What's your favorite summer treat?



  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Margaritas and pool time!!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ice cream is my favorite summer and year round treat. But that's way on the back burner at the moment.

    This summer? It's the summer of fresh fruits! I've particularly been enjoying cool, ripe peaches and plums.

    And ice cold water with a splash of lemon. Always. It's what I drink 95% of the time, regardless of the season, but it's just so refreshing in the summer time!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Vine-ripe tomatoes. Watermelon. Cherries. Ice-cold beer after a strenuous outdoor workout (long run or bike ride especially).

    I used to like corn on the cob, but I swear I cannot find corn that tastes like corn these days--it's all sickly-sweet.
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    heirloom tomatoes or peaches or nectarines :)
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    I'll have to try some of the corn recipes you've shared! I'd never thought of Old Bay seasoning! Chipotle?? Lime? LOL! I think I survived on corn last summer. It was barely in the boiling water before I was hoisting it out to chow down. I'm not a big strawberry fan but I've had my share of cherries this year. Oh the joys of summer!
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    fully ripe produce!!!

    Love cantaloupe, watermelon and tomatoes. I only purchase these during the summer when they are fully ripe!
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    Corn on the cob is probably one of my favorites. We buy them every shopping trip! Strawberries and cherries are another favorite. So juicy and yummy!
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    I'd have to say the fruits... from dark, sweet cherries to peaches, to a nice juicy melon.... man - good stuff!!!!
    Me too I love all of them
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Grilled peaches with a balsamic glaze

    Freshly made white peach and blueberry ice cream

    Honeydew. I only like it when it is hot out.
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    I just ate lots of fresh veggies and berries and after reading all of these post I think I want to eat again.
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    Strawberries fresh from Florida!! YUMO!! they are big n soft and juicy!!!

    the peaches in Georgia are sooo juicy ya take a bite and it runs down ya arm!!! :bigsmile:
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    frozen red grapes, they get sweeter after you freeze them