Team Fit - August



  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    OMG ladies, with all that hard working out last week and then knowing I was going to re-start INSANITY today to do it with my fiance, I totally didn't do well on the weekend. I went to visit my family in AZ and ate like hell of course I'm a few lbs up. I wanted to do the whole INSANITY thing right this time, so I changed all my goals and updated my weight even though that meant it going up.

    But I'm so excited to start INSANITY (again) and see the whole body transformation that I'm not that worried about a few lbs right now. I'm hoping to thow in some extra workouts too.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning. Sorry I have been MIA. I am fighting some kind of sickness. My throat has been killing me for over a week now and my nose has been running. My little boy has it as well, so my household is not so hot. I have not worked out at all last week. I did walk a lot for work last week so that is better than nothing. I was determined to get up this morning and workout but I didn't.

    I did lose 1 pound suprising like the rest of you have. So I guess my calories have not been that bad. But Ariel - I am eating ice cream too (because of my throat) and I did make brownies but I only had 2 because my little boy ate most of them.

    I plan to stay on track with my calories and try to workout, but if I am still not feeling well I am not because that just makes you feel worse with a sore throat.

    Ariel - proud of you that you got to the gym a few times. When work is not good I know you want to eat comfort food, but fight the urge. Limit yourself and don't start spiraling down.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday: 11 cups of water - stayed within my calories - 30 minutes of exercise.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Tuesday: 12 cups of water - stayed within my calories - 75 minutes of exercise (did an AWESOME kick boxing class!) :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys,
    well i havent made it to the gy this week yet. i was pissed monday and did not feel like going. yesterday i was at work for 12 hours and then had to get my brakes fixed so i couldnt go and today i cant go because ill be here til about 7. i could go after i get off but i know i wont want to, ive been here since 6am. boeing might be pulling our contract so i may be out of my job soon. so were trying to place as many orders as possible before tomorrow so when they go to seattle to beg for our job we will look better. so ive been trying to eat well. i did have a snack pack and 2 soft tacos from taco bell last night, so i hope thats not too bad. ty to be better than me guys. i'll try to get back on track once things get back to normal...... but i dont know when that will be
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Wednesday: 10 cups of water - stayed within my calories - 45 minutes of exercise.

    Ariel - be tough! :flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Just wanted to check in. I'm trying to be healthy on my food choices. But I'm taking a little break from INSANITY to let my wrist heal all the way. We are starting on Saturday, that way we can have our rest days be on Friday.
    Today should be an exciting day, for the first time ever I"m going to go try on some wedding dresses. Don't plan to buy anything yet, but since my parents live in Ecuador and they are visiting now, I want them to see me in some dresses before they leave and one of my best friends is visiting from Hawaii so she's coming too.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thursday: 11 cups of water - over my calories by about 300 - 0 exercise.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi there. Oh man, I went off this weekend. My hubby and I installed a tile backsplash in our kitchen - so I was working - but I didn't count calories and I didn't do any other kind of exercise. I hope tomorrow morning's weigh in is good. I weighed in on Friday morning just because I was curious (dangerous, I know), and I had lost some...hopefully it's still that way after this weekend!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    Well I DID IT! After 5 months I finally lost 2.5 more pounds! SO my scale now says 151!!! I cant remember when i weighed this much before. I must have been like 14 or 13. I'm super stoked! so i'm gonna have a good week again and hopefully i can go to the gym tis week. i dont think i'll be working like i was the last 3 weeks. also i'm hoping i get a call from the place i interviwed at and they ofer me the position. so hopefully i can leave this hell hole i currently call my job and get my life back! anyways! have a nice day today ladies. i'm hoping i make it to the gym. gotta find time i guess. talk to you later!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Ariel - GREAT JOB!!! That's awesome to see those pounds come off after so much hard work!!! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I lost 0.5 pounds this week. Bleh. Oh well - guess that's good considering I ate 2 cheese burgers yesterday. Yes, TWO!! :noway:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Way to go on the weight loss Ariel & Lisa!! Gaby, trying on wedding dresses is sooooo fun!!! Enjoy!!!

