Hello! Support needed!

BigGail Posts: 465 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody. I'm 37, married with 2 children aged three and five. I'm a qualified masseuse and reiki healer, and I'm learning to read tarot too. I'm pretty much happy with everything in my life apart from that huge woman who's hanging around all the time - she shows up every time I look in the mirror and she's starting to really get on my nerves! ;-)
I have the support of my hubby and a good friend at work too, but I know I'll need loads of encouragement if I'm gonna crack this once and for all. I love a good laugh and a chat, but I do feel a bit isolated at times because we live out in the sticks and have no childcare, so we don't get to go out much. I think being part of an online community is just the ticket!
I go to work in an office, and hubby is at home with the children, so money is very tight and going to the gym or whatever is not an option. I have recently discovered yoga and I love it! I do Hatha (which is quite relaxed) and Forrest (which is quite intense and makes me sweat buckets) and I also cycle to and from work which is about 6 miles a day, so I don't do too bad for exercise. I can, however, eat for England! The reason I'm fat is because I eat too much - end of story! I love food, sweet, savoury, whatever - bring it on!
Please get in touch - I'm really gonna need the help, and maybe we can help each other out.


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome, this site is packed full of support.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Im just the same, im overweight because I love food. So heres a bit of encouragement from someone else who can eat for england. Its no good saying dont eat it, that just makes it worse... Just try to change what your eating... It will make a difference. Ive lost 1.5 stones so far. Just keep at it.
  • rachnado
    rachnado Posts: 16 Member
    We can be on this weight loss journey together. I know you can do it and I will too.
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