Dealing with an unsupportive significant other

A few months ago, I noticed cubicle life was starting to get to me and I was gaining more weight than I would like. So I immediately made some lifestyle changes- bought a yoga class punch card, started walking more, started biking to work, spent more time at the gym, etc.
I also made significant changes to my diet. More veggies and whole grains, no fast food, less processed junk, etc.
It's working perfectly. I'm back where I was in college and have way more energy than I've had before.

The only problem is my boyfriend. He has a naturally fast metabolism and is skinny as a stick no matter what he puts in his mouth, and oh does he take advantage of that. He treats his stomach like a trash can.
The problem I have is that I work so hard, and I've told him to help me encourage my healthy habits. But he just can't seem to catch on. Every time I have a bad day, he brings me a huge sugary cupcake or chocolate bar or something (don't get me wrong- he is a PHENOMENAL boyfriend), always sticks his fast food french fries in my face repeatedly, offers me all of his junk food even after I push it away and tries to get me to cancel my fitness classes or set-aside gym time to spend time watching movies or doing nothing with him.

Don't get me wrong, I love him to death and he's great. But how can I get the message across that I really need him to support me in my healthier lifestyle?


  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Great job on your lifestyle changes!!! Congratulations!!! As for your boyfriend, it's important to note that you can't change people, you can only change how you react to them. :(
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    i think you have to sit down with him and tell him, look i know you can eat and do what you want and that is your prerogative. But I don't want to eat that stuff and I enjoy working out. I love how you bring me treats when I have a bad day but could you maybe start bringing me a bag of baked chips or a frozen yogurt (whatever you want). I want to spend time with you but I also love what working out does for me. It makes me upset when you try to make me cancel my workout because it feels like you don't care about my health the way i am trying to.
    Its hard but you just have to stick to your guns. Don't give in to the fries and sugary treats and he will stop offering. My husband used to get me ice cream and chips and dip, now he brings me frozen yogurt and chocolate covered fruit (not great but better).
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Oh and if you want some extra support along the way feel free to add me :) I've been there with my husband and made it thru to the other side lol. he still doesn't have the motivation that i do and eats junk and when i have a weak day will give in with me but that is his choice to not workout. And he gives in now only because i claim pregnancy cravings :)
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I WAS in this same position not too long ago. All you can do is sit down and TALK with him and spell it all out for him - no TV going, no radio, nothing else in the conversation, NO DISTRACTIONS. Tell him how important it is to you and, even if he chooses NOT to participate, you would appreciate his support by way of: dot, dot , dot. The only other choices you have are ignore him or ditch him. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
    Tough one, I have to agree with ^^^. Married for 24 years here and I have come to the realization that my wonderful other half cant be EVERYTHING to me. is I need support in an area he doesn't "get" then I have to find what I need... like here is not a bad place to get that. He doesn't encourage me to exercise, but doesn't discourage me and he certainly does not exercise with me. I don't care if he wants to stop and eat fast food burgers, that is not something that tempts and even if it did, it is probably something I need to figure out how to deal with. The world is not going to stop the big drippy burger commercials just for me either.

    I can say (just between us) ok and the rest of the world...... that I do find it encouraging when his reactions to me during intimate moments tell me he can tell a difference in the more "sportier" me and when I hear "dang honey, I don't know what you are doin, but you are looking mighty fine!". Biggest thing is I can tell a difference and I feel a difference, this is my motivation..
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    With guys, they tend to be clueless, and a guy who can eat anything and get away with it will understand even less. Sometimes it can be hard to be on track when you have a major lifestyle incompatibility. Make him understand that his shoving fast food in front of you and taunting you and forcing distractions is supportive and disrespectful.
    If he still refuses to listen to you and won't support you by not shoving food in your face, cut off the sex completely. When he asks why, tell him you don't sleep with men who aren't supportive. And if that doesn't work, then dump him. He is "Not" a phenomenal boyfriend if he is sabotaging both your health and happiness. Men always pull crap like this and it's not okay to be ignored as a partner in the relationship.
    He's probably ignoring you because he's not taking you seriously because he doesn't respect you in the relationship and because it's a problem he can't personally relate to, and therefore doesn't have that problem, so he doesn't care. When it impacts him personally , then he will care. So like I said, if he continues to disrespect you, pull the plug on the sex and affection and put your needs first. If he won't change, then you can't make him. Leave him for a fit and fab workout guy.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I'm guessing that until recently you and him shared a similar lifestyle and ate many of the same foods. It could be that he simply doesn't understand that you don't eat stuff like that anymore and you need to workout/go to the gym etc. If he has never struggled with his weight (lucky devil!) then he truly won't get it. It could also be that he is seeing you are finding stuff you love outside of your relationship and he finds that threatening. He might be (consciously or unconsciously) trying to bring you back to the relationship because he feels he might lose you to this 'new love' of healthy eating and working out.

