Anyone done/doing the Advocare line?



  • Catalyst is simply an amino acid blend in a very minimal dosage. Look up the nutritional content. I order a BCAA amino blend from a supplement company online that costs me $50. It has 7,000mg BCAAs per serving, and 90 servings per bottle. The Catalyst product from Advocare only has 900mg per serving and 30 servings per bottle at a $31.50 price, making it right at 15x more expensive for essentially the exact same product. So, you would have to pay $750 to get the same amount of product that costs me $50.

    Their OmegaPlex product is the same way. It is just Fish Oil. To get the equivalent amount of EPA and DHA that I can get in a $20 bottle, you'd have to spend $120.

    Advocare is very good at marketing and selling a product to un-informed people. Nothing they sell is special...and it is ridiculously overpriced.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Advocare is a pyramid scheme. Nothing they have is anything different than what you can buy at Walmart. They have a placebo effect. Of course you're going to lose weight on the 24 day challenge- it's making you work out and eat more healthy! That's how most normal people lose weight. I have a friend that is a pro MMA fighter and she actually just posted an article about Advocare and all the crap they pull. It has a LOT of reference links for anyone interested.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Aren't most "weight loss plans" the same items, just marketed differently? It's not some magically plan that makes you drop pounds and inches. You use their products.. but you need to have regular exercise and eat healthy (which is what you would do normally to lose weight..)
    If you don't mind the price tag - then power to you.
    It's all about finding what works for you and sticking with it.
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    i looked at advocare when I started my fitness lifestyle - after researching the folks saying the products dont offer anythign special are 100% right. Most products are weaker and less potent than normal GNC items. Very expensive.

    I focused on BeachBody products instead - knowing that P90X, Insanity, Turbofire are all well respected programs and Shakeology is a respected superfoods shake. I decided to become a coach for them.

    I think what sold me on the beachbody opportunity is the fact they focus on exercise and not try to say there are magic pills or push items of low potency.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Advocare is a pyramid scheme. Nothing they have is anything different than what you can buy at Walmart. They have a placebo effect. Of course you're going to lose weight on the 24 day challenge- it's making you work out and eat more healthy! That's how most normal people lose weight. I have a friend that is a pro MMA fighter and she actually just posted an article about Advocare and all the crap they pull. It has a LOT of reference links for anyone interested.

    True that. Unfortunately, most people don't care.
  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    I did the 24 day challenge, and I didn't feel very cleansed or overly motivated. I did lose about 10lbs but I think that it was mostly changing my diet and getting off my *kitten* to the gym.
  • Connieann40
    Connieann40 Posts: 3 Member
    its amazig I did the 24 day c challange and started selling it because I know what it has done for me
  • Drvortex
    Drvortex Posts: 8
    I am down 97lbs in a year on AdvoCare. I feel amazing, look amazing, and am HEALTHY for the first time in my life. I owe everything to AdvoCare.

    Incredible...keep up the good work.
  • Thank you Kittyhasclaws! That website is VERY informative. Kudos to the author for her thoroughness, claim backup, & courage! I was considering Advocare as a Personal Trainer but no way am I now after reading that article.

  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I was going to do it but my naturopath doctor said it misaligned your chakras because it had some weird isotope powders or something.
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    A co-worker of mine had done it to win a weight loss challenge at work, after she completed the challenge she had lost 20lbs, within a month or two she had put it all back on plus some, she had started eating real food instead of living off the pills.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Look at it this way: if this program was truly successful, wouldn't EVERY GASTRO DOCTOR AND NUTRITIONIST EVERYWHERE be recommending it to EVERYONE?

    Folks, there is no magic pill, quick fix, or secret, amazing program to magically melt pounds off your bodies. It is done through proper eating and exercise. That's it, that's ALL. Because, when you go off this program, and you are eating normally again, you will most likely gain the weight back again, because nothing is guaranteed unless the changes are permanent.

    These companies have figured out numerous ways to separate you from your money.

    What you've done is just spent/wasted a lot of money to get results you could have gotten for FREE, had you just been a little more patient with the process, and sweated it off instead.
  • carabeth87
    carabeth87 Posts: 3
    I just finished the 24 day challenge! I lost 11 pounds and 7 inches. It was worth it! I do feel good. I also eat right and have been working out. I'm sure you can do it n your own but it did show me how to eat right. :) I still take omegaplex and thermo and spark. :)
  • Owlhoot8
    Owlhoot8 Posts: 1 Member
    My friend was selling Advocare so I decided to try it out. After 3 days of taking the product I had severe stomach pain and swelling. I do have GERD and it claimed it was gentle. Yeah, not in the least. Anyway, I have lost an enormous amount of weight for me but it has been through Curves Complete. Incidentally it is much cheaper too. I took my BMI from 26 to 23.9 in 3 months with no stomach cramps. You work out 4 times a week for half an hour. You eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. I am never hungry or in pain.
  • tdiet
    tdiet Posts: 1
    I did the ten day cleanse because my friend was selling it and I feel I just threw my money away. Sure I lost weight but it was because of what I was eating not the pills or fiber I was sold. You cut out dairy, sugar and all processed food on the Advocare diet, that's what causes the weight loss. I also got cramps using it. Save your money and just eat moderately and work out.
  • abo60
    abo60 Posts: 1
    I've played sports for a good 7 years. Which means I tried a bunch of products that would say appetite suppressant or something along the lines of packing lean muscle weight on. I gave up until advocare came along. Yes the advocare products would have the same advertisement as all the others and yea it's pricey. But everything I've taken with advocare actually works whether it is cutting weight/fat or energy. Yes the 24 day challenge works. I've tried eating right before for a month with exercise and maybe lost 10-15 lbs, but with the 24 day challenge I lost 26 pounds and 3 inches on my waist. I am not a distributor so I'm not trying to make a buck off you. I'm just trying to help the people that want it. I would rather pay a little more for something that works than to keep paying for tryouts.
  • STUCK STUCK STUCK! I am on day 17 and I haven't lost any weight since I started phase 2!!!! I lost 16 on the 10 days I'm taking the pills and following the diet very strict and exercising I'm getting very discouraged:( I haven't measured inches since day 10 but I don't feel like i have lost either........ANY ADVICE or Suggestions?

    Try adding more protein into your diet. I only lost about 6lbs with the 24 day challenge and have been taking the MNS for about a month now. I hit a wall until i started adding more protein to my diet. I've lost 2 lbs in a week doing so! I make sure I have something protein with every meal and snack.
  • Just did the 10 day cleanse lost 8 pounds...inches def came off but for the money I spent I think I would of just rather stayed on weight watchers I've been doing since January.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    pyramid scheme is pyramid.
  • MacNChz16
    MacNChz16 Posts: 2 Member
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