eating back at least half of my exercise calories. I was working out only a half hour every other day....if that.

I've raised my calories by a hundred after reviewing the road map and am working out between half an hour and fifty minutes for five to six days a week. I'm drinking up to ten cups of water and am eating clean for the most part with some junk food here and there only if it fits into my caloric budget.

Before I went on these medications I had no problem whatsoever losing weight, even if it was at a slow pace due to my thyroid being on the lower side of normal.

My psychiatrist isn't concerned but I am incredibly frustrated and I don't know what to do.

Does anyone have any experience with this?



  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I'm right there with ya!
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Yup.... Wellburtrin, Effexor and Rispiridone. I was on celexa for a while but it triggered my heart problems so I went off. I know it makes weight loss hard.

    When I started my latest combo a year ago, I put weight on FAST. Not a lot, but more than I was OK with. I was running and eating well for the most part, but the weight kept coming on, not off.

    It IS POSSIBLE to lose weight on these meds, but I'm sorry to say, it will be 10 X harder. They slow your metabolism and make you feel fatiqued easily. For the most part, I'm not even motivated to do any exercise. It's a mental battle with yourself. In April, my weight was up to 141 and I knew I had to fight. There's no coming off the meds. I signed up for a few races this summer so I had something to work towards. I train hard 5 days a week and I'm very strict about my calories and making sure none of them are empty calories. I even quit drinking. I'm down a few pounds now (3 months later) and I have a few more to go. The weight is coming off slower than I would like, but that is something you and I have to accept. It just won't be as easy for us...but like I said...IT"S POSSIBLE!!!

    Just stay focused and work harder than those around you!

    Also - your calorie goal might be too low. I don't trust MFP to set mine. Check out Scooby's Workshop and see what it says there.

    Hope this helps :)

    Feel free to add me on here and we can keep each other motivated!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    I was on the generics of Zoloft and Synthroid for the first 15 pounds of my current weight loss--I've probably lost another 5 pounds since going off the Zoloft. It may be trickier to lose weight, but it is doable.

    It seems like some people do better weight-wise on different meds--is switching to another drug something you can discuss with your doctor?
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    I am on Zoloft and was convinced the weight I gained was caused by it. I changed my diet and excersized daily and have lost almost 20 lbs since the end of April. Don't get me wrong, perhaps you need to switch to a different medication.... It might just not react to your body as well as another may. It took me a good couple of weeks to actually see a loss though. Don't get discouraged, if it continues with this pattern I would deff consider speaking to your doctor about switching medications :)

    Btw, Im not that close to reaching my goal yet, but just to let you know it is doable !
  • TinyChestnut
    I take wellbutrin, adderall, xanax and ambien. But as I am feeling like my old self again, it is getting better, but no matter what never give up.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    I lost nearly 40 while taking Effexor. I went off for another reason, and a year later when I was spiraling into depression, I realized that the weight loss stopped with out the mess. I think losing weight is possible. Build motivation. Get some healthy highs from vigorous exercise. You can do it :-)
  • Dort68
    Dort68 Posts: 36 Member
    Check out the EM2WL (eat more to weigh less) group here on MFP. With a thyroid issue, it is likely you might need to feed your metabolism to get it going again.

    I have been on Armour Thyroid for 15+ years. I have been on an SSRI for 3 years. They are not the cause of my weight gain, nor are they the reason that I "struggle" to lose the weight.

    I am the reason. i put food in my mouth. I didn't exercise. It's my fault, not the fault of my meds.