    You need to talk about this because the more he continues to do this, the more you may resent him/assume he's trying to sabotage you. Sit him down and have a chat - start by validating your relationship, explain how much you love him and how much you appreciate him trying to help by bringing you comfort food etc when you have a bad day. And that while his heart is in the right place, you don't eat stuff like that anymore and you would prefer to do a new thing when you feel bad (like work out, eat something healthier or something else). Don't accuse him of trying to sabotage you. Suggest that you make a 'date' night or regular time to sit down and watch a movie/veg out together (you need down time too!) but stress that this will not involve you eating junk food together. But stress that you will not cancel planned gym/workouts - that is YOUR time for yourself.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Make him understand that his shoving fast food in front of you and taunting you and forcing distractions is supportive and disrespectful.
    If he still refuses to listen to you and won't support you by not shoving food in your face, cut off the sex completely. When he asks why, tell him you don't sleep with men who aren't supportive. And if that doesn't work, then dump him
    ^^ Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. If the guy's a PHENOMENAL boyfriend, as the OP stated, I doubt this is an evil-boyfriend sabotage attempt. Seems much more likely that he's trying, in what may be a ham-handed way, to send her a message that he loves her no matter what and thinks she's beautiful just the way she is. He thinks she's depriving herself of true chocolate-covered, deep-fried happiness all so she can be pretty and skinny for his sake. Betcha a buck on this.

    OP, I agree with MrsRobertson and cwaters, and I would add this for your consideration: Tell him explicitly that you've made these lifestyle changes for YOU, because you feel better and healthier (and, ahem, sexier) this way. That you're not running yourself ragged out of insecurity about being "skinny enough" for him, but you just enjoy being fitter. That you love how he thinks of you and tries to make you feel happy, and you love spending time together with him, and none of what you're doing is BECAUSE of him (although you hope he enjoys the fringe benefits ;). Tell him that if you're down, you'd love it if he could help you take your mind off stuff by pulling you into doing something together that's active but fun and goofy; e.g., it's a one-on-one basketball game or heck, paintball or laser tag. And then figure out a time together that you can do something he'd really enjoy doing together -- even if it's something sedentary, because relationships matter too.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Make him understand that his shoving fast food in front of you and taunting you and forcing distractions is supportive and disrespectful.
    If he still refuses to listen to you and won't support you by not shoving food in your face, cut off the sex completely. When he asks why, tell him you don't sleep with men who aren't supportive. And if that doesn't work, then dump him
    ^^ Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. If the guy's a PHENOMENAL boyfriend, as the OP stated, I doubt this is an evil-boyfriend sabotage attempt. Seems much more likely that he's trying, in what may be a ham-handed way, to send her a message that he loves her no matter what and thinks she's beautiful just the way she is. He thinks she's depriving herself of true chocolate-covered, deep-fried happiness all so she can be pretty and skinny for his sake. Betcha a buck on this.

    OP, I agree with MrsRobertson and cwaters, and I would add this for your consideration: Tell him explicitly that you've made these lifestyle changes for YOU, because you feel better and healthier (and, ahem, sexier) this way. That you're not running yourself ragged out of insecurity about being "skinny enough" for him, but you just enjoy being fitter. That you love how he thinks of you and tries to make you feel happy, and you love spending time together with him, and none of what you're doing is BECAUSE of him (although you hope he enjoys the fringe benefits ;). Tell him that if you're down, you'd love it if he could help you take your mind off stuff by pulling you into doing something together that's active but fun and goofy; e.g., it's a one-on-one basketball game or heck, paintball or laser tag. And then figure out a time together that you can do something he'd really enjoy doing together -- even if it's something sedentary, because relationships matter too.

