Post Your Progress!

StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
What has changed since starting your weight loss journey? How much farther can you walk without getting tired? How many more sit-up can you do? How much weight have you lost? Finding new/old clothes that used to be too small but now fit? Lets help inspire each other! Post your progress! What's changed for you?

I'll start -
I'm four months into my weight loss journey and have lost 45 lbs.
I have a pair of jeans that I couldn't even zip up about 3 months ago that now are so big they slide on me and off me without being unbuttoned or unzipped.
I've lost 3 1/2 inches off my waist, 4 inches off my hips, 2 1/2 inches off of each of my thighs, and 2 inches off of each of my upper arms.
About 3 months ago I could barely walk half a mile without stopping. Now I take 3 1/2 mile walks and love every minute of it.
Exercise used to be something I loathed with every fiber of me. Now I love the endorphin high I get and the wonderful feeling off accomplishment after I've worked out.
I used to hate veggies now I have found yummy ways to cook them and eat them every day.

What's changed for you? :)


  • andi710
    andi710 Posts: 6
    I start walking about 3 months ago, I noticed that during my journey trying to lose this weight I should have weighed before I started. I also noticed that I breathe so much better. I used to give out of breathe just by walking across the floor. It has really been a relief for me to get out and walk and be able to increase my breathing ability. I still have a ways to go but, I have learned to keep myself encouraged. :laugh: I gained all this weight after going through a major depression. But I am ready now to work it off, and work it out!!! :laugh: Thanks for asking it is good to be able to connect with some one else that is trying to lose weight. Be Blessed!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    It's been a little over 2 1/2 months for me. 20 pounds down!!! My jeans fit much better and are about to be too big!:happy:
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    I have lost 41 lbs as of earlier this week.
    I can walk up my 13 stairs to my bedroom/bathroom/daughters room without getting winded or having my knees hurt.
    My chest has decreased a lot, I'm down a whole cup size.
    My pants have dropped from a 26 to a size 22
    I can fit into shirts that were either tight on me or I couldn't wear at all that were in the back of my closet.
    I go anywhere from 3-6 miles when I walk. When I first started I couldn't walk .25 of a mile without feeling like I was going to die or need to sit down.
    I can do 45 minutes on the elliptical and it's challenging but I'm not feeling like I am going to pass out after.I couldn't do more than 15 minutes on the elliptical without feeling like I was done, sweating, red, out of breath when I first stepped on one.
    I never did my measurements when I was at my heaviest because the tape measure wouldn't fit around my hips at 60 inches.
    I can touch my toes
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    - I've lost 50 pounds in the past year, 36 since February when I joined MFP
    - I've gone from a tight size 16 in pants to a size 10 since Feb.
    - I got winded from walking up 2 flights of stairs to my office and now I can run 1.8 miles on the treadmill
    - I have never worn a bikini in my life and I have been wearing one to the pool this summer with confidence!
    - I used to eat lots of junk and not watch my portions, now I know I can have a treat within reason and only after working out first
    - I've lost 5" in my waist and 5" in my hips, and a couple inches from my thighs and bust
    - I've never really felt good about how I looked, and now I can't stop smiling at myself when I look in the mirror. I know I have another 25 lbs or so to go until I'm at my goal, but I'm already loving what I see.
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    -I Started Back In April And I've Lost 41 Pounds To Date.
    -I Have A Jacket And A Pair Of Mid Calf Boots That I Couldn't Fit That Now Look Great!
    -It's Time To Go Shopping [Clothes Are Extremely Baggy/Oversized Now]
    -I Could Barely Work The Elliptical For More Than 30 Minutes At 3 MPH Now I'm HIIT And Sprinting At 7 MPH
    -I Developed A Love For Running
    -My Heart Rate Recovers A Lot Faster Now And I Have To Work Harder To Get It Up
    -I Have Muscles!! Even Though I Stopped Weight Training During The Summer I'm Back At It Again
    -I Enjoy Looking In The Mirror More
    -And I Can Finally See My Figure Showing Instead Of A Blob
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I start walking about 3 months ago, I noticed that during my journey trying to lose this weight I should have weighed before I started. I also noticed that I breathe so much better. I used to give out of breathe just by walking across the floor. It has really been a relief for me to get out and walk and be able to increase my breathing ability. I still have a ways to go but, I have learned to keep myself encouraged. :laugh: I gained all this weight after going through a major depression. But I am ready now to work it off, and work it out!!! :laugh: Thanks for asking it is good to be able to connect with some one else that is trying to lose weight. Be Blessed!!

    You're making excellent progress! I totally know what it's like getting out of breath quickly. It's a great feeling being able to go farther without losing your breath isn't it? I'm so glad you're feeling better and getting the depression under control. I know that can play a huge role in weight fluctuation and fitness levels. Keep up the great work!
  • Great Post!

