Can I have alcohol & still lose weight?



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Alcohol does tend to lower inhibitions though so it may make resisting those fries a little harder.

    I agree.

    This is actually the main problem of alcohol & why do we get fatter from it. Whenever we drink alcohol, we also tend to eat more & not realizing the signal that we are full.
  • rockchalk956
    rockchalk956 Posts: 94 Member
    Of course! If it's a random drink or two during the week, I make sure to workout 15-30 minutes extra for every drink. Now if it's a night out, I'll drink as much as I want, as long as I can dance. You said you enjoy dancing- use that to your advantage! Fun cardio! If I'm going out with friends, I'll still record what I drink, but I'm a little more relaxed with the amount I consume, as long as I'll be dancing or doing something physical for most of the night.

    And I'm not issuing this as a challenge or anything, but I've found that after I started exercising regularly, I can actually drink more since I metabolize it faster (which surprised the hell out of me since it already took a LOT for me to feel anything :P.)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    You can't be serious about the intercourse thing!!! You can burn alot of calories from intercourse and it is healthy for you, so not sure what you are trying to get at.??

    How can an intercourse be healthy? Hello AIDS, HIV! If you do it solely with your husband/partner then that will be another thing.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    It depends, really. If drinking triggers hunger, then I would avoid drinking. If it doesn't, then drink away.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    here is a very well put together article on alcohol and a healthy lifestyle.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    You can't be serious about the intercourse thing!!! You can burn alot of calories from intercourse and it is healthy for you, so not sure what you are trying to get at.??

    Depends on whether you're underneath or... :D
  • smturner510
    smturner510 Posts: 7 Member
    It's tough, but possible. I have a friend who really into scotch and beer, making both at home, and he's constantly looking for taste testers. It's good stuff and very hard to resist. Moderation and trade offs are the keys to remember. I'm having tough time with it, but I'm sure it will get easier. Good luck!
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    good article captain. i love my red wine and i actually left the bottle on the shelf this weekend. i did have a couple of beers which only made me feel bloated so no more of those. so im going to stay away from alcohol all week. we have a concert next weekend and i do plan to drink than. but in moderation
  • cz611
    cz611 Posts: 37 Member
    Love the pic!
  • ticklemeellen
    ticklemeellen Posts: 6 Member
    Switch say cans of lager or glasses of white wine for red wine or vodka and a mixer. these are lower calorie and red wine has some things that are beneficial to you too.

    Red wine is lower calories than white wine?! AMAZING!

    Well... I'm going to stick to my usual red wine, or vodka lime and soda.
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Drinks are a lot of carbs.

    When I go out to drink I stick to shots and diet sodas.
  • Hey,

    At the moment I'm not counting alcohol in my calories... I've still lost 15 pounds so far.

    I think for me, as I get closer to my goal weight, I will start to count the calories within my daily allowance, but I want to have room to cut down further as I get close to goal :)
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Yes. My problem is that it turns me into a snack monster, and then I can't control myself. If I already account for everything I'm going to eat and drink before I start, that helps.

    Also, some people think the kind of alcohol you're drinking matters; paleos recommend red wine only (or 100% agave tequila), from what I understand. I hope this helps! <3
  • kristi5224
    kristi5224 Posts: 98 Member
    I like my wine but always count the calories and always count the calories. at 1200 the booze can really take up some space that could other wise be more satisfying so I usally drink on execising calories.
    I also agree that drinking can effect your judgement, A margarita can lead to chips and salsa faster than you can say gordita!
  • After I got a pretty good job and was able to financially support having fun and going out, I did so in excess. After college, I got married and gained about 20 pounds (lucky hubby, huh?). I have since joined weight watchers and have tried to follow it along with exercise but the weight loss wasn't happening. I found that I drink way more than weight watchers can account points for. Even if it's a 3 point drink, if you have 5 of them, that's half of your daily point intake! I am so unhappy about my weight and my clothes not fitting me. I am now taking the initiative to stop the drinking (and late night food binge after the drinking) in an effort to lose the weight I have gained. Wish me luck- I loved reading all of your stories- Makes me feel like I'm not alone :) Please reply if you can!
  • lol, i get easily distracted to and can't mess around anymore eather, i am a virgo and need to drop 17 pounds and get into shape so i will look better and can join the air force.
  • 300k740
    300k740 Posts: 1
    I've been able to use portion control and exercise as a way to lose weight. I don't eat terrible, just a lot. That has changed, and I'm down nearly fifty pounds for the year. I don't drink a lot, but when I do, it's Bloody Mary, Screwdrivers, or shots of Tequila. I don't know the caloric impact with those, but I moderate. That's the key. Starving yourself, or forcing yourself to give something up completely will never work, long term.
  • LankyYankee
    LankyYankee Posts: 260 Member
    IMHO, yes you can. But if you want to lose 20 pounds by Oct you'd make it alot easier on yourself by not drinking or seriously limiting your drinking. Not just because of the calories, etc but because of the hangovers that would make you so not want to work out

    Just my opinion:drinker:
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    If I drink I wait till I have finished my last meal of day, that way my liver does not have to compete with alcohol, which it will , alcohol always gets processed first, so eat clean healthy foods, and when you do drink make sure they are the skinny versions of a drink. goodluck
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    Sure you can drink and drop of the pounds. I just calculate it into my calorie count. I am a wine drinker, while I love mixed drinks, many times they have too many calories. Another tip is if possible go wherever you are going on a full stomach, you will eat less when you are drinking. The other day I was going to see a coworker perform at this casino bar/restaurant. I made sure to eat dinner before hand and when I got there while everyone was ordering fried loveliness, I stuck with my drink. I allotted myself 2 glasses of wine but only had one. Plus instead of stuffing my face eating, I was able to focus on the show and enjoy the music.

    I have a happy hour with the girls next week and I plan to bring extra snacks to work with me so I can eat something beforehand and won’t be starving. After my two drinks and once home, I will finish the evening with a nice salad loaded with veggies.

    As much as I love to drink, I don’t see myself ever giving up alcohol. Just in moderation, and when I want a mixed drink make it from scratch at home (this saves money and calories too) and when I am out stick with wine.