Here's how I lost 115 pounds



  • beautsarah
    beautsarah Posts: 151 Member
    Wow your story is inspiring. Congrats on all your success :-)
  • mrsmiller2008
    mrsmiller2008 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks! This was very helpful! I
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I salute your journey !! Awesome job. Our 'statistics' (well your beginning stats) are a mirror image of mine with the height exception. I am just into my third week and can only hope that I will have the success you are having.
    I might have missed the question if it was asked but what was your daily calorie intake (if you remember) when you were starting off ? Did you go by MFP or did you go by your own rules ? In addition to your cardio did you do any type of strength training ?
    Sorry for all the questions but reading about your life change has me quite encouraged !!
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    You look so healthy and vibrant in your post-marathon pic. Congratulations on your transformation and thank you for posting your inspiring story.

    Thanks, I felt so great finishing the half marathon. The day before the race I walked around the park with our family and really pushed myself to hard. I tweaked my knee riding the Thunder Mountain railroad. The weather was much much warmer than I had trained for. Finally I only got 2 hours of sleep before the race. I thought I would be lucky to finish. The first mile in I had to make a bathroom break which made me think my goal of finishing before 2:15 - 2:30 was gone. When I started back up I just felt great and put it all behind me and had the best run of my life. I got ahead of the 2:30 pace runners. Then ahead f the 2:15 pace runners. Then ahead of the 2:00 pace runners. I pushed myself and finished at 1:56,44. Now the funny thing is at the time I didn't know it but one of my spin instructors who is in phenomenal shape also ran the half. When I came back to his class I was so proud of my results and it turns out he beat me by less than a minute and crossed the finish line 20 seconds before me but we never saw each other.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Congrats you look amazing
  • cherylelshaer
    cherylelshaer Posts: 3 Member
    So proud of you! Thanks for the tips!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    This is a fantastic post and a truly inspirational story!
    (This is an example of the forums at their very best)

    Good Work!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Thanks for posting... what a great story. Great work!
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    WOW! This is a true success story! Unbelievable! No surgery involved, just hard work! I am impressed to say the least! Good job! Your wife must be so proud!!!!!! You look absolutely amazing! Thanks for all the info you provided. I always love it when someone posts HOW they did it! It helps the rest of us! thank you.
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    Congratulations on your phenomenal success! I guess 40 really is the new 20. :smile:
  • nofunforangie
    Man, that's great! I wish I'd been taking daily photos over the past few months but I had my driver's licence photo retaken back in Feb '13 and my head looked like a giant meatball, so that's something. I can use that as an example of my starting point (that photo was a big factor in my rock bottom/breaking point). I'm totally going to start the daily photos tonight.

    I did my first 5k last month and had to walk a good portion of it due to horrible, horrible instant blisters. I'll definitely do more in the future with the hope of running the entire thing/improving my time. Congrats on it all, it must feel great to be a healthy example for your kids!
  • scrappermom96
    scrappermom96 Posts: 83 Member
    Way to go and thank you for sharing your story!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wow what hard work very impressive. You'll have many more years of being a dad to your kiddos.
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    I am SO glad I saw this tonight. I am just now starting my lifestyle change and it really encourages me to read stories like yours! Thanks so much for really does help to motivate others!

    Thanks for the kind words. I am rooting for your success. It's scary at first but all the hard work is so worth it. My biggest regret is that I didn't make the changes when I was younger. If I can help you in your journey please let me know.
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    The only thing I would caution you about is that if your husband is anything like me no amount of suggestions will get him to start with what it takes to make the change. My wife pressured me to lose weight or exercise with her for many years and I came up with all the excuses. Too expensive, my knees were too bad, I would die, etc... She finally just decided to live healthier and do it without me. She didn't pressure me she just made the tough decisions to exercise and eat healthy. Her success is what made me realize I could do it. If it wasn't for her success I would have never tried to do it. She showed me the way and it was up to me to make the decision to start. I will tell you on those tough days the thing that would help me get out the door and exercise was the thought that if I didn't live healthier one day my daughter might be walked down the isle at her wedding by another man. Thankfully I don't live with that worry anymore. :)

    That's what I am trying to do now. I just had our last baby and I am down 49lbs and almost at my goal weight. I cook healthy meals and try to make sure we as a family our being active. So I try not to pressure him and I do what I can to ensure he's eating healthy when he's home.... but I am hoping someday soon he'll hit his breaking point and make a change. I couldnt imagine him not being around to see our babies grow up.

    Congratulations on your weight sounds like you are doing all the right things. It's hard to point to one thing that flipped the switch for me. I remember sitting in bed one night and everything was quiet except for my breathing. I had this wheeze that I never really had noticed before. No matter what I did I wheezed when I took a breath in. Then I started noticing how I would hear my pulse pounding in my ears. I kind of thought that if I didn't make a big deal out of it then it wouldn't be a big deal. As time went on I would have more issues but the bad stuff never went away. Each year seemed to add a new concern. Thankfully the eating healthier and exercise reversed all of the problems.
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    Amazing job!!! Kudos to you!:flowerforyou:

  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    Awesome! I'm definitely going to begin taking photos of myself after workouts from now on. Nice IDEA!! BTW - you look FAB!

    Thanks, I still to this day take a photo when I walk thru the door after a workout or run. My favorite pictures are when I exercise on vacation or I take my picture at the finish line of a race.

    What's funny though is when you cycle thru the photos from the start when I was over 300 to now it looks like I grew ears. :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    hard work and an amazing story of determination. Seems like men just get it done. Damn I am so jealous. You look fab.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    You, Sir, deserve more than 300 standing ovations.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. :flowerforyou:
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