Obese and going for Healthy

Hi guys, my weight loss story is a long and complex roller coaster, i've been from 180 to 106 and more recently back up to 270. It has to stop, i need to keep it off and im looking for friends. I hit 270 and something just clicked in me. Its the closest to 300lbs i have ever been and i refuse to hit that.

Im restricting pretty hard, i need to get into an exercise routine but the more the merrier on this journey. please add me or comment here so i can add you.

I have had a variety of ed's too so if anyone needs to talk or can relate to binge/over eating or anorexia i'd love to meet you.


  • VachterBrandon
    VachterBrandon Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I've been obese since probably the 3rd grade, It has been hard on my body but I was always active (doing strength training and lifting weights, football, ect.) but now that I'm in college I've had enough. At the end of my senior year of high school football I was 300lbs, now the summer before my sophomore year of college I'm at about 350lbs. I'm really looking for that life change that will be a positive impact on the rest of my life.

    I recently altered my diet with a type of "lean and green" where I only eat lean meats and a double portion of veggies at meals as well as started the Insanity workout a week ago.

    Overeating has always been hard but I feel like I may be getting it under control.
  • christinabradford75
    Will send you a request as soon as I'm done typing this. I too am looking for some friends on here. I have a few of my "real life" friends on here but nobody who is really using the site regularly. I'll be 33 in a month and a half. I started yo-yoing when I was a teen. As an adult I have weighed as little as 170 and as much as 303. I started changing my diet and lifestyle just less than 12 weeks ago and have lost 37.8 lbs as of yesterday. I am bound and determined to get 150lbs off of my body and to keep it off for good!
  • ryl217
    ryl217 Posts: 61 Member
    I will definitely send a request. I log daily and have been on here since the beginning of January, and for the first time I think I'm really seeing a difference not just in my weight but how my thinking has changed in regards to my eating habits and what I really need. I have been 250 and this is the first time in I have no clue when I've been out of the 200's. I've also lost close to 50lbs before then gained back over 30. This is probably the longest and most consistent I've ever been with my weight loss.
    Anyone else feel free to add me as well, the more motivation the better!
  • lace9and9ink
    Thank you guys for responding! There is nothing like a good support group :D I cant wait for results and im happy to be here for you all too.