well, i totally suck at yoga...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
just got back from a class. first time i have ever been, and man, was i terrible! i'm not strong enough to keep many of the positions involving your arms...mainly the sideplank - that one was just impossible for me! even resting on my elbow and arm! the warrior positions are alright...i know a lot of the moves from power 90, but i couldn't keep up with it for a solid hour! i couldn't focus either - i found the music extremely distracting, and i found myself looking at my watch pretty often. i just could not get into it! anyone else have this problem? will it get better, or should i try again after i've lost a bit of weight and might have an easier time of it? i was *terrible*! but, it was all worth it because at the end, the instructor came around and massaged peppermint oil into our temples...aaaaaahhhh. now my cat keeps trying to lick my face off because he digs minty things...it's pretty funny. :tongue:


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    ps~i really enjoyed the pilates class i took though. it was challenging, but not impossible. is there a huge difference between the two classes?
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    That sounds like me doing Zumba....but hey surely we'll get better as time goes by......right?
  • I haven't done Yoga in years (maybe in another 10 or 20lbs :) ) but from what I remember the first few classes were ridiculously hard. I just didn't bend that way or have the Strength/Endurance to hold myself up ... but after a few weeks I really saw improvements.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    that's how I was the first time I tried it, but keep with it - you will grow to love the strength & stress releif it provides. I've been doing it for years and I found that when I stop my body begins to ache. Good luck - let me know how the 2nd class goes.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    There are many different types of yoga classes and yoga instructors. I love love love going to one instructor's class, but find that I can't really get into some of the other classes. Also, some of the moves are really hard at first, but it's a great feeling when you start to improve after a few classes. My recommendation would be to give it a few tries - maybe try a different instructor if possible - but don't give up, you will find something that works for you.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I just can't do it. Trying to balance, whilst trying to breathe at the right times and looking at the instructor to see if I'm doing it right....

    I just haven't got the skills needed!
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    I totally agree with you! I had a terrible time doing yoga. I bought a prenatal/postnatal yoga video and couldn't do alot of it! I figured it being a prenatal video it might be a little easier, but even that was hard! I'm going to keep trying it and see, but if it continues to be anything like it has been I'm definitly giving up on this program!! I too like pilates, but didn't do it much, only a couple of times. I'm more of an aerobics type of person.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    There are so many different forms of yoga, and no one starts out a yoga guru, I went to an all levels class my first time and I still can't hold a lot of the poses but look at the people that can and if you talk to them, you'll find that they to couldn't hold the poses at first but they can now because they've been doing it for so long.

    You might want to try out different forms/classes to see if you can find one that fits. I love Power Vinyasa because it flows, I sweat, and it's challenging. My instructor was taught by Baron Baptiste and does her own version of his classes.

    Yoga also works in layers, when your mind/body is ready for it, eventually your mind will quiet down and you'll be more focused. You'll also be able to hold poses longer, I was amazed at how much my balance, strength and flexibility improved after 10 classes. Also during one of the hip openers I started crying (class 8). Which I found is normal because I was letting go of a lot of emotional crap that I stored in my hips, I left the class, and called the yoga instructor after, she said I usually pass out information but I've forgotten to bring it in, that sometimes happens - yoga can create an emotional release for anyone, but just come back and next class will be different for you, and it was, I didn't cry and the flow was back.
  • eapr
    eapr Posts: 14
    I love Yoga. I just don't do it enough to be skilled in it. I recently did a Yoga Strength class. It was challenging:)....:happy:
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i enjoy yoga...just not p90x yoga! lol i find it really relaxing. i went to a class once and liked it but i mostly enjoy doing a video at home
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    My husband has been doing yoga now for about a year and was raving so much about it I decided to start taking classes about 12 weeks ago. He takes this crazy cardio yoga and it kicks his butt and he's in shape so I knew I needed to start out with something slower paced. I've been taking a gentle yoga class for awhile and I love it! I plan on taking a regular yoga class next week so we'll see how it goes. I'm confident that it will kick my butt but at least I have some experience with the poses and won't totally be left in the dark. Stick to it and you'll see how good it starts to make you feel - even it you aren't a human pretzel ;o)
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