any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    technically im a healthy body weight of 148 but id like to get down to 120 which is what i was till i was 23.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think we all should realize it IS about the math to some extent. We can't lose 5 pounds a week, realistically. With a deficit of only 200 calories per day, and 3500-calorie-deficit to lose one pound, well that is slow progress. the two pounds I lose overnight are water weight or scale tricks!
    for those new, I really thought this was interesting/helpful/informative:
    I keep thinking I should try restricting my diet to 140 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs, 30 grams of fat daily, but it is hard to stick to 1200 calories most days and eating like that just sounds like a life sentence to me.
    I think I might give up on the weight and just look at other fitness goals because the way I like to vacation, splurge on eating or drinking, I could never maintain...
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm trying to eat 1300 cal. a day hoping that will boost my weight loss. I'm exercising every day so I know I probably need that extra 100 calories.

    I'm eating 1300, but I also try to eat most of my exercise calories. Not easy in the beginning, but I figure when I reach my goal, hopefully by November, I will need to eat a lot more food to maintain my weight.

    I love cheese and so any time I need to add some extra calories I add cheese to my snacks. So if I planned a nectarine for a 4pm snack, but I need a little extra I just add an oz of brie. I get to indulged my love of dairy and I add about 100 calories. My boyfriend is on MFP too and he just scoops out a tablespoon of peanut butter. I don't know the calories on that because I don't eat sugar, and all the peanut butters I like have sugar. I also will blend up .5cup of non fat plain yogurt and .5cup froze berries and that runs about 100 calories, it's quick and easy.
    I loved reading this thread because, honestly, nobody wants to hear about you trying to lose the last 10 pounds when you already a size 2/4. So often I've felt alone in this struggle and wondering if I'm nuts to not be happy where I'm at.

    I know what you mean, out in the world all I hear is "Your dieting, that's terrible. You shouldn't diet". I'm eating healthy and I know the knowledge I've gained here will make me even healthier. My body image was really good going into this "diet", but I'm 40 this year and I thought, if not now? When? It's going to be one of the nicest birthday gifts I've ever given myself. 115 by November, Woo Hoo.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    for those new, I really thought this was interesting/helpful/informative:

    Liked the article. I know my end goal puts me I titch in the too thin zone but I really don't assume I will be able to consistantly maintain 115. 118 is still healthy for me and I don't have any dreams of being any thinner than 115. I know my face would suffer if I lost more then that. I just want a little room to bounce and not panic.
    I keep thinking I should try restricting my diet to 140 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs, 30 grams of fat daily, but it is hard to stick to 1200 calories most days and eating like that just sounds like a life sentence to me.
    I think I might give up on the weight and just look at other fitness goals because the way I like to vacation, splurge on eating or drinking, I could never maintain...

    For me I'm all about maintaining my goal when I reach it. I think the thing that held me back all these years was a fear that even if I lost it I would just gain it back, and then some, and that would put me on the roller coaster and I don't want that. But reading this forum and doing the work of counting the calories and learning proper portions has me feeling confident that I can maintain my goal, with bounce, for the next 60 years.
  • your post is definitely how i feel. i have gained weight and have about 15 pounds to lose. i guess it sounds dumb but my goal is to have abs that i can see. i hear you have to be below 14% body fat to have a six pack but like a buddy to be responsible with since diet is supposedly 80% of the equation. add me as a friend if you would like to try. we can do it!!!
  • i am now 139 but used to weigh around 118-125 and felt much better in my clothes. i'm 5'5'. i am trying to lose at least 14 pounds. it's not about being too thin but having a buff body in my book. if my 139 was all muscle and definition it would be different. but i have a small frame so weight is much more noticeable on me . i game for any challenges, any thoughts people?
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    bump -
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I think we all should realize it IS about the math to some extent. We can't lose 5 pounds a week, realistically. With a deficit of only 200 calories per day, and 3500-calorie-deficit to lose one pound, well that is slow progress. the two pounds I lose overnight are water weight or scale tricks!
    for those new, I really thought this was interesting/helpful/informative:
    I keep thinking I should try restricting my diet to 140 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs, 30 grams of fat daily, but it is hard to stick to 1200 calories most days and eating like that just sounds like a life sentence to me.
    I think I might give up on the weight and just look at other fitness goals because the way I like to vacation, splurge on eating or drinking, I could never maintain...

    Hey weren't you at goal anyway?