    I lost 1 pound since July 12... I think that officially means I have hit a plateau. I have 2.5 lbs to go until goal weight. It's not totally necessary for me to lose those... my clothes fit fine now, but I'd still like to get those pounds off just so I can say I weigh 140. Any advice for getting over a plateau?
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Great job Angie! :flowerforyou: I've seen many posts on MFP about plateau's, but don't think I've experienced one myself yet. I've heard that some of these may do the trick: increasing your daily calories a bit, changing up your workout routine, strength training. Stick with it girl, you've done awesome! :drinker:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    My weight loss has slowed down...and I'm not happy about it! :angry: I'm cutting back on carbs. I used to be at 50% carbs, and lost about 10 pounds in 2 months and felt great! Then I switched to 40% carbs, and now I'm not losing as much. And trust me, I still have plenty to lose. I've lost 5 pounds in the past month and a half.

    I'm having problems keeping my sodium at bay, and getting in all my fiber. My sodium is the system default 2,500 -- and my fiber is 20 grams/day (which I still think is pretty low). I find myself eating a lot of lowfat string cheese, lunch meat, sandwiches, eggs -- which keeps me in check for calories/carbs/fat/protein -- but not good in the sodium/fiber area. I've found that when cutting down on carbs, I eat a lot less fruit - not good. Also, when I have a little more carb allowance, I can eat pasta dinners packed full of all kinds of veggies.

    I'm considering going up to 45% carbs.

    Need to find my balance...
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I hope eveyone is doing great. I've had a great couple of day. Diet was off the hook the weekend but I had soo much fun with my girlfriend visiting from Hawaii.
    The fist Fit Test wtih my fiance for INSANITY were done yesterday and it went great. I really can't wait till the next one to see some improvements. I will be doing our measurements, weight and fit test every two weeks so I can keep track of them.
    Next week I"m going to start adding additional workouts to insanity pretty much every day because I got a new co-worker thats all into fitness so we scheduled a yoga class and bootcamp two days, so I figured I will do BBL on the alternating days. I really hope to get to my goal with all this.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies! sorry i haven't been as efficient with this as i used to be. i'm still eating weel and i went to the gym monday. i didnt go yesterday but i am going today and tomorrow. since i wont be working saturday(knock on wood) i can go to the gym then too!

    Lisa- I was told by my trainer i should be eating 60% carbs. i sat in on a nutritional seminar and they said 60% carbs 20% fat and 20% whatever the other is. lol i forget. i dont know if you want to go all the way up to 60, but thats what i was told to do.

    Angie- i know this may sound weird, but maybe try not exercising for a week. i didnt exercise at all last week and i lost 2 pounds..... lol i donno how well it will work, but it worked for me!

    Gaby- let me know how insanity goes. i wanted to try it but i cant afford it but they do something similar at my gym.

    hope everyone is being good with their food!! keep it up ladies! i know we can get there!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i just re-set my goals since i want to weigh 140 and not 150 anymore...... YIKES!! I hope i get there soon!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies!

    well i was really bad this weekend so i didnt weigh in. i'm gonna try to be good this week. i only went to the gym twice last week so i have to be good this week. hope you all are being good and better than me, hehe :). well work is crazy again. i only got a weeks rest and now we're back to working 9 hours a day this week. so needless to say i'm not very happy. but in happy news, i bought my coach purse over the weekend!! I LOVE IT! Its beautiful and has purple lineing inside!!! yes it was expensive, but i deserved it!!! :)
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Happy Monday

    So I am going to get back on track. I have been at the same weight for about a month now so that is good considering I have not done anything.

    This morning I did Cardio Party and Ab Jam - yeah. I feel great and I am motivated to get back on track. The new semester has started and I want to be down 10 pounds for Christmas.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well i'm glad i'm not the only one whos not really doing great this week or checking in daily. lol. this week has been weird. same with last week. i'm going to be good next week though and try to get back on track. just wanted to see how you guys were doing!!