C25K Freakout...how's it possible!!!

kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
I'm on week three of C25K. I've just been coasting along listing to my podcast and doing whatever it tells me to. It's been slightly challenging for me, as I'm not in shape whatsoever. Well, I just decided to look ahead at the schedule in the upcoming weeks. I am freaking out at the prospect of running 20 minutes in week five - holy cow! How is that going to be possible! I see that the longest time run prior to that is 8 minutes. 8 minutes even seems impossible at this point. How the heck do you make it through without collapsing into a pile of goo on the pavement? Seriously though, I'd love to hear the stories of people who have been there and done it. Stories from unfit people such as myself - who went from running 3 minutes in week three to 20 minutes only a couple weeks later!!! Can I really do it?


  • anna_louise90
    anna_louise90 Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah I thought the same thing, but its definitely possible. On the podcast Laura tells you that it's a mental thing, and that she's going to guide you through it. And she's right, just believe that you can do it, but take it at a slower pace to make sure that you complete it. If you get tired, just reduce your pace - you will feel great upon completion! Also just make sure you have completed all previous runs (without too much difficulty, if you really struggled with a previous run re-do those first). Best of luck!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I am wondering the same thing pretty much. I did week 4, day 1 today and wasn't sure if I could do 5 minutes and I did :) However...going to 8 minutes two days next week and then *20 minutes* on the third day??? 8 to 20 seems like a huge jump to me.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    MaureenH39: What in the world???? You should be able to do that in your sleep. Are you the Cav Scout?
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Just slow down. Make sure you are running at a conversational pace. You will be amazed how far/long you can run.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I am bumping because I am freaking out too!!

    On W4 Day 1 tomorrow

    20 minutes seems impossible right now
  • Jme2209
    Jme2209 Posts: 24 Member
    I completely understand! I was so scared, every week has been a challenge for me. My advice: don't give up even though you want to so badly and slow your pace. I may have fat-man-shuffled that 20 minutes but I completed it! I went from never running a mile in my life and then that 20 min run I ran 1.59 miles! (slow I know please don't laugh) I was so proud of myself, stick to the program and push through the hard times, after the first 10 minutes I would say it got easier. Good luck and run strong!

    Forgot to add: Week 8 Day 1 today!
  • klynnshuck
    klynnshuck Posts: 33 Member
    You will be able to do it. Running is so mental. This time last year is was just starting C25K and on June 1st I ran my first half marathon. You don't think you will be able to do it but just try to put that out of your head. If you need to repeat some of week 4 to make week 5 easier. Trust your training and your body not your mind.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    It's definitely possible, you'd be amazed what your body can do once you get your mind to shut the hell up. I started a program in March that had me running a minute at a time at first. I'm 41 and hadn't run a mile since college. I ran my first 5K a month ago and haven't looked back. I'm up to almost 3 1/2 miles with no walking breaks and it feel awesome!!!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    @jbpi the one on the right is my son when he graduated AIT back in February :)
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    You'll get it. After my year off of life from Achilles surgery, etc., I couldn't run one full lap (1/4 Mile) at the high school. Yesterday I ran for 59 minutes (six miles) without skipping a beat. You'll get there :)
  • ErinG6191
    ErinG6191 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't think about it yet! I am a C25K graduate (was never ever ever a runner) and remember getting nervous leading up to that day. It is a mind over matter thing, however, having said that, I did also repeat weeks when I felt like I was at my capacity until I was ready to move forward. It took me probably 10-12 weeks to be able to run for 30 minutes and now I am training for a 10K. It is possible, just listen to your body, not your mind that is telling you that you can't do it. Keep it up!
  • fatnomore201220132014
    fatnomore201220132014 Posts: 130 Member
    you can definitely do it! When I started I struggled to run 5 minutes without feeling completley winded, now I can run 40 mninutes without walking breaks. Keep at it! :D
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I did c25k back a few years ago. It definitely can happen! Just focus on one foot in front of another, breathing naturally, and it will happen. I run with my iPod so having upbeat music helped. Then I found a podcast (this was pre-app) that had music and beeps to walk/run, so I didn't have to focus on anything other than being awesome!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    That 20 minute thing intimidated me too. Just drop your speed for the first one. It becomes surprisingly easy then.

    I skipped the bridge to 10k personally. A friend of mine that's an avid runner told me that it wasn't necessary. All you have to do is drop your speed. Once your body is accustomed to having your heart rate pumping at runners pace for 30 minutes... then you'll be able to have a slightly lower heart rate for longer.

    Just make sure you REALLY warm up before you do it. Trust me. I've pulled calf muscles... knee muscles... hamstrings. Pretty sure I ran a 10k today with a bruised heel...

    But you REALLY get to love it. I never thought I would be... but I'm turning into a total addict.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    December - absolutely thrilled that I ran One! Whole! MInute! without dying.

    June - pleased with my 1 hour 10 minute time during my 10k.
  • FITmrsroe
    FITmrsroe Posts: 28 Member
    best advice a friend gave me, to repeatedly say to yourself "my legs aren't giving up, my head is giving in" I went from doing 8 minutes one week to 15 and then 25. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • elvinprincess_9
    elvinprincess_9 Posts: 23 Member
    Im a c25k graduate and can now run for over an hour without feeling exhausted. I even signed up for a 10km run in 2 weeks. You can so do it!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    You can do it. When you get to that point just try it, you will most likely surprise yourself and if not then walking for a moment to catch your breath is ok too as long as you run again once you can. Pace yourself, speed will come later, just keep going.
  • laceymcmath
    Yep... I'm on that day today. Running 20 minutes without stopping. I feel like I'm going to die just thinking about it... so I'm trying NOT to think about it, lol. I'm just going to put my running shoes on after work and get out there and see what happens...
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just slow down. Make sure you are running at a conversational pace. You will be amazed how far/long you can run.

    I second this. Most runners (including myself when I started) train at too fast of a pace. This is counterproductive when you are trying to build endurance. Your focus should be on building aerobic not anaerobic capacity at this point.