BBQ ideas



  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I love grilled veggies! Thick slices of onion are heaven grilled and then put on top of the grilled hamburger!

    Grilled zucchini, or eggplant are both great. (I brush with a little bit of Italian dressing instead of just plain olive oil, but both are good!)

    I don't care for grilled tomato slices but my family loves them.

    Grilled pineapple and peaches are divine and because they are caramelized it makes them dessert-like
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Lots of MEAT. :drinker:
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    I love fish on the grill. This 4th I'm grilling pub burgers for my son and husband, I'm having Tuna, and I will grill tofu for my daughter (vegetarian). The fish needs to have a solid consistency (Tuna, Swordfish, Halibut,etc.) unless you have a grilling basket or lay the fish on tin foil (I don't like to wrap it because it doesn't get the same flavor).
    Tofu is also very good but, must be the solid type. Marinate it or baste it in your favorite sauce.
    Just make sure with both the fish and tofu that you've oiled the grill or it will stick.
    Happy 4th!
  • calbadger
    calbadger Posts: 283 Member
    We do a lot of grilling, especially in the summer. One of our favorite healthy dishes is fish tacos. All you need is tilapia (or another white fish), seasoning, slaw mix (no dressing) salsa, cheese and corn tortillas. Very light and very filling. I am 6'4" and I've never eaten more than two for dinner (and I don't have anything else).

    In terms of general grilling, we cook most things, ribeye, tri-tip (Santa Maria Barbecue is amazing), kabobs (beef, chicken, lamb, shrimp and veggie), chicken in general, brats during the fall for Badger games, pork chops or tenderloin, salmon, trout, asparagus, bread, as well as burgers and kosher hot dogs. When I have time, I'll make beef brisket, pulled pork or ribs.

    One thing I really like doing, for both culinary as well as diet purposes is to make my own barbecue sauces. You can eliminate so much sugar that the commercial ones include. They taste better as well. I've already discovered three new ones this summer, bringing the total in the family cookbook to fifteenth.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Steak. Healthy for Iron.

    Carne asada. Same.

    tortillas, healthy for yum. also protein and carbs.

    corn tortillas low calories.

    hot dogs healthy for protein, all beef jumbo kinds.

    marinated carrot hot dogs a weird thing we tried when vegetarian and tastes kinda like a hot dog and I now crave them sometimes. in a bun. with brown mustard. google it. weirdness and long prep will not disappoint. I promise.

    chicken with barbecue sauce. low cal

    zucchini cause yum

    asparagus with olive oil salt and pepper bro's fave usually with steaks.

    smore's cause kids love 'em and we love our kids and will not deprive them of the happinesses of life just because we have a couple lbs to lose. :heart:
  • mi2ak2co
    mi2ak2co Posts: 16 Member
    Some really good ideas posted already!
    Fast ideas Boulder sausage (lower fat), chicken breasts marinated in teriyaki sauce, salmon glazed with a 50:50 mixture of brown sugar and mustard + a bit of dill (doesn't take much sugar ).
  • brady12qb
    brady12qb Posts: 2
    I love grilling & smoking but recently was told by my cardiologist to start watching what I eat. One thing that I found is healthy & fun grilling is stuffed flank steak. I serve this with grilled corn on the cob brushed with light margarine mixed with some paprika & cilantro. Also, the next time you do decide to do burgers, you might try extra lean ground beef & mix in some freshly diced jalapenos, mushrooms, & low fat cheddar or feta cheese. Serve on whole wheat bun with oven baked fries.
  • brady12qb
    brady12qb Posts: 2
    This looks amazing!
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Not sure of the calorie count, but these ribs are amazing!'s ribs
  • jeromykaplan
    jeromykaplan Posts: 205 Member
    Fish,steak,chicken,cat,veggies are good
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    Fish,steak,chicken,cat,veggies are good

    Snuck in that cat, eh? lol
  • iamkass
    iamkass Posts: 122 Member
    I BBQ anything that I would normally use a stove/oven for in the winter. Meats of all kinds, veggies, fish, etc. A chicken breast on the grill with a little barbecue sauce it just as healthy on the barbecue as it is in the kitchen.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Beer can chicken is delicious! Hickory smoked turkey breast. Pork loins.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    bump. I need recipes!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Bacon wrapped corn on the cob sprinkled with black pepper.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Mix a jar of Sharwoods plum sauce with honey and marinade skinless boneless chicken thighs for at least 4 hours. Slap on the BBQ. Fight off everyone else and eat them.:drinker:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    chicken breast - usually i marinade in olive oil, lemon juice + rind, garlic, fresh herbs (mint, thyme, sage etc). OR asian style with soy sauce, honey, garlic, hot chili flakes, ginger.

    chicken burgers or turkey burgers

  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I BBQ everything, because I'm the Tongmaster

    Here's my story.

