Can i really eat this and not count it?!



  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you're following a strict tracking plan, which may be because you don't eat moderately or are educating yourself about the calorie content of foods, you should track everything. Your nutritionist has suggested a streamlined approach that works for some people.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    The list also says some sauces are like 1TBSP ketchup, mustard etc... whatever that has less than 20kcal and 5 g carbs per serving

    I try my best to log everything. My thinking is that 20 calories here, 15 there, add up after a while.....
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It all adds up. I count everything, that way I know how many calories I am consuming.
  • JackB121
    JackB121 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, sauces and such I'd definitely log, they add up. But personally I do not count fibrous vegetables, i.e. broccoli, spinach, onion, pepper... As long as I consume reasonable amounts. Then again, I'm currently trying to gain weight... but even when I was on a fat loss plan, I didn't get too crazy with counting the veggies. If you aren't reaching your weight loss goals, you can be sure it isn't because of the vegetables in your diet. Make sure to count starchy vegetables though, like corn and peas.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It seems reasonable to me, and would make logging a little easier. It will mean that your total for the day is not entirely accurate, but it really depends if you're bothered about that and if it affects you. If you average, say, 50 calories a day of free foods, it's not going to make a HUGE difference to your progress. If not having to log everything makes you more likely to stick to the diet, then it may be a good thing!
  • SkepticallyFit
    It's good to log as much as you can, but if logging becomes a chore than you'll be more likely to quit. If hypertension is not an issue for you and or if your diet is only moderate in sodium as it is, then logging mustard or pickles or olives because of the sodium may be counterproductive.

    For me, I have no issues with blood pressure no matter how much sodium I consume, so I don't bother. Makes life easier.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    consistency is more important than accuracy
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member

  • andresconejo
    andresconejo Posts: 264
    Yeah for example, today i added to my smart bagel a tsp of mayo that per a tbsp has 12 calories, I aint gonna count that! Or a 1/4" tomatoe slice that would be ridiculous, another thing i never log is lettuce because a cup is like 5cals and i never get to eat a whole cup of lettuce..
    However, ill try my best to log every sauce and food maybe omit mustard and spinach, peppers , onion, lettuce... except if i have them in big pprtions..Anyway, i dont wanna loose more weight so i think its ok
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    The list also says some sauces are like 1TBSP ketchup, mustard etc... whatever that has less than 20kcal and 5 g carbs per serving

    there was a comic strip, can't find it now.
    the dog is carrying a tray loaded with tiny desserts. cat asks him "didn't your doctor tell you to avoid sweets?" - "well, the doctor said: 'sweets only in small portions' "

    all those 20 cals will add up :wink:
  • Mystic_Potato
    Mystic_Potato Posts: 57 Member


    me too!
  • djfldjfl
    djfldjfl Posts: 26 Member
    There are no free foods. Some foods are essentially calorie-neutral in that your body burns more energy processing the food than is actually in the food. However, all food-burning requires energy, so all foods should be tracked.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If it has calories in it, log it. This isn't weight watchers, this is a lifestyle change.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    There are a few things I don't bother logging. Things like a piece of gum or half a tsp of cinnamon won't make or break my weight loss. I do log vegetables and stuff though. I just let gum and spices slide.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I don't log Black Coffee or Lettuce , I log everything else.

    I only drink about 3/4 of a cup of black coffee a day and that's only around 5 to 7 calories. As for lettuce , a cup has 5 calories and I rarely have a full cup. But I make sure to be at least 20 to a 100 calories under to provide some padding for some inaccuracy .
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    That's why there are nutritionists and registered dieticians.....

    If you're counting calories they all count. Think about it this way..........if you had 10lbs to lose you could accomplish this (assuming you were eating at maintenance before) in a year through a 100 cal / day deficit. On the other hand (and this is probably true for may of us who have had our weight creep up over the years) it only takes a 100 cal / day surplus to put on 10lbs in a year.

    Very poor advice......condiments can add up very quickly on a daily basis.
  • Mom2Lizzy
    Mom2Lizzy Posts: 23
    Even when I did WW, they recommended that you limit free (non-nutritional) foods to 3 servings per day. Ie., fat free cool whip, sugar free jello, salsa... Otherwise, you need to count them.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I would say it's the tracking that is important so do whatever is necessary to track your intake (and if you mentally add 20 cal to your end of day count who cares?). Outside of that Ketchup is a big calorie addition because who eats just a tablespoon and what are you eating it on or with? Unless you are no kidding only doing a tablespoon then add otherwise, don't. I tend to add them I don't have a laundry list of food to input. Otherwise I make note of it mentally.

    Of course.. I am just getting back into logging... so, I could be setting a bad example. :tongue:
  • sterven
    sterven Posts: 12
    Log everything. 2000 calories is 2000 calories so if you are eating 900 carrots a day it wont do any good lol
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Everything counts but everything is an estimate. You are aiming for a diary of reasonable estimates that gives you a good record of what you ate so you can assess its effect on you. A diary is also a memory aid even if you don't look back at it. So, the fact that I logged the cinnamon I put on my cottage cheese this morning is more to reinforce in my head that a good alternative way to "dress" my morning cottage cheese is with raisins (which I also logged) and cinnamon. I used less than the 1/4 tsp. that added up to two calories but those two calories, more or less, will not make or break my aim for the right amount of calories today so I didn't worry about exact measuring the cinnamon but I weighed the raisins & cottage cheese.