Looking for encouraging friends! I've got 55lbs to go!

cspong Posts: 260 Member
Hey guys! I'm 22 and mom of an almost 2 year old. I gained a loooot of weight in my pregnancy and was 270ish when I had my daughter (I'm 5'8). I'm currently at 244, and working very hard to keep losing, but would love to have more friends who are actively on MFP to help encourage me (and of course I'll encourage back)! I'm looking to get to 190 and will re-evalute from there.

I'm not new to MFP, I used it last year and lost 40lbs, started on a medication known for its weight gain (unfortunately) and went back up to 252 from 235, where I stopped last year and was maintaining. So, now that I'm fighting my medication along with my laziness, lol, I've had to kick it into high gear. I started on June 1st and I've lost 8 lbs in a month :)

Feel free to add me! Thank you!
