The Mental and Physical Health Challenge- MFP Edition

Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Myers. Given the responses, I can see that many were disappointed that they did not receive a message regarding the Biggest Loser Challenge- MFP Edition. It's after 12 am here on 07/01/2013 and forever reason I didn't receive a message either!! But that's okay!!!

I have decided to host a challenge as well, because I'm a mental health therapist, I truly believe in the importance of good mental and physical health. The challenge will be called "The Mental and Physical Health Challenge- MFP Edition".

I will be looking for 19 individuals that are serious, dedicated, ready to make mental and physical positive lifestyle changes, motivated, that will be willing and able to put in the time, effort, and support to ensure that they are doing what they need to do as well as encouraging their team member during the duration of the challenge.

The first 19 "Serious" individuals that respond to my post, will be in the challenge!!

If I get 19 "Serious" individuals to respond, I will then post all the details, rules, team members, etc. The first weigh in would be this Friday, 07/05/2013 with the last weigh in on Friday, 10/04/2013.

I will also be creating a group on MFP for the 19 individuals to join for this challenge.

Let's go!!! Let's go!!!:smile::smile: :smile:


  • jyneefur
    jyneefur Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Dr. Myers! After seeing your post on the Biggest Loser Challenge thread, here I am! I would love to be considered for one of the limited spots for this Challenge. This life-changing three month period sounds like exactly what I need to incorporate into my regime to really maximize my potential weight loss and health/fitness goals. :)
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I'm interested in this; since I'm actively trying to work on both it might be nice to have a group to focus with. I'd like some more information on what you have in mind, if that's ok.
  • DrSelenaMyers
    DrSelenaMyers Posts: 260 Member
    jyneefur, It appears your serious about this challenge!! Your In!! Hopefully, I'll get 18 more serious individuals to respond, and it's a go!! have a good night.
  • DrSelenaMyers
    DrSelenaMyers Posts: 260 Member
    @ athenasurrend, thank you for your interest in this challenge. Yes, I included in my original post that I will be creating a group for this challenge. I decided to host this challenge after I didn't receive a message on 06/30/2013 stating that I was choosing to participate in another MFP challenge. Therefore, all the specific details regarding this challenge will not be available until later today, 07/01/2013.
  • lovelycatbones
    lovelycatbones Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join my first challenge. Can't wait to know all the details. I'll be looking forward to that! :)
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, thanks for doing this challenge after the other one was not clearly defined in the description!!

    I'm definitely keen. Being part of a challenge/group will help keep me accountable.
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    I'm happy to volunteer! :)
    I really being in the importance of a good mental well-being, so I think this challenge could be very interesting.
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    I would also like to join if you have room - I'd hoped to join the "biggest loser" challenge but it looks like it might be a no go. I've been looking for a bit of a group commitment to help with motivation and accountability. Thanks :)
  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 126 Member
    This sounds like a great challenge and I would like to join if there is still an opening. I have worked as mental health nurse for 9 years and love it. The last two years I have been working with a grant to incorporate an integrated health home to encourage patients to seek care for both their physical and mental health. I definitely need to make changes with my weight loss goals and being held accountable within a group is just what I need right now!!
  • yokleigh
    yokleigh Posts: 23
    HI, I would like to be included in this challenge. I've been struggling lately, and this will help keep me on track! Thank you for considering me.
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I would like to be in this challenge as I suffer from depression and weight is a massive issue for me. I am hoping to develop a more positive mind frame and hopefully shifting weight will encourage that. :)
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, I live in NZ so I'm not sure if I'd be eligible for this challenge, however I would be very keen to have some type of structure around me for the last 34 kg of my journey. I've already lost 40 kg over this past 3 1/2 years but I've been struggling a bit since about February of this year..

    I have had depression for what seems like forever and am currently taking Venlafaxine and Lithium to help control it. My blood pressure is now under control although I am still on medication to help control that and I take Omeprazole to keep by reflux at bay. I applied to join a Health Challenge here in NZ Many years ago, but it was the fact that I took medication that kept me from participating.

    I hope that you are in a position whereby you can offer me guidance and support in this last leg of my journey.

    Many thanks.
  • pnotyap
    pnotyap Posts: 29 Member
    I am very interested in this challenge. Im 58 years old. I have been a yoyo dieter for most of my life. I need to get this under control. I want very much to make this a lifestyle change and not a diet. I have recentlly had to put both my parents in a nursing home. I have been under alot of stress. I have a treadmill but I need to USE it. lol I think a challenge is something that I need to get me motivated to change my life.

  • rbealynnh
    rbealynnh Posts: 23 Member
    I am very interested in this challenge. If there is still room please add me. I have really been struggling lately and I believe a lot of it is due to a lack of motivation. Thanks!
  • Kelso2628
    Kelso2628 Posts: 23
    Hi there.. i would love to be considered to do this with you.. I live in Ireland, so dont know if that changes things! I have been working towards a healthier life the last year, but have really been struggling lately... I noticed if i dont set goals i dont do the work... so this will help keep me on the straight and narrow.. I am fairly active, but hope this can give me the extra push needed !

    Hope to hear from you, bets of luck, Kels
  • lovelycatbones
    lovelycatbones Posts: 14 Member
    Go go! Only 5 more! :DD
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    hello. i have been trying to work on my mental health as much as my physical. and i am very interested in this challenge. i travel alot i dont know if that changes anything but i would love to be in
  • 127saz
    127saz Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I am in the UK and new to this forum but would love to join if you have any room left!

  • DrSelenaMyers
    DrSelenaMyers Posts: 260 Member
    This is awesome! The challenge is a go!! I just need to confirm with 2 individuals if they are actually interested in participating in this challenge, if so, there is a spot for 1 more person.

    If you don't have any information on your profile, please take a moment to share something about yourself, as I will be reading profiles to help best match team members.

    I'm working on quite a few things for this challenge, will be posting more details very soon. I hope everyone is ready and serious about this!!

    For the next 3 months, everyone should act as if they are living on the "Biggest Loser Ranch" with the trainers right there with you!!!

    Also, even though MFP has their own disclaimer, everyone please be advised that I am not a medical doctor and any exercise regimen or nutrition plan that you are considering incorporating for this challenge, you should first consult with a Medical Doctor.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hi!! I would love to be in this challenge if there are any spots left!! This would definitely help me!!!!!