8 Months of Shin Splints...help!

grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I just can not get these shin splints healed..it has been 8 months now!
My sport is Taekwondo so not a whole lot of running but I really feel it during our warm up runs & with the impact of kicking.

This is what I have been doing to try and rectify the situation:
-I have been to physio numerous times, she did massage, tens machine, ice & gave me stretches to do.
-I have seen my chiropractor numerous times for Active Release Therapy-this gave me the most relief but my insurance is run out now and I can't keep dishing out the bucks for chiro.
-I have been for massage where the focus on this area
-I stretch out my calves several times a day
-I ice them
-I massage them myself
-I have just started taping them while at TKD, hoping this will provide some relief

What else can I do?? It is so discouraging to be dealing with this for so long :-(


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Oh, Vanessa, I feel you pain. I have no advice on shin splints but I can commiserate with you. My weak spot is my knees. When I over-do it can take months for them to get back to normal. I am currently on week 8 of nursing a sore spot. I know it will get better but it just takes time.

    8 months seems like a really long time! Do you think you should re-visit your MD or ortho?

    Hope you get some good advice here!

  • i had shin splints for 6-8 weeks and the only thing that helped was when i stopped exercising for a short time- i had been putting too much pressure on my leg by walking everywhere. after 4-7 days of rest, i was able to continue exercising, but i eased back in to it, (bikes, weight lifting) and it hasn't come back since!
  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    Yeah, shin splints suck! I used to get them a few years ago when I started running. When I read your post all I could think about was REX-KWONDO from Napoleon Dynamite!
  • I defintiely have had my fair share of shin splints! While mine were from running...I hope this advice helps.

    I read in a running magazine to loosen your laces on your shoes. I honestly do not know how it works...but it does! I would give that a try :flowerforyou:
    Good Luck!!!
  • Do you take a calcium, magnesium and vit D supplement? It's possible that your Vit D is very low and causing your
    muscle pain. It's a simple blood test you can have done, and then if it is low, they will simply give you prescription doses, 50,000 IU to take once a week for as little as one month, and your pain will disappear fairly quickly. It really is worth looking into. Vit D
    deficency is epidemic in the US and UK. You can Google it if you want more proof.
  • I don't have much more advice than what you are already doing. I usually find when I get them that ice and stretching does the trick. One thing my bootcamp instructor told us (ok, she yelled it at us) was to make sure when you walk/run to step heel first. Don't run on your toes because that's when you get them. Make sure you also get plenty of water. I sometimes get cramps in my shins when I don't have enough water. Try upping your water intake a little.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    oh gosh, i feel your pain. i recently took a week off because of this. i exercise my shins and calves (walking on heels, lifting with ankle weights) to help make them stronger. i won't run until sunday so i don't know how much this will have helped. i also looked into compression socks, i have an ace bandage to wrap up my legs. i don't know, hope you find relief.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I've taken time off but that hasn't helped.
    I have not checked my vitamin levels-thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it.
    Unfortunately we don't wear shoes in taekwondo so I can't try the loosened laces tip.
    I will take note of how I am running and try to focus on striking on my heel-that is not something I have tried yet.
    Thanks for all of the suggestions...something has to work eventually right???
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