Setting myself up for failure? (am I eating too little)

gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
Hey everyone! I've been a member over a year now but only just started up again last week on the 24th of june and in that time I have bought and been exercising on my stationary bike for an hour a day and cutting my daily calories from god knows to 1000-1200 but I think I'm not eating enough, I know I'm not. I was 21st 4lbs when I started this journey 8 days ago now I'm 20st 3lbs!!!!!! I'm thinking this is way too fast! I know someone as big as me making a big change as I have can expect to have a BIG weight loss at first but am I setting myself up for failure in the long run? Because I know it will slow down and I fear I may find it harder to lose weight later on due to me not eating enough? Thank in advance! :)


  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Big deficits aren't such an issue when you have a lot to lose and the first couple of weeks will generally drop weight fast.

    What you will need to do is regularly reassess and adjust calorie intake as you go.

    Using myself as an example, I started on 1200. I adjusted to 1300 after losing 30lbs, Then went to 1400 after losing 50lbs. With around 10-12lbs to go (~90lbs lost) I am now eating 1500 calories/day.

    I used this as a guide:
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal, 
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal, 
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal, 

    No stalls, no plateaus. I've maybe had the odd week where I don't lose but averaging over the entire period (50 weeks now) I have lost a steady 1.8lbs/week.
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! you have done amazing!!
    I want to lose about 100 lbs overall so a weight loss of 2lbs a week is what I'm aiming for ?
    I think I will do similar to you and up it gradually, it seems to be working for you and you have lost LOADS!
    Atm I'm scared to give myself any treats as it would be like eating forbidden fruit and once bitten I can't stop so at the moment I'm eating breakfast lunch dinner and filling up on Coke Zero! any snacks have been a jacobs cream cracker! LOL
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Up your calories.........Of course your not eating enough, especially exercising every day!!

    NET 1500/1600 calories and see what happens!!!!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    I do not consider anything as off limits - if I want something I plan accordingly and find small portions to buy rather than a big one (that would want eating). It's all about getting organised really.

    Banning anything leads to failure - because the banned thing becomes what you want most in the world at some point.

    Do make sure to eat back most exercise calories though - I eat at least half to all of them. You can use them to treat yourself if you feel the need.

    Some snacks I eat - cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, pickled beetroot (good & tangy), snack a jacks, frozen yoghurt (as an alternative to ice-cream), Boots shapers sweetie range (90 calorie chocolate bar type things), Mr Kipling slices (individually wrapped cake slices, around 120 calories or so). Some of these may be UK only but you get the idea.
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Think I'll lift it to between a minimum of 1200-1400 and go from there, I want to lose weight but I also want to be able to maintain it when I'm no longer dieting! :)
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Upping calories slowly as you drop weight will helps with maintaining in the long run.
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Really? I was always under the impression not to eat back the calories lost through exercise, I wondered why it was allowing me over 500 more calories per day through exercise to eat! I honestly don't think I can allow myself right now I am a huuugee crisps and chocolate fan and if I start implementing them into my diet in small portions now I think I'll fail , think they can wait until I feel more stable with this diet! haha!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    This whole site is set up so you eat back exercise calories. The deficit to lose weight is calculated from your body stats only - exercise is extra. If you don't eat them back, you make the deficit too big. Eat them - you earned them. You should ALWAYS meet your NET goal and not net below 1200.

    Also, go in and manually adjust your protein/carbs/fat %ages too - I have mine set to 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat. Protein is a bit low by default - upping it will help protect lean mass as you lose.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Think I'll lift it to between a minimum of 1200-1400 and go from there, I want to lose weight but I also want to be able to maintain it when I'm no longer dieting! :)

    make sure you are netting that figure
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Will definitely try too! maybe I'll add more calories in my dinner and treat myself to a hunters chicken or something ! (my favourite!)
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for all of your advice everyone I will take it on board and incorporate what I can :)
  • tanyadolan1
    tanyadolan1 Posts: 55 Member

    I was 20st 3lbs when I started and and now 12lbs lighter nearly a month later. I was given 1570 per day and for some reason MFP has said that because I have lost over 10lbs that I should now be eating 1470. Not sure if this is right but going to see what happens. Lost 4lbs the first week, 5lbs the second week due to a stomach bug and then lost 3lbs last week, I did not really do much exercise for those three weeks but have now started swimming and doing more walking. Have not lost any this week so far but am hoping that it does come off, As other people have said, if you are bigger, it does tend to come off a lot quicker. I want to be at least 16st by the time we go to Florida next year but am taking it in baby steps. Here's hoping it all goes well for you and am holding thumbs.

    Please let me know if you need any inspiration
  • morpheousneo
    morpheousneo Posts: 62 Member
    I do not consider anything as off limits - if I want something I plan accordingly and find small portions to buy rather than a big one (that would want eating). It's all about getting organised really.

    Banning anything leads to failure - because the banned thing becomes what you want most in the world at some point.

    Do make sure to eat back most exercise calories though - I eat at least half to all of them. You can use them to treat yourself if you feel the need.

    Some snacks I eat - cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, pickled beetroot (good & tangy), snack a jacks, frozen yoghurt (as an alternative to ice-cream), Boots shapers sweetie range (90 calorie chocolate bar type things), Mr Kipling slices (individually wrapped cake slices, around 120 calories or so). Some of these may be UK only but you get the idea.

    ^^^ This! I love natural peanut butter and smoothies. Sometimes the peanut butter in the smoothie. Breakfast bars. Nothing is off limits for me also. I see this as a life style change so I try to be realistic and eat what I want but watch portions and just don't eat the cake or whatever every day.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Have you set your goals here? I think it's a good idea, if you're just starting out, to go with the calories MFP suggests rather than just choosing a random number for yourself. And definitely eat back your excerise calories.

    But I'd also suggest reading up about BMR and TDEE - lots of good posts about those right here on the forums - and work towards gradually adjusting your calories once you have a good understanding of what it's all about.
  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Everyone! wasn't expecting so many replies nice to know there is a good support network here! sorry for the long reply just done a mad dance/ bike workout! haha! I'm aiming for about 100lbs all together! and see how I feel after that :)
  • 7 Diet Secrets
  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    At your current weight, there's no need to be dropping your calories so fast. Assuming you want to lose quite a bit you have to start with the acknowledgement that it will take time, and long-term commitment. I suggest you give yourself a year (let's face it, you're looking to change your lifestyle, right?), and you can always re-assess along the way. Don't try to lose too much, too quick. Calculate your TDEE which i would estimate is probably somewhere in the region of 2,500 calories, and target 20% less than this number. This would get you to about 2,000. So, from where I'm standing you can still eat plenty and lose weight, at least for a good while. You should also eat back most of your exercise calories.

    Take the time to do your calculations properly, then stick with it!

    Good luck! What you're trying to do really can be done, and there's a lot of supportive people on MFP who will help in whatever way they can!