New fish here in need of support...!

Hi....! I'm Greg, hello...

Went to the Doctor on Monday and weighed in at 360lbs, which scared the crap out of me..i am a 50 year old man, former smoker, and work as a route driver in the Santa Barbara, Ca area...So as you can see I am in dire need of a change...! My doctor told me about this site and so far it is awesome...I''ve stayed within my goals the last two days but sure could use some support...I'm a single guy so cooking isn't always my thing, although so far i'm doing pretty good. I work a lot of hours during the week and typically don't get home until 8-9 at night and until now have been eating dinner at this time...So as you can see, I am in need of some serious changes....

So any advice you can throw at me will be appreciated...!


  • chrissapollonia
    chrissapollonia Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Greg!

    So nice to meet you! having a sit-down job makes losing weight so much harder, but I know it can happen!!! It's awesome that you've stayed within your goals so far- I was so surprised at how much I had grown accustomed to eating.

    What kind of meals can you have on your route? Can you heat food up or do you have to buy food hot on the road? I'm not the best cook, so I can't offer you much there, but whatever we learn we can throw out there for the other to learn too. : )

    - Chrissy
  • Little_Joe_71
    Little_Joe_71 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Gregg,

    My name is Joe, I am 5" 9" and at my heaviest I weighed 325 lbs. I currently weight 278 lbs. I have recently joined this site and have already lost 6 lbs. I have also had to make several changes in both my life style and my eating.

    The first thing I have done is started eating more raw veggies (salad, carrots, cabbage, butternut squash, fresh green beans, ect), which is not easy because I did not like veggies, but it was what I needed to do. I didn't one day wake up and just cut everything out, instead I slowly started introducing new veggies to my diet and slowly went cutting out all the junk food (remember any change you make weather small or big is a good change). Second I started eating leaner meats like turkey and chicken. The cool thing about ground turkey or chicken is that it can be used instead of ground beef for any dish that requires beef (my kids didn't even notice the change and they dont miss the ground beef).

    Lastly, I joined a Tai Chi class because it is easy to do easy to learn and yet burns almost as much calories as if you were down hill skiing. I later discovered that Tai Chi also has a lot of health benefits.

    I hope this helps and always remember the journey of a thousand steps begins with a single step. :)
  • Hi Gregg! I am in need of support also. As far as foods go for traveling; any kind of nuts, 50 calorie cheese sticks, boiled eggs, fruit, premade salads from the grocery stores. And actually corn dogs are not too bad lol. They have protein and it feels like you are having something delectable. Stay away from pastas and breads. I had a soft pretzel the other day at a water park. Dang it! I should have had another corn dog LOL. I am a junk food junkie.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    There is nothing to say you can not cook more than one dish at a time. Part of making a change is having control of it. Buy a value pack of chicken and bake, Grill or what it all at once. Find a few go to spices and make each chicken differently. Franks red hots is zero calories, and light Italian dressings work great too. Pack up each in a reusable microwavable tubs with a varity of veggies and store in the fridge. I like to take all my varity of frozen veggies and cherry pick them while frozen and pair up which one I thinks works best with each chicken cutlet. If my sauce is BBQ I pick squash and corn. Baked chicken or lemon chicken broccoli or green beans. When you reheat the chicken bang side is done. I'm a cook and my wife is a teacher so she always has the freshest box dinners at lunch. My suggestion is baking your chicken. It's super easy, at 350*f it is one of those things where you have a big window between done and hard as a rock. Just make sure you dont undercook. I tend to cook 5 bone in breasts for about 35-45 minutes uncovered. I have even forgot to grab them and cooked longer than an hour and they were alright. Bone in meat is greater than boneless in my opinion. One it is cheaper usually and the bone prevents drying more and also adds extra flavor. And than read the back of the bottles of your favorite sauces. If you like a sweet hickory sauce that has a lot of calories use its listed zero calories spices as a rub instead of sauce. Buy some Hickery salt, garlic powder , and onion powder than glazed with a table spoon of ketchup, few drops of honey, liquid smoke, and a spoon of water mix and brush on top. There is always a pretty easy mod you can do and still eat good food. Cooking isn't hard just a few series of rules you pick up after failing a few times. I hope that helps
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member

    you have to start small cutting small things out like cutting back on coffee/soda sweets and trying to drink more water etc

    i am down from a size 52 to a 46 pants

    add me if u want
  • lesleyann51
    lesleyann51 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey you making huge changes well done you! I am a 42 year old mum and teacher trying to get fit too. I can help with food am a veggie and always seem to eat on the run. Please add
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome and nice to meet cha!!!
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Greg. Good for you for making changes and asking for help. While our stories our different you are very welcome to follow me. Here is what I just wrote in my forum intro:

    Hello. I've been away from MFP for some time but I am back and want to start using it more frequently. If you would like, please read my profile to find out more about me.

    For now:

    -If you are someone who is interested in seeing what someone else is doing here, you are positive and you are not dependent on others for your happiness then you may want to consider following me.

    -I have opened my diary, profile and blog to the public for those that are curious as to what someone else does here on MFP.

    -I'm open to gaining "friends" who would like to follow my progress as little or as often as they want.

    -I am currently interested in using the MFP site as a tool in my journey with food and movement rather than as a social network and will likely rarely communicate with the "friends" I make.

    -When I do communicate I only post positive feedback.

    -If "friends" want to communicate with me I respectfully ask that they consider posting minimal positive feedback and not taking it personally if I don't reciprocate. (Like I stated above...not really here for the social network).

    Thanks so much for considering and have a great day!