    Yes! ^^
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    IME, trying to get a man to change rarely works. Actually, women too! So I guess people in general, only change when THEY want to, not when someone else wants them to. There might be tweaks here and there that they'll listen to, but change is hard for everyone. My husband is kind of the same way. What I really put my energy into was turning myself into the person that I wanted be rather than count on him to encourage me. Eventually, he noticed the change in me and started acting the exact way I wanted him to act all on his own. It was really annoying because I spent all that time asking him to do it and he never did! But I found support online, through friends, co-workers, neighbors. This is a great way to get support. I know it's lovely to think that our partners will be able to know exactly what we need and how much we need it, but a lot of the times that's exactly what they think they're doing. I've only been with my guy 5 years, but that's what I've come to realize with trying to change him. But hey! We're here for you! SUPPORT! SUPPORT! SUPPORT! :flowerforyou:
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    IME, trying to get a man to change rarely works. Actually, women too! So I guess people in general, only change when THEY want to, not when someone else wants them to. There might be tweaks here and there that they'll listen to, but change is hard for everyone. My husband is kind of the same way. What I really put my energy into was turning myself into the person that I wanted be rather than count on him to encourage me. Eventually, he noticed the change in me and started acting the exact way I wanted him to act all on his own. It was really annoying because I spent all that time asking him to do it and he never did! But I found support online, through friends, co-workers, neighbors. This is a great way to get support. I know it's lovely to think that our partners will be able to know exactly what we need and how much we need it, but a lot of the times that's exactly what they think they're doing. I've only been with my guy 5 years, but that's what I've come to realize with trying to change him. But hey! We're here for you! SUPPORT! SUPPORT! SUPPORT! :flowerforyou:

    ^^^totally agree :)
  • BigJ1966
    BigJ1966 Posts: 7
    I think you will have the last laugh when he eats himself into an early grave with all that crap he's shovelling down his neck.

    Heart attacks are not confined to overweight people.

    You only get one go on the ride so don't waste it.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    A few months ago, I noticed cubicle life was starting to get to me and I was gaining more weight than I would like. So I immediately made some lifestyle changes- bought a yoga class punch card, started walking more, started biking to work, spent more time at the gym, etc.
    I also made significant changes to my diet. More veggies and whole grains, no fast food, less processed junk, etc.
    It's working perfectly. I'm back where I was in college and have way more energy than I've had before.

    The only problem is my boyfriend. He has a naturally fast metabolism and is skinny as a stick no matter what he puts in his mouth, and oh does he take advantage of that. He treats his stomach like a trash can.
    The problem I have is that I work so hard, and I've told him to help me encourage my healthy habits. But he just can't seem to catch on. Every time I have a bad day, he brings me a huge sugary cupcake or chocolate bar or something (don't get me wrong- he is a PHENOMENAL boyfriend), always sticks his fast food french fries in my face repeatedly, offers me all of his junk food even after I push it away and tries to get me to cancel my fitness classes or set-aside gym time to spend time watching movies or doing nothing with him.

    Don't get me wrong, I love him to death and he's great. But how can I get the message across that I really need him to support me in my healthier lifestyle?
    Phenomenal great boyfriends don't do what he is doing. Phenomenal great boyfriends will support their SO's efforts. he may be clueless and not mean, and I'll take your word for it that he is a "great guy" but frankly I dont' see it. it's easy to be a great guy when you are hanging around the house watching a movie and being cuddly but it's more difficult when faced with issues or moments likes this.

    as for what to do - well, what do you do now when he shoves fries in your face? or brings you cupcakes? if you eat them, after repeatedly saying "no" then he (just like a toddler or a teen) has learned that if he pushes enough, you will do what he wants. If you don't eat the garbage, then he (eventually) get the message. If you tell him once, very very firmly "honey, i love you , and I think it's sweet that you want to bring me treats, but i am not eating these cupcakes/fries and don't want them in the house. If you bring them again, they are going in the trash". and then follow up (pour bleach or somethign over them so you won't be tempted to eat them).
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Don't get me wrong, but...if my husband behaved like your phenomenal boyfriend, we'd be having a discussion about what it means to be supportive. He needs to be more respectful of your priorities, just as you should be of his.

    Waving food in your face when you've already made it clear you don't want it is just immature, jerk behavior. If he really is a great guy as you say, then he will probably respond well if you just sit him down and talk about the behavior and how it affects you. He might just think he's being funny or cute.

