Is it ok to treat yourself once a week?

yellowcorvettegirl Posts: 50
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a TREMENDOUS sweet tooth! I knew when I started this site that I would have to be accountable for everything I put in my mouth, so I decided to cut way back on my sugar intake. I have eliminated sweet tea from my diet since it is empty calories. I have gone from eating dessert every night to treating myself to an indulgent dessert once a week. Is this a bad thing? I am afraid if I don't get my sugar "fix" once a week, then I will be unbearable to live with! LOL What do you guys think?


  • horchler
    horchler Posts: 10
    If you start to develop a major craving, just try a smaller serving. Or, I do things like FiberOne bars and other stuff that's sweet to quell the craving.
  • i see no reason why that wouldnt be ok. I am the same way...i just found other sweets that replace those bad treats i used to eat. fruits are great in my opinion. anyways once in a while is not a big deal! :o)
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    I think you have amazing will power to go once a week! Seriously tho, I think having a "cheat" day for lack of a better term is good. That way you are less likely to binge because you think you can't have it. I like the idea of the FiberOne bars, they are really sweet!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    as long as you're not going over your calorie, fat and sugar allowances, go for it. If you already know this is a weakness for you, building it into your plan will help you stay on longer and lose the weight. Good Luck!!!
  • Thanks guys for the good ideas!!!!
  • I think it's important to schedule treats into your plan - not every day but something to look forward to. If you know that in just a few XX you can have your treat, you will behave - if you think you can never have it, that's all you'll think about. If you start thinking I want..I want, I can't..I can't - what are you probably thinking? But if you tell yourself - just a little bit longer, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you stay on goal and feel proud of yourself. But just make sure that the treat fits into your calorie intake - shave off a little here and a little there so that the treat works.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    yes yes yes!!!! =)

    Sundays are my free days where I eat whatever I'm in the mood for and not be concerned about cals.

    Life is too short to not enjoy food!

    Someone who is on a strict diet or eating 100% clean my get better weight loss results but it's also about moderation. Banishing food can actually hinder you weight loss! (seen it on the Doctors) Once you finally cave into your craving you may consume more of it.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Personally I feel like an indulgent dessert once in awhile is fine, as long as you plan for it and limit yourself to a moderate portion size.

    That said, you may want to try finding alternatives to traditional sugary desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth. For example, I've started making soft-serve banana "ice cream" - you throw frozen banana slices into a food processor until the turn into the consistency of ice cream. There are also recipes like black bean brownies (sounds odd, but quite amazingly delicious!), yogurt with cinnamon mixed in and a little fruit added, and tons of other sweet desserts that are MUCH healthier for you. I'm trying to significantly limit the amount of added sugars/preservatives/artificial anything I'm eating, so I'm trying to get creative with my treats so that I don't feel deprived but I also don't put stuff into my body that I really don't want to consume any more.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I think as long as you account for it calorie wise it is a great idea. It is easier to stick with the healthy eating if you know every 7 days you can have a treat. You also might want to look into lower fat, lower calorie versions of what you like. es, I love ice cream I use to eat it almost everyday , now I only eat it a few times a week but I dont eat the real stuff I found alternatives such as the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and the klondike bar slim bars (these are really good)
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I allow myself those indulgences nearly daily. I love chocolate, and I'm pretty certain I need it to survive ;-) However, what I did was start to keep the 100 calories snack packs in my home. That way I know I'll be able to fit it into my calorie plan and still get a small piece of something I enjoy.

    I am, however, planning to have a 100% free day on my birthday! Totally looking forward to that :-)
  • crc822001
    crc822001 Posts: 19 Member
    I am the same way. I have a friend that splits the sweets with me, that way I don't feel like I have cheated entirely. I also try to drink a cup of water when the craving isn't too bad, that normally curbs it for me.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I wouldnt do a whole day, but I dont see a problem, with it in with your calories, maybe do it and go workout the same day to burn the calories back off
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, in fact, a lot of people believe (I'm one of them) it's better if you do! If you're "dieting" and not "allowed" to eat certain things...those are the things you will crave most. We're natural rebels, it's just the way we are... so don't disallow something...just disallow how MUCH. Like me... I don't eat fast food but occasionally when there's nothing else, I'll eat it. I don't beat myself up because there was probably a good reason why I ate it and I don't eat it often enough to screw up my healthy eating habits. I've read a lot of athletes go by 80% healthy eating and 20% cheats. I have ice cream in the fridge but I make sure it fits into my calories and I LOG it. I don't feel bad because I know I could be eating something worse, as in...half the tub like I used to!!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Allowing myself one day a week to eat what I wanted is why I have no lost 122lbs and counting. I plan a day of a calorie surplus to stay out of starvation mode and I have donuts, ice cream, pizza, or whatever I want that day. I try to eat about 2X my BMR or for myself I have between 5,000-7,000 calories. So there is a lot for fun. Most women are usually between 3,000-4,000 on that day.

    I wrote a blog post on why it is important if you care to check it out.

    So yes enjoy it.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    If you are looking for something to crave a sweet tooth, just make a smart choice on that sweet item. The FiberOne bars are really, really good. I also eat the slim fast 100 calories snack bars. There a couple of flavors that are truly tasty.

    I also happen to be an advocate of taking a cheat day. I just think it really helps me to have a reward at the end of the week. I still try and make smart eating choices, but let myself have a glass of soda instead of water and i am pretty much dedicated to BBQ'ing on Saturday night!
  • Wow! Congrats on your weight loss! How long did it take you?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    When I first started, I also had a MAJOR sweet tooth. I had to stop. I didn't allow myself to have any chocolate candy (my biggest problem) for nearly 3 months. I DID, however, allow myself to have a low calorie sweet treat a few times each week. I chose diet soda cupcakes (pour a can of diet soda into a box of cake mix, mix, and then bake into 24 cupcakes. About 90 cals each depending on the cake mix you use, and super yummy).

    I was straight up addicted to candy and baked goods & sugar in general. I had to break the addiction just like any other kind of addiction. I'm at a point now (almost a year later) where reasonable portion sizes are second nature to me. So, I can have ONE square of chocolate or a small handful of fruity candy or whatever and been perfectly satisfied. Like a good little non-addict. :tongue:

    It was a long road to get to where I am now and sometimes I forget that. So, with that in mind, I say it's okay to "treat" yourself. But make sure you do it in a way that reinforces appropriate portion sizes and moderation. :smile:
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Wow! Congrats on your weight loss! How long did it take you?

    Thank you, I lost 100lbs in 11 months.
    Since then I have been "bodybuilding" and improving weekly. My goal is get as lean as physically possible and maintain it without depriving myself of the foods I love to eat. So far I am on track. :)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Personally I feel like an indulgent dessert once in awhile is fine, as long as you plan for it and limit yourself to a moderate portion size.

    I would LOVE to have this recipe!!!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Most definitely. As this is a new lifestyle and not a diet it would be ridiculous not to ever have anything sweet every again.

    I allow myself two treats each week rather than an entire cheat day and this seems to keep me on track.

    I know exactly how you feel abou the sweet tooth/sugar addiction, I was the exact same way. I started by eliminating all sugary foods and then eased back into eating sugar slowly.

    I think the reason we struggle with sugar so much is that it is hodden in everything (even savoury foods) and sugar is addictive so the more you eat it the more you want it.

    Be sure to check for hidden sugar in other foods, buy eating less of these foods your sugar craving will reeduce dramatically.:wink:
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