Beginners Challenge.... 50 miles in July



  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    In for 60 miles :explode:

  • yokleigh
    yokleigh Posts: 23
    I'm in for 50.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I would love to join in too!! I will try for the 50 miles of walking!
  • Paul_Kent_UK
    Paul_Kent_UK Posts: 63 Member
    I''ll give this one a go

  • I'm In!

  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    2 miles on the bike
    1 mile on the eliptical
    .5 mile on the treadmill
    total of 3.5 miles for today!
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    2 miles on the bike
    1 mile on the eliptical
    .5 mile on the treadmill
    total of 3.5 miles for today!

  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    2.6 miles walked today taking and picking children up from school and nursery. :smile:

  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in!!
  • Willow_Raine
    Willow_Raine Posts: 56 Member
    I'll give it a shot. I'm not sure I can walk it all, but if I can add in my exercise bike I should be fine.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
  • NJD2885
    NJD2885 Posts: 216 Member
    did terrible last month but in for July and hoping to do much better :)
  • redyo
    redyo Posts: 11
    Started the month off right by running 3 miles this morning! I'm getting back into this running thing, and it was harder than I had expected/remembered. I'm proud of myself for: not letting myself stop where I stopped yesterday (at 2 miles), not slowing down when I hit hills, and not overdoing it on the first mile.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member

    There IS a 100 Mile challenge on another board. I think I need too move there as I am usually far over the challenge here every month....

  • mhere2be
    mhere2be Posts: 44 Member
    Am in for around 60. Did 2.25 miles today.
  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    I am in for 60 miles in July...just starting training for a half marathon in September....can definately use the push.
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    Let's try this again...So close in May, June was not so good (very busy and lots of rain).
    I really want to meet the 50 mile minimum this month.
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    Im new to this ticker thing, how do you update it? I did 2.7 miles today :)
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm in for the challenge of 50 miles. We are camping this week at the local park and they have a 1.5 mile track around the lake. I plan to try to walk a couple of laps on it twice a day and also ride my bicycle around it some.
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    I will try. Just finished c25k so definitely a beginner

    Goal will be 60 miles

    7/1 ran 3.25 miles. Walked dog .60 mile

    Looking for friends too