    I liked the article. I also liked the one it linked to:

    I think the key thing really is body fat %, not weight. For that reason, truly fit women with muscle should not be on the lowest range of the bmi range, actually. I know I have way more muscle than I did as a teen.... The extra muscle boosts your metabolism and gives you more room to splurge, too :flowerforyou:
  • I am in a similar situation as everyone here in this thread. I am 5' 10" and right now at 142. I would like to be 130-135, but I feel pretty good. I have weighed as little as 117, but that is way too low and everyone looked at me like I had a disease. I have struggled with an eating disorder (bulimia), but that actually caused me to gain weight. I got to my highest at 150, which also is still healthy. I think i will be happy at 135 so that is my goal. I am free from an eating disorder and just on this site to monitor my calories and to be healthy.
  • e1ny
    e1ny Posts: 29
    Thanks for starting this post back up. I joined in July and had not seen it yet. I am in the high range of normal BMI. I have never tracked calories and have only done South Beach (between baby #1 and #2, and also for a short time last year). I am having trouble getting any traction here. I don't know how to keep my calories at just 1200. I miss having snacks. I am not a good dieter -- too many years of a good metabolism (pre-kids). But I have learned a lot from this site and all of the helpful posts. Lots of good ideas. I am hoping to lose 5-10 lbs, but at least if I can tone, that would be a start. I have to figure out how to lose. I have only added cardio the last 3-4 weeks, plus trying to eat better. I need to start back to weight training also, since there have been some threads lately about weight training being an important part of burning calories.

    I could use advice on how to lose "those last 5-10 lbs" or how to start losing if you only have 10 lbs to lose! I can't seem to get things moving, even with adding in cardio 4-5 times a week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was at my goal weight for like, a day! I try to weigh myself once a week but I got on the scale at the gym today and I don't want to believe it! I just tell myself it is TOM and water retention because I am traveling and always swell up in flight.
    I think the diet went off the rails because I started running. But couch to 5k is only 3 days per week and I only burn about 250 cals each time, so that is not enough to eat any way I want.
    I keep looking for some magic, but I am not sure there is any. The less you weigh, the less you can eat and the more you have to exercise to make much change!
    e1ny, what about south beach? I got the book and I want to try it. do you still try that?
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't know how to keep my calories at just 1200. I miss having snacks. I am not a good dieter -- too many years of a good metabolism (pre-kids).

    Sorry to hear your struggling. I hope you reach your goal. the only thing I can suggest is, sense you started those calories. If you eat the exercise calories you will stay at net 1200. So don't let the exercise make you feel like you have permission to eat more. it's just what you need to net your 1200.

    I try to keep my snacks healthy because I get more bang for my calorie buck that way. Berrie and yogurt smoothie is my favorite. Followed by humus and carrots. For empty calorie indulgence, I go with the air popped popcorn. It's mountains of treat for very little calories.

    Good luck!! I think the exercise is really going to pay off for you.
  • Yes, I'm 5'4" and 119 pounds and I'm trying to get down to 110. I have a hard time getting up to 1200 calories a day so it's pretty frustrating because my weight just isn't going down anymore.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I was at my goal weight for like, a day!

    But you were there. You know you did it once. So you can do it again. I know you can. You seem to have a great attitude and you have the drive and discipline, look at your training for the 5k. So at some point that will all come together for you. It's all in the math. You can do this in a healthy way.

    I try to tell myself: "Now that I'm thinner, as I get more fit, my body is going to look better than it ever looked when I was heavier and unfit. So weight will matter less and less." Maybe you're already in this boat? Maybe the scale doesn't have anything more to offer you?
  • According to my actual weight and BMI, i'm not healthy.
    I've gone from a size 12 to a size 8 so far in 2010, and I'm aiming to be a 6... so long as I look good, I don't care about the # on the scale :)
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    According to my actual weight and BMI, i'm not healthy.
    I've gone from a size 12 to a size 8 so far in 2010, and I'm aiming to be a 6... so long as I look good, I don't care about the # on the scale :)

    I so sorry I don't under stand your post. I'm just trying to understand what you mean.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Lol I was at or slightly under my goal weight for about a week until my gluten misadventure a few weeks ago. Now I am usually 0.5-2 pounds off on a given day. I am giving myself 2-3 weeks to eat close to maintenance before I do a final push to get down to maybe 115. I am pretty happy with my body - my body fat is about 15% and don't need anymore ribs poking out but I wouldn't mind a little safety zone.

    Nuts help me reach my goal calories cleanly (although sometimes fatty meats and chips also play a role), but sometimes take me right over :laugh:
  • enelson96
    enelson96 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm at 150. I want to get down to 130 or so. I don't look fat I just have a lot of muscle or something. I ask people what it looks like I weigh and most people say 115- 120.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I'm trying to lose the last 12 pounds to get down to my "pre-injury" weight of 160. I'm 5'10" and 171 lbs now. I'm at the "high end" for the healthy range on the BMI and I want to get that down too.
  • Like according to my BMI, I am overweight.

    But I fit into a size 8... so I don't feel as though I look overweight.
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