    Mike was at the barbecue and Dwight was at the barbecue and I was at the barbecue; three men standing around a barbecue, sipping beer, staring at sausages, rolling them backwards and forwards, never leaving them alone. We didn't know why we were at the barbecue; we were just drawn there like moths to a flame. The barbecue was a powerful gravitational force, a man-magnet. Dwight said the thin ones could use a turn, I said yeah I reckon the thin ones could use a turn, Mike said yeah they really need a turn it was a unanimous turning decision.
    Mike was the Tong-Master, a true artist, he gave a couple of practice snaps of his long silver tongs, SNAP SNAP, before moving in, prodding, teasing, and with an elegant flick of his wrist, rolling them onto their little backs. A lesser tong-man would've flicked too hard; the sausages would've gone full circle, back to where they started. Nice, I said. The others went yeah.
    Ron was passing us, he heard the siren-song- sizzle of the snags, the barbecue was calling, beckoning, Ronnnnnn ...come. He stuck his head in and said any room? We said yeah and began the barbecue shuffle; Mike shuffled to the left, Dwight shuffled to the left, I shuffled to the left, Ron slipped in beside me, we sipped our beer. Now there were four of us staring at sausages, and Mike gave me the nod, my cue. I was second-in-command, and I had to take the raw sausages out of the plastic bag and lay them on the barbecue; not too close together, not too far apart, curl them into each other's bodies like lovers -fat ones, thin ones, herbed and continental. The jalapenos were tiny, they could easily slip down between the grill, falling into the molten hot-coal-netherworld below. Carefully, I laid them sideways ACROSS the grill, clever thinking. Mike snapped his tongs with approval; there was no greater barbecue honor.
    Carlos came along, he said “looking good”, and the irresistible lure of the barbecue had pulled him in too. We said yeah and did the shuffle, left, left, left, left, he slipped in beside Ron, We sipped our beer. Five men, lots of sausages. Dwight was the Fork-pronger; he had the fork that pronged the tough hides of the Bavarian bratwursts and he showed a lot of promise. Stabbing away eagerly, leaving perfect little vampire holes up and down the casing. Carlos was shaking his head, he said I reckon they cook better if you don't poke them.
    There was a long silence, you could have heard a jalapeno drop, and this newcomer was a rabble-rouser, bringing in his crazy ideas from outside. He didn't understand the hierarchy; first the Tong-master, then the Sausage-layer, then the Fork-pronger -and everyone below was just a watcher. Maybe eventually they'll move up the ladder, but for now -don't rock the Weber.

    Dianne popped her head in; hmmm, smells good, she said. She was trying to jostle into the circle; we closed ranks, pulling our heads down and our shoulders in, mumbling yeah yeah yeah, but making no room for her. She was keen, going round to the far side of the barbecue, heading for the only available space . . . the gap in the circle where all the smoke and ashes blew. Nobody could survive the gap; Dianne was going to try. She stood there stubbornly, smoke blinding her eyes, ashes filling her nostrils, sausage fat spattering all over her arms and face. Until she couldn't take it anymore, she gave up, backed off. Ron waited till she was gone and sipped his beer. We sipped our beer, yeah.
    Mike handed me his tongs. I looked at him and he nodded. I knew what was happening, I'd waited a long time for this moment - the abdication. The tongs weighed heavy in my hands, firm in my grip - was I ready for the responsibility? Yes, I was. I held them up high and they glinted in the sun. Don't forget to turn the thin ones Mike said as he walked away from the barbecue, disappearing toward the house. Yeah I called back, I will, I will. I snapped them twice, SNAP SNAP, before moving in, prodding, teasing, and with an elegant flick of my wrist, rolling them back onto their little bellies. I was a natural, I was the TONG-MASTER.
    But only until Mike got back from the toilet.

  • I get boneless skinless chicken breast and I trim off excess fat. Then I lightly dust the chicken with flour and put it in a foil pan. I cover it with KC masterpiece Caribbean Jerk marinade and cook it over charcoal and hickory pieces. Every one loves it. When I want to splurge on calories I add brown sugar but it tastes great with out it.
    For a traditional bbq, I prepare the chicken the same way with the flour but then cover it with Sweet Baby Ray's hickory and brown sugar bbq sauce. The flour helps the sauce thicken and stick to the chicken.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My daughter asked for a Turkey dinner this weekend.

    I had originally planned on cooking a whole turkey in the oven and bought one, Now we're having this heat wave and I don't want to add further heat to the house, so, I am going to BBQ it. Not whole. Planning on cutting it up to BBQ.. Instead of Mashed potatoes, I will BBQ fingerling potatoes and, instead of green bean casserole, we will have grilled asparagus.

    For dessert, instead of traditional apple pie, I will grill Peaches and brush a habanero rasberry glaze on them.

    I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Got one question though. Should I grill the breasts whole and slice them, or, slice them first and grill them? Look forward to some feedback, but I think grilling the breasts whole might be the way to go. Less chance of drying them out.