Not so much a rant and profile pictures



  • PosterGuy1
    PosterGuy1 Posts: 163 Member
    Testing to see is I can post pictures. LOL.

  • tamazarashi
    I, like a lot of people, don't really like how I look in pictures. At least not right this second. I also don't know anyone really on this site, as I just joined today, lol

    Maybe after awhile I'll find the same confidence the rest of you have to post your pics.
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    i simply just didnt use a pic due to the overwhelming response of my good looks
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I feel like if somebody won't take the time to post a picture as their avatar (ANY picture) they probably won't stick around very long. In my experience, for most people anyway, if you're committed enough to log in every day and lose weight by sticking to your goals, you'll at least personalize your profile a little.

    So if someone hasn't done anything to their profile, or has only made 3 posts in a 6 month period, I tend to not take them very seriously. This doesn't apply to everyone of course, it's just based what I've seen so far here.
    THIS! don't have to put a picture of yourself necessarily, but choose SOMETHING that represents you....otherwise, most people are going to assume you aren't serious about this....
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    I feel like if somebody won't take the time to post a picture as their avatar (ANY picture) they probably won't stick around very long. In my experience, for most people anyway, if you're committed enough to log in every day and lose weight by sticking to your goals, you'll at least personalize your profile a little.

    So if someone hasn't done anything to their profile, or has only made 3 posts in a 6 month period, I tend to not take them very seriously. This doesn't apply to everyone of course, it's just based what I've seen so far here.
    THIS! don't have to put a picture of yourself necessarily, but choose SOMETHING that represents you....otherwise, most people are going to assume you aren't serious about this....

    wow heidi told you!!!
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I've been hacked and stalked. So, I am a flower.

    If you read my posts and don't like them, don't friend me.
    If you read my posts and appreciate the type of support I provide, friend me.
    Either way, see ya' on the boards.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I got very used to using pictures of myself back when I was teaching online to students all up and down the east coast. I liked to use photos of me various places like the one I'm using now so my students (all grad students, adults) got more of a feel for me being a real person. It encouraged them to talk to me like a person online and on the phone rather than feel far removed and cut off. In fact, after awhile, even my local students said they felt more connected to me online than when we were separated across a lecture hall.

    So, my profile pics tend to be of me within the last several years in interesting places. Since my weight was steady for many years, it's a good approximation of where I started 20-ish pounds ago. I do have a godawful face-front before picture uploaded but it's more for future before and after assessments than anything I would ever inflict on myself as a thumbnail I saw everyday -- let alone inflict it on you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't post pics of myself, so I don't care whether anyone else does or not. Besides, there is really no way to tell if the pic is really them or not, especially for those that don't show a face.

    Generic default head, shirtless torso, underwear/bikini pic, smiling face, screaming face, pets, children, jokes, whatever. I pay more attention to what they post in words.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Ain't nuttin' wrong with that. I have similar peccadilloes. I get along better with friends who use paragraphs and think grammar is moderately important - even if it's just for a message board post.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    People aren't proud of how they look. I work hard, I want to show it off, simple as that.

    Until you realize that pictures on the internet are there forever.

    I has some shirtless pics of myself on a dating website when I was single, and one of my male coworkers whom I'd never met approached me in the lunchroom and told me his wife has my pictures on her PC at home.

    I took them down immediately.

    The internet is a big place, full of coworkers, potential employers, and creepy people.

    I'm always a little shocked with the NSFW pictures women post on this site..and almost always their profile has some snobbish disclaimer like "Not accepting friend request at this time".

    Ladies: What the hell message are you sending posting naked pictures of yourself online? HELLO!!??
    You can post a clothed picture that shows off your hard work just fine..
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    <<<<Butt...this is my face. LOL

    In all seriousness though, I don't care if it's a face or not, as long as there's something. I find that for the most part, even if it's not an actual face, people's avatars are generally representative of their personalities, goals, though process, etc. Also...sometimes bosses and what not are lurking about the MFP...if he can recognize my *kitten* then more power to him...and I'll also ask why he's checking out my *kitten*.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    Sometimes I feel like posting someTHING says more about me that just a mug shot. I don't mind how I look but I'm not big on selfies either. Honestly I read the comments and then might notice a picture. Words count for me.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I has some shirtless pics of myself on a dating website when I was single, and one of my male coworkers whom I'd never met approached me in the lunchroom and told me his wife has my pictures on her PC at home.

    I took them down immediately.

    I almost missed this gem the first time. And precisely HOW did this come up?

    He just came up you and admitted his wife is saving your pics? Are they planning to blackmail you? Why is she on a dating website? Did you date her?

    The mind reels. So many questions!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I has some shirtless pics of myself on a dating website when I was single, and one of my male coworkers whom I'd never met approached me in the lunchroom and told me his wife has my pictures on her PC at home.

    I took them down immediately.

    I almost missed this gem the first time. And precisely HOW did this come up?

    He just came up you and admitted his wife is saving your pics? Are they planning to blackmail you? Why is she on a dating website? Did you date her?

    The mind reels. So many questions!
    I feel like I need to know this opens up a huge can of worms...

  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I actually friend requested someone in this very thread because of their profile picture, that isn't really a picture of them at all and because of their remarks on other boards.

    Who gives two poops if your picture is your actual face or, oh, Idk, Jay and Silent Bob?
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    My pic says something about me, and it shows my face. That was my husband and I at our first 5K back in May. I prefer to see a picture of a person, so I can know at least a little bit about a person. When my friend Ron who posted a few places up (and yes, he's my friend, even though I only know him from here), changed his profile pic, I barely recognized him, cuz he was looking so awesome! But I liked seeing that change as well. Motivational pics are good, but I like a face :bigsmile:
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    seems as if someone is trying to find out what someone looks like before hitting on them or flirting.... i think theres more to it. pic or no pic your not here to see what someone looks like.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    I run from cameras so there are very few pictures of me. I've had too many negative comments when I do get the courage to post a picture of myself. I realize I should not care what other's think, but when you have low self esteem and are self conscious to begin with...the comments only make things worse. On top of that...I am very, very shy.:blushing:

    I did not hide from cameras, but I would hide behind people and/or objects so the picture would not show me as large as I am.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't mind either way, although I do like to know what people look like!
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    i am a great fan of seeing my friends' faces as well--it not only helps me feel more connected to them, but allows me to compliment and encourage them :) totally don't require photos of the actual person, though--some people are just uncomfortable with photos or concerned about privacy for reasons relevant to their families, their communities or their career, and i can completely respect that.