Turbo Jam 8/24

Hi, I just got my Turbo Jam this evening, and I would like to start tomorrow. I would love to have some people to share the experience with. It is a great motivator!


  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    I love Turbo Jam...so much fun!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    I do Turbojam every Wednesday and I really enjoy it. I am contemplating buying Turbo Fire - the 12 week program, but am still thinking about it. Good luck, you will like it.
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    I do Turbo Jam everyday!!! I love Chalene so far from TJ I've lost 30 lbs :)
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    Turbo Jam is awesome. I lost about 35 pounds using it and eating well. Friends of mine have said ... you are like a freaking infomerical ... you look great. I love it. I do shake it up but always come back to that for a fun workout.

    Ps. Don't use the weighted gloves for about a month. It will give you a boost then.
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Turbo Jam is awesome. I lost about 35 pounds using it and eating well. Friends of mine have said ... you are like a freaking infomerical ... you look great. I love it. I do shake it up but always come back to that for a fun workout.

    Ps. Don't use the weighted gloves for about a month. It will give you a boost then.

    Thanks for that info, because I was super excited to try them. I will wait. :smile:
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    I do Turbo Jam everyday!!! I love Chalene so far from TJ I've lost 30 lbs :)

    Oh that is excellent! How long have you been doing TJ?
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    I did Turno Jam this morning. I actually got weighted gloves at target and use those. I have had turbo for years and want to upgrade. Maybe I will try Turbo Fire!! Has anyone done it yet?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    I should be geting mine tomorrow! I can't wait! I am so excited to try it! I was looking to start a thread as well so count me in!!
    It would be great to get a few people to keep motivated!

    I'll post again tomorrow after I have tried it (if it should arrive tomorrow)!!

  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    I do Turbo Jam everyday!!! I love Chalene so far from TJ I've lost 30 lbs :)

    Oh that is excellent! How long have you been doing TJ?

    Basically since I've been trying to lose weight so about the whole year lol...I had some off months :( So I've been exercise fully for about 3 to 5 months I think, I got the step up for Turbo Jam which is Turbo Kick, and then I purchased Turbo fire for when I am truly really. :)

    All of them are so fun! Chalene is awesome!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    My DVD still hasn't arrived! I am so annoyed! I was looking forward to it for so long now! It has to be tomorrow now!!!

    Fingers crossed!
  • BeFit4U
    BeFit4U Posts: 3
    Hey! Just wanted to pop in and say I really like Turbo Jam! I just switched over to it from P90X. I wanted to mix it up a little and get some more cardio.
  • gypsy_nurse
    gypsy_nurse Posts: 39 Member
    I love TJ! I also have Turbo Fire which I absolutely L-O-V-E. It's like TJ on crack! :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hey! Just wanted to pop in and say I really like Turbo Jam! I just switched over to it from P90X. I wanted to mix it up a little and get some more cardio.

    how do you find P90X? I am slowly working my way up to it. I really want to do it but I do want to drop a few more pounds before! And I think I might try Chalean Extreme first. Have you ever tried it?

    I am hoping so much that Iwill get my TUrbo Jam DvD's today! I cannot wait!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hi, I just got my Turbo Jam this evening, and I would like to start tomorrow. I would love to have some people to share the experience with. It is a great motivator!

    Just got mine as well!! I just did day 2, and wow is it a workout! Count me in for moral support!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi Alli
    How are you doing it....are you doing the 10 days kick start or the 4 weeks?

    I haven't got the DVD yet (but hopefully today) and I am not sure yet....

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey Daisy, I'm doing the 4 weeks, though just shifting the days since I started on a Wed instead of Monday.

    Btw, I love your Marilyn Monroe pic :smile:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    he he thanks...I love her :smile:

    I think I might do that too...even though at the moment I am not working so I would actually have the time for the 10 day kickstart...
    I can't wait to star either way as I have only read great things about it. What I just like is that people seem to see great results but that it also seems enjoyable! Couldn't be better really :smile:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    lol I share the Monroe love :wink:

    Yeah I had seen it on TV before and it looked fun, and after reading good things about it on here I figured what the heck! So far I love it and actually look forward to the next workout.
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    he he thanks...I love her :smile:

    I think I might do that too...even though at the moment I am not working so I would actually have the time for the 10 day kickstart...
    I can't wait to star either way as I have only read great things about it. What I just like is that people seem to see great results but that it also seems enjoyable! Couldn't be better really :smile:

    I am doing the 4 weeks as well. It is not that bad as far as feeling like I am going to die. I did the 30 day shred before this, and would not let anyone talk to me while I was exercising. haha, with TJ I am laughing, dancing around, and loving it. But I can tell it is definitely working because I felt a burn in my mid section I have never felt before. Even the obliques, and my back. So looking forward to no more love handles. lol!
  • pegsue50
    pegsue50 Posts: 13
    where can u buy this turbo jam