Starting 30 Day Shred Today 29th June 13

Hi, i'm 163lbs and 5ft 4in and i'm starting the 30 Day Shred today, this is my first time doing anything like this so lets see how it goes, please feel free to join me and we can share info / motivation.


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Congrats. Go kill it and make it happen.
  • Lotus1980
    Lotus1980 Posts: 18 Member
    Just completed day 1, brilliant, my body is still shaking 30 minutes later but I feel great, just got to make sure I stick to it now.
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    I am on day 10 of the 30DS. Already noticed some awesome results. Kicking it up a notch tomorrow beginning week 2. It's a good workout- good luck!!!
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    I love JM 30DS! I've done it several times and have been doing it again rather sporadically. Maybe this thread will help get me back on track and do it every day. I saw great results the other two times I did it. :)
  • Love the 30 day shred!! I tend to get bored when I do the same workout on a regular basis, so I don't do it every day. Instead I work it into my weekly routine twice a week but I have still seen amazing results! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support or advice :)
  • Mhhenderson
    Mhhenderson Posts: 17 Member
    I'll be starting 30 day Shred on Monday (7/1). This will be my first attempt also. Can't wait to see the results. Good Luck!!
  • hevans1207
    hevans1207 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm starting the 30 day shred on July 1. I'm really excited. The results I've seen are awesome. I would love friends who are also doing the shred. Please add!
  • Micksmom9
    Micksmom9 Posts: 8
    Today was day 2 for me so id love to motivate one another! I couldnt hardly move this morning but I know it'll be worth it!
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I am going to start to I can't wait to see our results!
  • smoochiepink
    smoochiepink Posts: 22 Member
    i am going to start 1st july, all help will be gratefully received.
  • Lotus1980
    Lotus1980 Posts: 18 Member
    Day 2 my whole body hurts, didn't think i'd get through it still being in pain from yesterday.
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    The first few days are the worst but believe me, if you keep at it, it does get better. :)
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    I'm just did day 5 and am having a rest day today. Day 6 tomorrow. :-) Anyone feel free to add me and we can encourage each other through it
  • MelanieChristina
    MelanieChristina Posts: 16 Member
    I'm right with you, did day 5 today! I found that after day 1 I could barely walk (and took a recovery day) but ever since I've been doing much better! I've moved up to doing the Natalie versions of all of the exercises except the pushups, which kill me every time even doing the modified version! Are you doing any other exercise on the side, or focusing solely on 30DS?
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I did try it out on Friday, and joined a big group starting tomorrow (July1)
  • Leoni81
    Leoni81 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 6 for me tomorrow today was my rest day.
  • Lotus1980
    Lotus1980 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm only doing 30DS at the moment, as I've gone from no exercise at all to this, its tough but I've just done day 4 and I love it, not as sore as after day 1 but its still really tough, the satisfaction after though is great.
  • ericthirdrow
    ericthirdrow Posts: 27 Member
    Started yesterday... walking and then day 2 after work today. I felt weak after it was done last night, but was feeling a lot better this morning. I'm sure it's going to kick my *kitten* again, but not quitting!
  • hey, I've just done day 1, so I'm a few days behind you. I've started the 30 day shred before, but never finished....don't think i've gotten past day 12. Really want to stick with it this time, so I'll be checking back and hopefully you will motivate me not to give up!
  • tokimaromi
    tokimaromi Posts: 14
    i'll be starting this sunday. i am really hoping i can stick with it