exercise help??

I need some tips as to what I can do to burn fat. I'm struggling to work out with my kids. I've got a 5yr old, 3yr old, and a 2 month old who's being breastfed. I have a hard time getting the dishes done let alone much time for really working out. I do get about 10 min. intervals where I can put the little guy down and do stuff....but other than a little yoga, trunk twists, jumping jacks, crunches, push ups and stair lunges/jogging...I don't know exactly what to do. Any thought and help would be MUCH appreciated!


  • toddw83
    toddw83 Posts: 7 Member
    I think most importantly Terri, if you only have 10 minute intervals to work out in - it would be important that those 10 minutes be as intense as possible as to maximize your calorie burn. How is your nutrition looking?

    I have a 5 and a 3 year old myself. Although I am not home with them all day, I know what kind of time commitment that is. You ROCK!

  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    As he said intense workouts for 10 minutes but also I am a stay at home mom. Before I got a gym membership my daughter who is three wouldn't leave me alone so I could work out so I would have her do it with me so if your 2 month old is sleeping I suggest that you involve your 3 and 5 year old in your workouts. My daughter loved it. I even have a treadmill and bought one for my daughter. they have kid ones at walmart.com if your interested. we workout on the treadmill together if I am not at the gym. Try getting them on the floor with you doing sit ups, jumping jacks, and crunches if nothing else it might give you a little more time.
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    Get the kids to help. When the little one is down, get the older 2 to dance or run and play with them. I've also seen where, some people use their toddler as a weight. Lay on the floor and lift him/her. They'll get the giggles and you'll get a workout! Get a wagon and take them for a ride in it. Take them to the park and run and play with them. Find ways to turn your workout into their playtime. Might take some imagination on your part, but they'll have fun.
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    ZUMBA! Great fun, no equipment needed besides a computer/DVD player or something. You don't even need much space and the kids will LOVE it. You can also modify the moves and still get a great workout. Shake it around the house while you're getting things done. I totally understand the not having time to do anything business, but this is a lot easier than most aerobics programs to work into a hectic life. Try ZUMBA 20 minute Express first and then move on to ZUMBA Cardio Party. :flowerforyou:
  • AmberEnriquez2
    AmberEnriquez2 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also a mother and trust me it is possible. I have a 6 year old and an 18 month old and i manage to workout 45 minutes daily!...ZUMBA is what i use to do cardio..it is tons of fun and mostly just dancing..you have to make the commitment to find the time either early in the morning or at night when the kids are asleep..YOU CAN DO IT!
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    mother of 3 here ages 5.5, 3 and 2 i started this journey 1.5 year ago and was breastfeeding also a very demanding baby, i tried to get her down for a nap if i could so i could workout but if not set her up on the floor with some toys and unless she was screaming i ignored any complaints that came from her, or any of the others, i told them it was mommies time to exercise now and they soon got used to it, i workout at home with them running around all the time i have to be careful not to stand on them but it is absolutely possible, if you prioritise it you can make it happen, i also when mine were younger had a mechanical chair swing which they all loved and i got a good bit of time of them being happy in that swinging away so i could get things done like the dinner cleaning up or like i said exercise

    and like already said find activities to even do with the kids, put the baby in the buggy and go for a speed walk round the park while the other 2 are chasing a ball or something be inventive with what you can do to get moving, zumba as said also great my kids love when i put zumba on they dance away and have a great time with me
  • gracikle
    gracikle Posts: 10 Member
    on youtube there is jillian's 30day shred and the total work out is 25 minutes and pretty intense.
    otherwise i'd say jumping jacks. on the spot jogging running up and down stairs and a skipping roap are all good ways to whack your heatreat up for a short burst. the 30 day shred- i dont do it as a plan but just as a work out ideally 2-3 times a week. i may move up to the second level but not for a bit yet
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    I only have one kid, not three.. but even with one it was a struggle for me! I dont know if this is possible for you, but I found a gym (35$ a month, with day care). Since there is a day care, there really is no excuse for me not to go to the gym every day. Any time through out my work out, I will just walk over and check on her. Some gyms dont offer babies that young, (my baby is almost five months), and they took her when she was three mos. You just have to find the right one!
  • Terri081013
    thank you all so much for your support, help, and suggestions! I really appreciate it!! My kids really love to boogy so I'll def. look into that Zumba program. My hardest challenge is my 2 month old just 'cause he's so temperamental and feeds so often. THANK YOU SO MUCH!