Uk- lost 44lbs,16 to go , looking for more friends to help

mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
I started using mfp in Jan and I love it, up to now I've lost 44lbs and feel so much better for it. It's my 40th birthday in August , which is my main reason for losing weight. I want to be fabulous @ 40 not fat! Lol. Going of my BMI I need to lose another 15.5 lbs to get into the healthy range. The weight loss is slowing and I have a weeks holiday in 3 weeks time. I really would like some more friends to help me with this final push! I don't have children , but a husband , 4 border collies & a new 9 week old working cocker spaniel puppy!


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I've lost 66lbs and only just got to a BMI of 24.9, although I do weigh more than I look like I do. It's taken me 2 years. I'm 35 and I've got 2 children who are 4 and 2.
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I've lost 66lbs and only just got to a BMI of 24.9, although I do weigh more than I look like I do. It's taken me 2 years. I'm 35 and I've got 2 children who are 4 and 2.
    Hi thanks ????
  • salsagal36
    salsagal36 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, also in the UK here :smile: Will send you a request.
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, i've just sent you a request :o) I'm also in the uk 88lb down 19 to my ultimate goal. Would be great to have a few more friends to help each other get to our goals so if any one else would like to add me feel free to send me a request.

    Oh and love your profile picture, i love collies they have the cutest faces
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me and we can support each other.
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, also in the UK here :smile: Will send you a request.
    thanks x
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, i've just sent you a request :o) I'm also in the uk 88lb down 19 to my ultimate goal. Would be great to have a few more friends to help each other get to our goals so if any one else would like to add me feel free to send me a request.

    Oh and love your profile picture, i love collies they have the cutest faces
    Wow 88 lbs that's amazing, well done! Thank you for the request - it will be great to support each other.
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me and we can support each other.
    Thank you - wow well done on losing 58 lbs!????
  • gracikle
    gracikle Posts: 10 Member
    always love to have some uk friends :) timedifferences make such a difference in being about to comment or support :) feel free to add me- no kids, just in healthy weight range, very slow progress, no kids just a 10month scotty poo puppy and a live in boyf :)
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member

    Not been a member long been going it alone for the past 2 months so any extra support is great :smile:

    Lost just over 14lbs so far only another 70 to go :ohwell:

    Just me, hubby and a mad Airedale Terrier, but I know what you mean about being fat and forty, shame I missed it by 12 months, but I will not be fat and 42!!!!

    So would love more people to talk to and support :bigsmile:
  • carplady
    carplady Posts: 36 Member
    hi I'm in Cheshire - 47, joined MFP in Feb this year and lost 31lb so far. My two sons are grown up so just live with hubby - no dogs though, can't have them due to work committments and we like to have weekends away fishing. I've sent a friend request
  • Wow u r doing so well, they do say the final hill is the hardest to climb but I'm sure ur working cocker will keep u on it toes, I have a 23 month old female cocker she is black with a faint white stripe down her front.
    I am a new member been on here just watching and reading for 2 weeks
    Would love to be ur friend. Even though I have no weight loss I did loose 4 lb first week then put it back on my monthly came along today so that's what I'm putting it down to.
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    always love to have some uk friends :) timedifferences make such a difference in being about to comment or support :) feel free to add me- no kids, just in healthy weight range, very slow progress, no kids just a 10month scotty poo puppy and a live in boyf :)

    Thanks have sent a friend request
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow u r doing so well, they do say the final hill is the hardest to climb but I'm sure ur working cocker will keep u on it toes, I have a 23 month old female cocker she is black with a faint white stripe down her front.
    I am a new member been on here just watching and reading for 2 weeks
    Would love to be ur friend. Even though I have no weight loss I did loose 4 lb first week then put it back on my monthly came along today so that's what I'm putting it down to.
    Thanks have sent a friend request - The working cocker is ruling the roost at the mo and terrorising my collies - its so funny, I've not logged any exercise this week, but I must be working of a lot chasing it around with the kitchen roll. lol
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    hi I'm in Cheshire - 47, joined MFP in Feb this year and lost 31lb so far. My two sons are grown up so just live with hubby - no dogs though, can't have them due to work committments and we like to have weekends away fishing. I've sent a friend request
    Thanks well done on your loss