    It's only day 5 for me and I have 42lbs to go to reach my goal weight. But I've lost 4lbs in 5 days. I don't expect the progress to continue at this level. I'm in the gym every morning at GOLD's. I spend 40mins to 1hr and I alternate my routines between weights and cardio, although I try to get at least 20 mins of cardio in every day either on the stairmaster, eliptical or the treadmill. I love the exercise, It's the dieting that gives me the most trouble. So far I've been able to stay under my calorie max everyday but I know from previous experience that this will be a struggle which is why I'm here. I like being able to track my food online.

    A problem that I encounter everytime I get down close to 205lbs is sleeplessness. I don't know why, I make sure to eat enough, but at this wieght I start having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Also, I get kinda fatiqued throughout the day while dieting even when I don't feel especially hungry. I guess I'll deal with the sleeplessness when I get there in a few weeks. But any tips would be welcomed.
  • d3king
    d3king Posts: 4
    I started getting serious about my health almost 2 months ago.
    I only weigh in once a month (since I don't have a ton to lose and don't want to get disappointed if I don't lose every few days/week). Will be doing a new weigh-in next week, but 1 month in I'd lost about 3 pounds.

    My main focus is on health, though, more than weight, since I'm technically in a healthy weight range. My blood glucose and cholesterol levels are too high for someone my age and could be a big issue when you factor in my family history.

    When I started, I would walk the shortest distance to work (about 1 km, 15 minutes). I'm now walking a more "scenic" route, which takes about 45 minutes and covers a little over 3 km. I'm also going for walks over my lunch breaks and find myself taking detours with hills to up the challenge a bit. I don't even think about taking my car to work anymore - even when it's raining.

    I started tracking my food and exercise a week ago and am getting into the swing of it. I also joined a gym with my membership starting tomorrow. :)

    I'm starting to feel more energetic, healthy and generally better about myself. Am looking forward to keeping this new lifestyle and can't wait to see how much better I'm going to feel in a month, year, few years' time!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I guess I'll deal with the sleeplessness when I get there in a few weeks. But any tips would be welcomed.

    I know you said you work out in the mornings and that's awesome, but to help you sleep better is there a way you can get a work out or some good exercise in before bed? That might wear you out enough to help you sleep better. :)
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Great Post!

    It's only day 5 for me and I have 42lbs to go to reach my goal weight. But I've lost 4lbs in 5 days. I don't expect the progress to continue at this level. I'm in the gym every morning at GOLD's. I spend 40mins to 1hr and I alternate my routines between weights and cardio, although I try to get at least 20 mins of cardio in every day either on the stairmaster, eliptical or the treadmill. I love the exercise, It's the dieting that gives me the most trouble. So far I've been able to stay under my calorie max everyday but I know from previous experience that this will be a struggle which is why I'm here. I like being able to track my food online.

    A problem that I encounter everytime I get down close to 205lbs is sleeplessness. I don't know why, I make sure to eat enough, but at this wieght I start having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Also, I get kinda fatiqued throughout the day while dieting even when I don't feel especially hungry. I guess I'll deal with the sleeplessness when I get there in a few weeks. But any tips would be welcomed.
    My sister has problems with insomnia and takes melatonin a supplement (pill form) She takes it after dinner each night and it's helped her. It does have side effects and they recommend starting with a very low dose.
    info on it here
  • "I know you said you work out in the mornings and that's awesome, but to help you sleep better is there a way you can get a work out or some good exercise in before bed? That might wear you out enough to help you sleep better. :)"

    Yesterday, I did both am and pm and had no difficulty sleeping. This might be something to try when the sleeplessness starts up. It's more difficult for me to get to the gym in the evening (mentally) but if that's what I need to do I will do it.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm starting to feel more energetic, healthy and generally better about myself. Am looking forward to keeping this new lifestyle and can't wait to see how much better I'm going to feel in a month, year, few years' time!

    That's wonderful! It's good that even though you are in the "healthy" weight range you realize that your lifestyle can still be healthier. I've seen too many people get sick and have bad health problems related to their unhealthy lifestyles and not realize it can be a problem because they are a "healthy weight".

    It sounds like you're doing awesome! Good job on creating a more healthy life for yourself! :D
  • Thanks for reminding me. I do take melatonin sometimes. It definately helps some of the time. I just have to be careful with it cause if I take it too late in the evening I feel groggy the next morning and I try not to use caffeine.
  • andi710
    andi710 Posts: 6
    I have lost 20lbs so far I try to walk twice a day. I walk in the morning and the evening, It has really been an inspiration for me getting back out there. I had gotten ridiculously BIG!! But that happens when we loose focus on go through things in life.

    But I am ready now. I am not able to run just yet but it is coming as long as I continue to work at it and build myself up. I look forward to seeing where my body takes me.. Ha! Ha! where my body takes me.

    It is good to see so many positive people about getting into shape on here. This a great app for people looking to share information and receive tips on loosing weight.

