Week Long Water Fast - Good idea or bad idea?



  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    It doesn't sound safe... I dnt think you should take ur body through such a drastic test so to say...
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I fast regularly for spirit, mind, and body. I did a 28 day water-only fast in my mid 20's that cured my chronic eczema rashes, which haven't returned since. There are a lot of health benefits to fasting, as well as a plethora of ignorance and misinformation.

    This isn't the place to ask about fasting. Most people here haven't any clue whatsoever about the process, nor how the human body (positively) reacts during a proper fast. For most fasting=starvation, and they couldn't tell you the difference between the two. There are thankfully a lot of resources on the web that are pro-fasting for health on all levels, and I'd recommend you search them out. Good luck!

    So she should drink nothing but water for 7 days?
    I'm so glad I have a healthy relationship with food.
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    I mean, waters like really good for you...I don't see a problem here. Let me know how it goes!

    There your an idiot. Please do report this, by all means.

    You obviously haven't heard of sarcasm, have you?
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    NO. Worst.idea.ever :noway:

    You need food to do little things like ya know..LIVE.

    When I'm retaining water I watch my sodium intake, eat at a reasonable deficit, exercise, and hydrate.

    This may come as a shock...but it works.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I mean, waters like really good for you...I don't see a problem here. Let me know how it goes!

    Yeah, water is really good for you......along with FOOD!!!! Sure you'll drop some pounds of water weight, but you'll do damage to your body and gain it right back when you start eating again. Losing weight isn't a quick fix. It took time to put the pounds on and it'll take time to take them off. Be patient, exercise, and for christ's sake EAT!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Eat healthy foods, drink some water. BAM! Detoxed. Whatever that actually means, which is nothing.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I mean, waters like really good for you...I don't see a problem here. Let me know how it goes!

    There your an idiot. Please do report this, by all means.

    You obviously haven't heard of sarcasm, have you?

    Yeah that wasn't you being sarcastic at all "Let me know how it goes"
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I've fasted for 3 days and it wasn't that big of a deal probably because I was already eating low carb and going in and out of ketosis to begin with. There was weight loss, of course, but really not too much more than what I was already losing. I still fast occasionally when it feels easy to but I really wouldn't recommend such an extreme fast -- 7 days is a long time! -- in the hopes you'll lose a ton of weight. It's just not going to happen.

    Here's a series of articles on fasting from Mark's Daily Apple that you might be interested in:

  • granitendirt
    I just wanted to pop in and make sure someone had mentioned hyponatremia.

    My vote: Don't do it.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    I fast regularly for spirit, mind, and body. I did a 28 day water-only fast in my mid 20's that cured my chronic eczema rashes, which haven't returned since. There are a lot of health benefits to fasting, as well as a plethora of ignorance and misinformation.

    This isn't the place to ask about fasting. Most people here haven't any clue whatsoever about the process, nor how the human body (positively) reacts during a proper fast. For most fasting=starvation, and they couldn't tell you the difference between the two. There are thankfully a lot of resources on the web that are pro-fasting for health on all levels, and I'd recommend you search them out. Good luck!

    THIS! I can't give you any advice on doing a water fast because I have not done it NOR am I a dietician/nutritionist who has studied both the positive and negative effects of a water only fast. Most people here are going to only tell you what they read in a fitness magazine, or some kind of online article. They are going to tell you the same ole same ole of your body will go into starvation mode, you will gain back all the weight plus some if you do it, your body does all the detoxing for you, yada yada yada. However, I have done a fresh juice fast for two days recently in which I juiced my own fruits and veggies and drank them for two days along with my normal intake of water (which is in the range of 19-22 cups). Since coming off of the fast, I have only gained 1 lb back of the 6 I lost. I gained so much from that one fast. My taste buds have TOTALLY changed. I actually crave fruits and veggies where as before I craved cheese, salt, and sugar. My whole diet has changed from just two days of a juice fast. That has been my experience. I would suggest that you talk with someone who has done a water only fast to see what they're experience was, both the transition into it, the actual time spent doing the water fast, and the transition out of it. That would be my advice.
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I did a water fast for about an hour and a half and it was terrible.

    omg lol
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I fast regularly for spirit, mind, and body. I did a 28 day water-only fast in my mid 20's that cured my chronic eczema rashes, which haven't returned since. There are a lot of health benefits to fasting, as well as a plethora of ignorance and misinformation.

    This isn't the place to ask about fasting. Most people here haven't any clue whatsoever about the process, nor how the human body (positively) reacts during a proper fast. For most fasting=starvation, and they couldn't tell you the difference between the two. There are thankfully a lot of resources on the web that are pro-fasting for health on all levels, and I'd recommend you search them out. Good luck!

    So she should drink nothing but water for 7 days?
    I'm so glad I have a healthy relationship with food.

    Human beings have fasted for thousands of years. Millions fast regularly across this planet for various reasons. Do not assume that your Westernized idea about food, and fasting, are the correct answer, or that every faster has a bad relationship with food. Plenty of people fast for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with food.