    A great guy (or girl) will care enough about their partner to listen to their concerns and respect their needs. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    OP, dont take to heart what some other members are saying about your boyfriend, I particularly raised my eyebrows at the word "sabotage". Seriously, this guy has probably always supplied sweet treats on bad days, its what he thinks a girl wants when they are having a lousy day, and lets be honest girls it usually is!

    My other half does the same thing, he wants to share food with me thats he created (he's a chef), share secret bags of sweeties, chocolates and naughty cheeses and wines just because that is what we have always done. Like my other half, your BF is probably more than a little worried about your sudden interest in wanting to be healthier, well what he's actually thinking is "OH MY GOD WHY IS SHE CHANGING HERSELF WHEN I LOVE HER JUST AS SHE IS??!!". He's probably feeling a smidge insecure, they really are delicate little creatures sometime.

    I made a point of involving my other half in physical activities without labeling it as exercise, we go out for "romantic walks" on the canal, bike riding, oh and of course a whole lot of :wink: :blushing:

    Just explain you are doing this to be healthier and so he can have an awesome hot girlfriend, dont exclude him and he will slowly come round, my boy now makes a point of cooking healthier for me.

    Good luck xx
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Let him read your post. Done.
  • BeTheFire
    BeTheFire Posts: 102 Member
    With guys, they tend to be clueless, and a guy who can eat anything and get away with it will understand even less. Sometimes it can be hard to be on track when you have a major lifestyle incompatibility. Make him understand that his shoving fast food in front of you and taunting you and forcing distractions is supportive and disrespectful.
    If he still refuses to listen to you and won't support you by not shoving food in your face, cut off the sex completely. When he asks why, tell him you don't sleep with men who aren't supportive. And if that doesn't work, then dump him. He is "Not" a phenomenal boyfriend if he is sabotaging both your health and happiness. Men always pull crap like this and it's not okay to be ignored as a partner in the relationship.
    He's probably ignoring you because he's not taking you seriously because he doesn't respect you in the relationship and because it's a problem he can't personally relate to, and therefore doesn't have that problem, so he doesn't care. When it impacts him personally , then he will care. So like I said, if he continues to disrespect you, pull the plug on the sex and affection and put your needs first. If he won't change, then you can't make him. Leave him for a fit and fab workout guy.

    @ Christina: Wow, what a shallow way to look at relationships. I truly hope for your sake it is a phase and you can date a man who is exactly that.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    My husband generally thinks I'm a bit crackers when it comes to eating. He's seen me go through ever diet, get seriously thin and put weight back on a little too. He never really worries about what he shoves in his mouth - daily crisps and chocolate bars? You bet. Mid-week large pizza dinner? Sure. It used to KILL me.

    All I do is make sure the treats are out of my reach, we have seperate treat shelves in the cupboards now (as once I see it's not mine I don't want it, excellent psychological training on my part). I buy things and he buys me things and I just thank him and pop them on my shelf for when I have the calories spare to indulge. I make myelf really fancy dinners on nights when he has pizza (I can't and won't stop him, so I make something amazing just for me, so it's really special) and then I don't feel put out.

    He knows my issues, he knows that I'm terrible with temptation and sometimes he calls me boring, but I just don't listen when he does that. He doesn't mean it, he loves me to bits, he just wants me to relax a little more sometimes as he thinks I look perfect.

    In a way I'm glad he does it, he's my reality check, he stops me from calling myself fat and tells me that I look amazing. I need that balance in my life.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    If he's really wonderful, then probably either his mother, female relative or co-workers have said "if your SO is down in the dumps or feels she looks bad, its her hormones so she needs chocolate". You need to explain carefully that while you do love chocolate, you've found too much makes you feel bad.

    If he's not someone who finds talking about feelings and stuff easy, just say "all that fast food and sugar really gives me bad "women problems" "and the subject won't come up again:wink:

    As others have said, find ways to do fun activities together and arrange to watch TV/movies on your "rest days". if that's still not doing the job, find some nice lingerie in a catalogue and show him, saying "when I reach my goal I'm going to start wearing stuff like that ALL the time" - that should get him counting your crunches like a drill sergeant :laugh:
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Could he be feeling a bit left out if you're out if you're out of the house more at the gym and yoga? Maybe you could try to get him involved a bit by asking him to go the gym with you or skipping the gym and taking a nice walk together. How about getting some new foods to you both and experimenting with them by cooking a (fairly healthy) meal together? Might make him more interested if he gets to do something with you and gets his belly filled lol