Working Nights and Trying to get back on track.


My name is Mindi. I have been here, many times before and I have fallen off the proverbial wagon.

I am now working night shifts at the heaviest I have ever been. I love my job, but there is a ton of downtime and ability to eat at work and I dont want that to happen, so I am back.

I am also a mom of 4, and an emotional eater. I am just looking for support and help.

Anyone interested?


  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    Nightshift here! I'm part-time right now while I'm in school but it still sucks trying not to snack. I don't do it when I'm on a day schedule but all I want to do at work is eat! I don't have kids yet but I would definitely say I'm an emotional eater as well. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I hear this a lot, but I actually eat less when I am working nights. Thankfully we have a gym so I sneak off down there whenever I can. As for eating I bring my food and try to keep the intervals between meals just like I would on days. And I definitely don't bring extra food. I've come to learn what times I tend to get hungry. I usually get the munchies around 4 so I save my usually 10pm snack for 4am instead! Hit me up if you need some support in the wee hours!