    The OP could be fasting for bad reasons, or not, I have no clue. What I do know is that she'll not find much real, accurate information about the process here. That's the bottom line. Hopefully she'll search and find some information from fasting practitioners that will educate her on proper fasting, or warn her against fasting if she's ill equipped or not doing it from the proper place.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    So you want to starve and exhaust yourself and would like the blessing of MFP? Not getting it from me! Food=energy. Your body needs energy. If you want to detox, stop eating junk and eat real food...enough to keep you alive and well.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I do it all the time. I do 2 days a week...it's NO Big Deal. Of course Fasting is good for you; the only people who think otherwise also believe that you will STARVE if you miss a meal.

    Sometimes I will start a Fruit Fast and it will progress to a Juice Fast and then to a Water Fast. Each progression simply means a deeper detox. You don't ask anyone's permission to take care of your Health because THIS is going to be trial and error, You will have to do what fits YOU best, your Body will tell you once you get to a point that you actually Listen to it. Also, don't ANNOUNCE to people that you are Fasting of any kind...go about your business, if offered food just politely decline. Fasting is NOT for Heroes, it's about Humility. Oh, if you are Fasting just to lose weight, w/o doubt in the end it will fail...you might Force yourself through the Fast BUT you will regain the weight. Fasting is NOT a quick fix, it is a long term/life long Spiritual and Health protocol. In the USA we want everything to be a quick fix and fad.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I fast regularly for spirit, mind, and body. I did a 28 day water-only fast in my mid 20's that cured my chronic eczema rashes, which haven't returned since. There are a lot of health benefits to fasting, as well as a plethora of ignorance and misinformation.

    This isn't the place to ask about fasting. Most people here haven't any clue whatsoever about the process, nor how the human body (positively) reacts during a proper fast. For most fasting=starvation, and they couldn't tell you the difference between the two. There are thankfully a lot of resources on the web that are pro-fasting for health on all levels, and I'd recommend you search them out. Good luck!

    So she should drink nothing but water for 7 days?
    I'm so glad I have a healthy relationship with food.

    Human beings have fasted for thousands of years. Millions fast regularly across this planet for various reasons. Do not assume that your Westernized idea about food, and fasting, are the correct answer, or that every faster has a bad relationship with food. Plenty of people fast for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with food.

    The OP could be fasting for bad reasons, or not, I have no clue. What I do know is that she'll not find much real, accurate information about the process here. That's the bottom line. Hopefully she'll search and find some information from fasting practitioners that will educate her on proper fasting, or warn her against fasting if she's ill equipped or not doing it from the proper place.

    Yeah thousands of years, the affects and the how to are passed through the generations (e.g ramadam)

    This girl is talking about starvation for 7 days consuming vast amounts of water.

    I don't assume my westernised food ideas are correct, I am however safe in the assumption that what I do is 10x healthier than crap like this.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've fasted for 3 days and it wasn't that big of a deal probably because I was already eating low carb and going in and out of ketosis to begin with. There was weight loss, of course, but really not too much more than what I was already losing. I still fast occasionally when it feels easy to but I really wouldn't recommend such an extreme fast -- 7 days is a long time! -- in the hopes you'll lose a ton of weight. It's just not going to happen.

    Here's a series of articles on fasting from Mark's Daily Apple that you might be interested in:


    Lol Sisson, and water fasting =/= intermittent fasting
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I did a water fast for about an hour and a half and it was terrible.

    best answer here.

    I concur.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I did a water fast for about an hour and a half and it was terrible.

    ^^ This!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I fast regularly for spirit, mind, and body. I did a 28 day water-only fast in my mid 20's that cured my chronic eczema rashes, which haven't returned since. There are a lot of health benefits to fasting, as well as a plethora of ignorance and misinformation.

    This isn't the place to ask about fasting. Most people here haven't any clue whatsoever about the process, nor how the human body (positively) reacts during a proper fast. For most fasting=starvation, and they couldn't tell you the difference between the two. There are thankfully a lot of resources on the web that are pro-fasting for health on all levels, and I'd recommend you search them out. Good luck!

    So she should drink nothing but water for 7 days?
    I'm so glad I have a healthy relationship with food.

    Human beings have fasted for thousands of years. Millions fast regularly across this planet for various reasons. Do not assume that your Westernized idea about food, and fasting, are the correct answer, or that every faster has a bad relationship with food. Plenty of people fast for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with food.

    The OP could be fasting for bad reasons, or not, I have no clue. What I do know is that she'll not find much real, accurate information about the process here. That's the bottom line. Hopefully she'll search and find some information from fasting practitioners that will educate her on proper fasting, or warn her against fasting if she's ill equipped or not doing it from the proper place.

    Yeah thousands of years, the affects and the how to are passed through the generations (e.g ramadam)

    This girl is talking about starvation for 7 days consuming vast amounts of water.

    I don't assume my westernised food ideas are correct, I am however safe in the assumption that what I do is 10x healthier than crap like this.

    I am not really going to debate the merits of fasting with you, or anybody here. I am somebody who fasts, am well educated on the matter, and have reaped wonderful benefits from both long term fasting and IFing. That's all that matters to me.

    As far as the OP, like I've said twice, it's best she seek out competent counsel from people who are well educated and versed in this matter. THIS board is not that place.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Bad idea. But you're going to argue about how great it is and everyone here is wrong for saying it is a bad idea. So just go ahead and do it.
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