In a funk and find myself making bad food choices!!!

So I have been in a funk this week. I just don't feel like myself. Not happy, not mad, not sad just blah!! My problem with this feeling is I keep looking for ways to "pull" myself outta the funk and keep looking to sweets for help. Now I know its wrong and I know I need to keep eating well but I need some help...........SO who has some ideas to help me feel better and stop eating my calorie limit in chocolate?


  • tgaspard
    tgaspard Posts: 22
    I was sorta down last week and found myself craving all sorts of things that I was going to regret eating, I got online to find something yummy and different for me to try instead of defaulting to fattening things that were the staples of my diet before.

    I found a few good articles online; (you have to scroll down to get to the meal ideas, but its worth it!)
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    turn to exercise to help but like you iV been making bad food choice this week, and working my butt of exerciseing :explode: i"m mad at myself iM not being to smart:ohwell: one good thing is im building muscles so when i do eat better the weight will drop off
  • marciml
    marciml Posts: 41
    I'm with ya. Work is slow and I am kind of bored, so I am watching the clock waiting for my next snack time. I really want goodies, but have been doing pretty well about not caving in. Man, am I going through the water though. Every time I want to dig a quarter out of my purse and get those Hot Tamales out of the little vending machine, I drink plenty of water.

    Life is challenging at home right now too, so whenever I want to rummage through the cabinets and find any sort of off-limit snack, I grab my tennis shoes and the dog's leash and head out for at least a half hour walk, hopefully longer. That really transforms my view. When I get home, I am all hot and thirsty. I might make a healthy smoothie, or even have a snack with a glass of water. (By that time I have earned some extra calories that I can have the snack)

    Most of all, do something physical instead of sitting stagnant. Go clean something, go for a walk, immerse yourself in a good book. If you can pass a half hour doing something else, you will move past the boredom eating. Eating to find comfort got you here. Now that you are here, take control of your own feelings and do the next best thing for you. MOVEMENT!

    You can do this! Stay strong. Remember, you are not alone. I'm fighting the same battle all day long, as I am sure others are.

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Me too! I think I can link my funk to something in particular, but this something won't be over until mid-September, so I'm worried that I'm going to be like this for a while. Thanks for posting this... I'll be watching the replies carefully!
  • CrazyCatLadee2
    CrazyCatLadee2 Posts: 65 Member
    I have had the same issue recently, but I am trying to reach for something else like a friend to talk to or exercise instead of reaching for the junk food I normally reach for. It seems to be helping. Do you have a good support system you can turn to when you are in a "funk"? Most importantly - do not beat yourself up for your bad choices - instead pick yourself up and do better the next day. When I used to hit my funk and binge I would just give up and say what's the point I already screwed up but now - I don't do that and I have really noticed a change in my attitude when I do have a day or week that I am feeling blah. I find that I rebound faster to get back on track when I don't beat myself up over my poor choices. Hang in there - you will get through your funk and get back on track but definitely try finding other ways to distract yourself from reaching for junkfood when you are feeling blah - it takes some getting used to but it does help!!! Good Luck! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  • ma2tay2003
    I am that same funk this week!! I have just been eating ice chips when i am wanting something to eat, it seems to help me. Good Luck!!! :)