    I look forward to sharing tips with you guys as well as receiving tips.
  • andi710
    andi710 Posts: 6
    I start walking about 3 months ago, I noticed that during my journey trying to lose this weight I should have weighed before I started. I also noticed that I breathe so much better. I used to give out of breathe just by walking across the floor. It has really been a relief for me to get out and walk and be able to increase my breathing ability. I still have a ways to go but, I have learned to keep myself encouraged. :laugh: I gained all this weight after going through a major depression. But I am ready now to work it off, and work it out!!! :laugh: Thanks for asking it is good to be able to connect with some one else that is trying to lose weight. Be Blessed!!

    You're making excellent progress! I totally know what it's like getting out of breath quickly. It's a great feeling being able to go farther without losing your breath isn't it? I'm so glad you're feeling better and getting the depression under control. I know that can play a huge role in weight fluctuation and fitness levels. Keep up the great work!

    Girl!!! I feel so much better now. I try to walk in the morning and in the evening. I get tired but I have to remind myself.

    "You have to push yourself Tami" Climb this hill it's only a few more steps. Take this hill, I keep focused as though I fighting with obstacles in life. Starting next week I will be pushing for 4 miles in the morning and 4 in the evening. I will keep you posted on how this works out..
  • andi710
    andi710 Posts: 6
    I have lost 41 lbs as of earlier this week.
    I can walk up my 13 stairs to my bedroom/bathroom/daughters room without getting winded or having my knees hurt.
    My chest has decreased a lot, I'm down a whole cup size.
    My pants have dropped from a 26 to a size 22
    I can fit into shirts that were either tight on me or I couldn't wear at all that were in the back of my closet.
    I go anywhere from 3-6 miles when I walk. When I first started I couldn't walk .25 of a mile without feeling like I was going to die or need to sit down.
    I can do 45 minutes on the elliptical and it's challenging but I'm not feeling like I am going to pass out after.I couldn't do more than 15 minutes on the elliptical without feeling like I was done, sweating, red, out of breath when I first stepped on one.
    I never did my measurements when I was at my heaviest because the tape measure wouldn't fit around my hips at 60 inches.
    I can touch my toes

    I know the feeling.. and don't even talk about the knees. It feels so good to be able hear somebody say they are on the same battle. We will defeat this weight! We will walk it off. In the morning it is so dark out when I start, it is really kindda scary!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member

    Girl!!! I feel so much better now. I try to walk in the morning and in the evening. I get tired but I have to remind myself.

    "You have to push yourself Tami" Climb this hill it's only a few more steps. Take this hill, I keep focused as though I fighting with obstacles in life. Starting next week I will be pushing for 4 miles in the morning and 4 in the evening. I will keep you posted on how this works out..
    Yeah, totally keep in mind what progress you've made - that really helps! It's cool that you push yourself to go farther and continually challenge yourself. That's something I struggle to do, but it makes a real difference! I notice on the weeks I'm not challenging myself I see little to no progress.

    Four miles? Whoot! I have yet to do four miles but I hope to get to that point in the next couple of months. Keep us posted!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Great Post!

    It's only day 5 for me and I have 42lbs to go to reach my goal weight. But I've lost 4lbs in 5 days. I don't expect the progress to continue at this level. I'm in the gym every morning at GOLD's. I spend 40mins to 1hr and I alternate my routines between weights and cardio, although I try to get at least 20 mins of cardio in every day either on the stairmaster, eliptical or the treadmill. I love the exercise, It's the dieting that gives me the most trouble. So far I've been able to stay under my calorie max everyday but I know from previous experience that this will be a struggle which is why I'm here. I like being able to track my food online.

    A problem that I encounter everytime I get down close to 205lbs is sleeplessness. I don't know why, I make sure to eat enough, but at this wieght I start having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Also, I get kinda fatiqued throughout the day while dieting even when I don't feel especially hungry. I guess I'll deal with the sleeplessness when I get there in a few weeks. But any tips would be welcomed.

    I have a hard time sleeping as well. I do relaxing yoga before I go to bed and it works great. Crunch Candlelight Yoga is a great DVD. They had it on the instant watch Netflix for awhile. There are other DVD's as well like Yoga Gentle Practice. I'm going to try that one next.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    I know the feeling.. and don't even talk about the knees. It feels so good to be able hear somebody say they are on the same battle. We will defeat this weight! We will walk it off. In the morning it is so dark out when I start, it is really kindda scary!!
    We will :) and I went for a dive the other night on gravel so am gonna make sure I do it when I can see now lol
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started this journey back on November first. I walked into a Jenny Craig on Halloween at 273 lbs. I've always worked out, but my snack got out hand. Also after 4 years of marriage I realized I was eating like my husband. He would make these big steaks and my girls and I would eat them up. So, since November this has changed:
    - I can walk up stairs to my office without huffing and puffing.
    - I've gone from a size 18 plus to a low 16.
    - I've lost 52 lbs.
    - my husband has lost 30 lbs and my oldest daughter has lost 8 lbs.
    - I've completed a round of P90X and a round of Insanity.
    - I started to see my abs.
    - I can wear some of the clothes in the back of the closet.
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