New Here

:drinker: Hello Everyone
I am the mother of two wonderful children and I am 37 years old. I have started my diet this week. I was @ 182 and 5 '7. I have never been this big however I am coming down slowly. I run every single day except weekends FOR thirty minutes. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and I will be on here every single day to mark my progress. Prayfully I will be finished by OCT 2010.


I forgot something. Can any one tell me the weight range for 5'7 female?


  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Welcome! The BMI calculator under MFP tools gives a healthy weight range for a 5'7" woman (that is also my height) as 119-160. However, 160 is WAY too big for me, so it really depends on your frame and your composition. I saw in another thread that you are a muscular runner and a former competitive athlete, so you might look better at the top of the range than I do. I am shooting for 135. I was in the high 140s when I ran my first marathon in 2005 and, while it definitely looked better than high 150s, was not low enough. We have many similarities--I am also a runner, also get told a fair amount that I am not fat (so not true). I got some food issues.
  • bigearl911
    I have the fortunate meeting with a nurse in employee health voluntarily. She checked my cholesterol and shared iwth me that my numbers were on the high side, TC = 220, HDL = 56, TRG = 164, LDL =132, non- HDL =165, TC/HDL = 4.0. I told her that my numbers would be outstanding when I come back for my recheck in November. I just got started about 3 weeks ago. The lbs and inches are falling off fast. I have been doing 60 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Doing 5 miles and burning about 730 calories. Just this week I started doing 60 min in the morning and 60 in the evening for a total of 120 at about 1400 calories burned. I feel better and I can fit into my suits much better. I have not been consistently weighing myself, but I know that I am losing weight. I have modified my diet by eating a nutrigrain bar for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, grilled chicken salad for dinner. I am so happy that I found out about this web site. I really want to make a change!
  • goodsister
    goodsister Posts: 9 Member
    I played collegiate sports and my body is still very athletic just with extra weight. And when I would go for help to the docotrs they would look at my body and say you are fine. Just pull back from the table. I don't look my weight, however I know that is not good or healthy. It has been really difficult for me to get this weight off even with running everyday, so I totally understand that is why I had to go to my doctor and insist he help me. Regardless if I am athletic or all musle. I know that I should not weight this much. My first weight watchers meeting everyone was looking at me , like what is she doing in here. All my blood work and numbers are fine. My pressure is even great 127/78 and it normall runs 118/76, . Will keep eveyone abreast.