5:2 diet



  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.
    The point is that many people find it works for them, controlling their food intake just two days a week instead of logging and stressing every day .

    Why be hungry all the time when you can be hungry two days a week, or as you restrict so much perhaps not even hungry at all.
    I know because I used to try stuff like this all the time. I didn't do it because I thought It would make me feel better. I did it because people would hype it up, just like intermittent fasting, and it didn't make a difference..
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.
    The point is that many people find it works for them, controlling their food intake just two days a week instead of logging and stressing every day .

    Why be hungry all the time when you can be hungry two days a week, or as you restrict so much perhaps not even hungry at all.
    I can understand that but it didn't make her feel better right?
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.

    Perhaps if you did a little research on the plethora of information now available in regards to cyclical caloric deprivation and intermittent fasting you wouldn't be "raging" over a way of eating that, for some, has extraordinary health and weight management/loss benefits.

    Your way isn't the only way. We all must search and find what works best for us.
    She said she felt dizzy by 10 am. That is enough evidence. Let's say you are at a 3500 caloric deficit at end of the week both ways. What is the point of feeling like **** the 3 other days if you are going to lose the same amount. Logic, not even once.

    The fact that she had a banana and some cheese and STILL felt dizzy by 10am in the morning is the problem. The human body should be fine going hours without food, it's how we're built. Historically we have never needed to be in a constant, endless state of perpetual feeding. That is a totally modern construct, and a false one. So the very fact that this person was showing withdrawal symptoms in the morning, even after eating a banana with some cheese, points toward some issues that need to be corrected.

    And like I said, do a little research. It goes a long way. You're obvious ignorant to the benefits of this kind of plan, which extend well beyond weight loss. And for some people it is literally the ONLY way they can get a significant caloric deficit in without feeling constantly deprived and famished every day. IFing diets also help others correct very dysfunctional relationships with food, and helps reset their taste buds for healthier fare. This way of eating is a lifestyle for some, many of whom tried it the "normal" way, your way, and saw nothing but failure and misery.

    There is nothing wrong with being ignorant, but "raging" and belittling that which you don't understand isn't helpful to anybody in the long run.
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.

    Perhaps if you did a little research on the plethora of information now available in regards to cyclical caloric deprivation and intermittent fasting you wouldn't be "raging" over a way of eating that, for some, has extraordinary health and weight management/loss benefits.

    Your way isn't the only way. We all must search and find what works best for us.
    She said she felt dizzy by 10 am. That is enough evidence. Let's say you are at a 3500 caloric deficit at end of the week both ways. What is the point of feeling like **** the 3 other days if you are going to lose the same amount. Logic, not even once.

    The fact that she had a banana and some cheese and STILL felt dizzy by 10am in the morning is the problem. The human body should be fine going hours without food, it's how we're built. Historically we have never needed to be in a constant, endless state of perpetual feeding. That is a totally modern construct, and a false one. So the very fact that this person was showing withdrawal symptoms in the morning, even after eating a banana with some cheese, points toward some issues that need to be corrected.

    And like I said, do a little research. It goes a long way. You're obvious ignorant to the benefits of this kind of plan, which extend well beyond weight loss. And for some people it is literally the ONLY way they can get a significant caloric deficit in without feeling constantly deprived and famished every day. IFing diets also help others correct very dysfunctional relationships with food, and helps reset their taste buds for healthier fare. This way of eating is a lifestyle for some, many of whom tried it the "normal" way, your way, and saw nothing but failure and misery.

    There is nothing wrong with being ignorant, but "raging" and belittling that which you don't understand isn't helpful to anybody in the long run.
    I have done my research. Probably more than you. I have probably had more experience with things like these and me and tons of other people agree that it is unnecessary to do this. You guys always try to find other ways of doing things that are not necessary. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken. Studies are always skewed and biased and will find anything to go in their favor. This is coming from someone that has tried it all. I was the same way as you. You get so sold into ideas but then realize it was a waste of time. Surely, a few months ago, you will ask yourself, "what was I thinking." If doing that makes you feel better, go right ahead, but if it makes you feel bad, don't do it. Simple as that.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    If doing that makes you feel better, go right ahead, but if it makes you feel bad, don't do it. Simple as that.

    The only true thing you've said in this thread. I concur.

    Good luck to all of those who IF, and are seeing the benefits of it. I do and it's amazing. I wish you all well!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Im loving it. I feel so much more healthier as well, skin is good, energy levels have also spiked. Have lost 5lbs in four weeks and my tummy has shrunk looking at progress pics over the weekend.

    Im happy!
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    If doing that makes you feel better, go right ahead, but if it makes you feel bad, don't do it. Simple as that.

    The only true thing you've said in this thread. I concur.

    Good luck to all of those who IF, and are seeing the benefits of it. I do and it's amazing. I wish you all well!
    You will learn. I was exactly like you.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I am not going to agree with one side or the other. I did try IF and just couldn't continue with it because I did feel dizzy and weak. It also sent me into bingeing which I have a serious problem with. I had a feeling that this would happen happen but, gave it a chance. I finally just feel that it was't for me. Felt starving and it just didn't feel right. I did want it to work but, no. Good luck to you all.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.

    this is pretty much true.if IF makes it easier to create deficit then by all means go for it..

    I did lean gains 18/6 for about 8 months and like it ; however, it did not really fit into my lifestyle and I felt like I was cooking all freaking night...

    Do whatever you need to create a caloric deficit...
  • fatash1021
    fatash1021 Posts: 4 Member
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.

    this is pretty much true.if IF makes it easier to create deficit then by all means go for it..

    I did lean gains 18/6 for about 8 months and like it ; however, it did not really fit into my lifestyle and I felt like I was cooking all freaking night...

    Do whatever you need to create a caloric deficit...
    I did try IF but I felt like it didn't make a difference tbh.
  • jacksonsoxfan
    jacksonsoxfan Posts: 8 Member
    I just started this today, and did 523 calories. Breakfast was Ezekial bread with 1 t. olive oil, and plain nonfat greek yogurt. I had a pouch of tuna after lifting weights at lunch. Then dinner was 8 oz. of shrimp, half a cucumber, baby carrots and 2 T hummus. I was not as hungry as I thought I'd be. However I am hungry now at 9:30pm. I hate going to bed hungry :( Tomorrow will eat my normal amount of calories. I'll give this diet a week or two and see how it goes.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Making me rage. Seriously what is the point?!!!!! Just get into a 500 caloric deficit.

    this is pretty much true.if IF makes it easier to create deficit then by all means go for it..

    I did lean gains 18/6 for about 8 months and like it ; however, it did not really fit into my lifestyle and I felt like I was cooking all freaking night...

    Do whatever you need to create a caloric deficit...
    I did try IF but I felt like it didn't make a difference tbh.

    I leaned out a little..but that was probably due to the calorie deficit ....
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I just started this today, and did 523 calories. Breakfast was Ezekial bread with 1 t. olive oil, and plain nonfat greek yogurt. I had a pouch of tuna after lifting weights at lunch. Then dinner was 8 oz. of shrimp, half a cucumber, baby carrots and 2 T hummus. I was not as hungry as I thought I'd be. However I am hungry now at 9:30pm. I hate going to bed hungry :( Tomorrow will eat my normal amount of calories. I'll give this diet a week or two and see how it goes.

    Im a lifter and also do cardio on alternate days.

    I workout on an empty stomach and actually feel good afterwards, not hungry. I eat a small lunch but the bulk of my calories go on dinner and I leave it as late as possible before I eat those so I dont feel like **** before bedtime.

    Give it four weeks at least