Calling all dudes! What's your daily calorie budget!



  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Maintaining at just under 2800.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    5'7" - 191 lbs Here
    Trying to eat 1900-2000 cals per day
    When lifting heavy or doing kettlebells will eat 2200-2400 cals
    Trying to go from 30% bf to 15% bf so i have a long way to go.

    Avg. Weight loss per week; 0.5 - 1.0 lbs

    I used to try to eat 1400-1500 and that just was not sustainable.

    --> I finally got it into my thick skull that if you are going to workout - You had better Fuel your workouts!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    2650-3200, depends on activity level for the day. I used to be a 1800-2000 cal a day guy until I realized the damage it did to my metabolism.
  • udt123
    udt123 Posts: 22 Member

    Same for me. Maintenance at 3k. I go between 2400-2900 depending on which days I work out and which days i don't.
  • timkane46
    timkane46 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 6'5" 230 and eat 3000 a day, I do a push/pull split and sometimes full body work outs with 2-3 hours cardio a week. My macro's are 30% fat 30% protein and 40 % carbs
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    maintaining at 3500-4000
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 5'7'' 204 lbs. I started MFP at 249. MFP started me out eating about 1650 it has me down to 1300 and I've lost weight at a good rate. But I actually think I'm going to up my cals back to about 1600-1700.
  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    Hey.. I'm 6'0 and 195lbs... My daily goal is 1840 and I'm losing 1lb per week until now. I have calculated my TDEE like sedentary since I spend all day sitting.. I run 4x a week about 5 to 10 miles, in these day I eat half of the calories burned, giving me something about 400-600 cals extra cals to eat..
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I eat between 1800-2000 per day. I am 6 feet 190 pounds.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    when I first started here at 305 I could easily eat 1700 or so and be ok with it...but as I lost more and more and hit weights more and more I felt I needed to up the range...not at 2250 and sometimes am over that....sometimes i'm under that....I look more at my macros really and stay between 2000-2800
  • mnkgj2010
    mnkgj2010 Posts: 4 Member
    5' 11" 166 lbs - Maintaining with 2200 a day.
    Exercise 3-4 times a week for 50 mins (35 mins cardio / 15 mins weights)
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    My calorie budget is 2485 not losing weight now but losing body fat. Lifting heavy to moderate hi intensity type workout lots of supersets .No cardio right now . Hi protein low carb hi fat (good fat)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    OP, your stats are about the same as my brother, and he has lost 90 pounds eating 2000/day. I think 1500 is too low for men unless they are really small and very sedentary.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 189 lbs.
    Total Goal: 2377

    I'm thinking about upping mine though to maybe 2600 / day.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm 50 years old 6'0" looking to cut weight down to 190. I started out doing 2000 calories intake and looking to lose 2 lb per week. I have maintained that weight loss for almost 40 weeks now. My daily workout volumes are probably higher, and I have increased my calories to have the energy to do those workouts. My calorie budget is now at 2600 and I'm still running 1500 and occasionally 2k calories deficits with weekly deficits coming in around 10-11k. My diet seems to correspond to what I think they call a Mediterranean diet. This isn't due to any philosophy or ideology. It's just what I think tastes good. I live in California's Central Valley, which produces about 1/4 of the produce for the planet, and I tend to take advantage of that. In other words, I try to avoid chemicals and processed food and eat stuff I can buy at the local farmer's market. And right now the watermelon rocks.

    I may also have a different conception of what it means to look good. For me, looking good means looking good in motion, not just standing there. I'm getting back into doing some training for Muay Thai fighters (I've been in it since I was a kid) in my spare time, and I need to keep up with them in order to function as a trainer. As a result I approach strength training with the objective of building speed and explosiveness and functional strength but not bulk. And I wind up doing anaerobic training that, well, you aren't gonna see people doing unless they're competing in an endurance sport.

    Finally, I tend to be a bit cautious about providing people feedback on diet. I think I eat healthy but have no claim to be an expert on diet. And I really want to avoid being one of those guys who is self-righteous about his food. I've found people like that are usually self-righteous about other things and that's not who I want to be.

  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    6'1" 232

    Eating at 2090 and all exercise calories eaten back. 1.25 lbs a week loss for about 5 months.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    5'10" 304 lbs

    I'm in losing mode so my caloric intake is 1820. Any type of exercise nets me more and I usually eat back about 75% of those. So far so good. I'm eating better and pretty much what I want just not in huge amounts.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    5' 7" 152, aiming at 144. I'm at sedentary, 0.5#/week, 1690 calories. Typically I end up around 1850 or more after eating back exercise calories.
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
    6 foot tall at 183 lbs teacher and I am trying to lose a pound a week.
    I am set at 1,680 calories but I exercise 3-4x a week and eat back most of my calories
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    290 lbs
    calories is 2200-2400 on non workout days
    2600-3800 on workout days 4-5x a week. heavy lifting and cardio.
    goal is to lose and with my size it's between 200-220 lbs/ bodyfat % 20 or less.
    I'm not consistent with the weight loss either. some weeks I lose 2-3 lbs. other weeks I'll lose nothing. I don't focus on the scale. I go by monthly bodyfat %/inches lost checks. as long as that goes down each month, I'm good.