Hate when my husband leaves town.



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    You sound a little needy. I don't mean that as an insult because some people are just like that. But it sounds like you need to find things you would enjoy doing independently. Call your friends, go out, see movies, etc. Don't just try to distract yourself. Learn to enjoy things independently from your husband.

    Per my earlier posts...I do have these things planned...girls night, puppy play dates and shopping trips...
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    See if he'll leave you a few voicemails to listen to while he's gone, I had mine do that while he was deployed, it helps to hear their voice. Other than that, the only thing that would help me is working out and blaring my music while I clean to drown out the silence of an empty house.

    This is actually not a bad idea. I do like having a clean house and the house could use it. It'd be nice for him to come home to a clean house too. :)

    Per the advice of an earlier poster, he'll be writing me a letter to read while he's gone...he said he'd call when he has reception so I can hear his voice too. :)

    Maybe he can leave some notes for you to find around the house. I will sometimes find a random note hubby has left on a post it around the house. :-) I LOVES it!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I love having the house to myself. I can choose what to watch on TV -- or not have it on at all. I go to bed when I want. I don't worry about being home when he gets out of work (not that he requires that. I just like to be.). It's like my own little bit of independence and quiet time.

    He was supposed to deploy for a year starting in May and I had actually been looking forward to it.

    Just enjoy being you for a while. It's not like it's even two full weeks and he is coming back.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Try having in him Iraq for a year...10 days is nothing, sorry.

    Yeah, we military wives are TRYING to have empathy, but it's pretty hard. Like many others have said, try to stay busy and get your own hobbies in life. No man likes a clingy, codependent, woman in his life anyway....it gives him all the power and, if and when he gets tired of it, you're EFFED.

    Eight-time 6-9 month deployment survivor here.

    Thank GOD he retires in October......
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I used to be so bitter every time he left... when I used to be a suspicious biotch. But now I'm more laid back and actually like when he's gone. It's girl time! Me and my two daughters kick it. It's a "ME" Party every-time he's gone, lol.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Try having in him Iraq for a year...10 days is nothing, sorry.

    Yeah, we military wives are TRYING to have empathy, but it's pretty hard. Like many others have said, try to stay busy and get your own hobbies in life. No man likes a clingy, codependent, woman in his life anyway....it gives him all the power and, if and when he gets tired of it, you're EFFED.

    Eight-time 6-9 month deployment survivor here.

    Thank GOD he retires in October......

    Nah-you're trying to have empathy...some people just want to belittle someone else's problems, in which case they should say nothing...I can say I could not handle him being overseas and I have immense respect for military wives-I don't know how you do it and fully admit I'm not strong enough for that. I do respect those who are strong like that...you have my admiration for sure.

    We did go 6 months at one time without seeing each other...and that sucked big time...actually that happened twice when he graduated and moved away. It was awful.

    I'm planning little things to stay busy. Just wondered if anyone had ideas for things they enjoy doing when they have time to themselves...I usually have things I plan out (girl nights out or shopping)...just looking for suggestions.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Try having in him Iraq for a year...10 days is nothing, sorry.

    Yeah, we military wives are TRYING to have empathy, but it's pretty hard. Like many others have said, try to stay busy and get your own hobbies in life. No man likes a clingy, codependent, woman in his life anyway....it gives him all the power and, if and when he gets tired of it, you're EFFED.

    Eight-time 6-9 month deployment survivor here.

    Thank GOD he retires in October......

    I too have the uptmost respect for military wives. No way I could do it. Before I met my husband, there was a guy I was intersted in... until I found out he was going to join the military! No thanks! You women are so much stronger than I will ever be!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Try having in him Iraq for a year...10 days is nothing, sorry.

    I didn't try to belittle your struggle...so don't belittle mine. Thank you.
    Well said. :)

    I've never been in your situation, but I have a lot of experience being alone. :smile:
    -You already mentioned video games
    -Do you like to read? New book time!
    -Go to meetup.com, find something in your area that's not singles related. :)
    -Meditate (even if it's just 5 min per day)
    -Look for volunteering opportunities.
    -Help somebody randomly
    -What are your interests/hobbies? Is there anything you've wanted to try?
    -Write him a letter every day about all the awesome things you did that day. (Dole them out over the next year or so - in case they might overwhelm)

    -proactively reach out to some of the military wives/partners who've spoken up. Those people know how to fill some alone time. One of the things they're not mentioning is that they're often part of a community where there are many people in the same situation, and there are support systems in place to help. Which isn't to say that it doesn't suck.
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    My husband and I were long distance for four years, so I know how difficult it can be to maintain a relationship while long distance. However, it sounds like you're projecting some of those issues onto this short time apart - it's a natural thing to do, but you need to remember that there is a huge difference between the difficulty communicating that can happen when you are apart for months at a time and the loneliness you feel when apart for a week or so. Just keep reminding yourself that these vacations are NOT the same as those years apart - and you'll see each other much sooner!

    My husband and I have become pretty independent from each other - our schedules rarely match up, he works nights and I work days (which means there are weeks when I barely see him at all), and we often end up traveling separately due to difficulty getting vacation time together. It can get a little lonely being in an empty house at night, but I think you have to just keep reminding yourself that you'll see him soon and keep yourself busy. You seem a little panicked that he's going away, which is probably why people are reacting so strongly to your post, but you need to just take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's only 10 days, and it will be gone before you even know it.

    Like others have said: indulge yourself in things he'd never enjoy, like tv shows he hates, foods he doesn't like, pedicures, whatever. Find a project to work on - in times when I've been home alone I've worked on learning to bake gluten free bread (I'm intolerant), reorganizing my closet, cleaning out my basement, building a shed to keep the raccoons out of my garbage cans, training my dog... whatever.

    Honestly, in the end, I find that time apart to be peaceful and recharging and makes me enjoy his company even more when he gets back. I think it's healthy for couples to be apart every once in a while, just to remind yourselves how valuable your time together really is.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Honestly, just buck up and deal with it. Make some friends and go out. Have a girls night. Catch up on work/reading/crafts you put off.

    My husband is gone 2 weeks out of 3 from January to March and takes irregular 3-10 day business trips throughout the rest of the year. I was just in Spain for the last week without him, we saw each other for a day, and now he's in Japan for a week without me. Try working with time zones that make it nearly impossible to talk when one of us shouldn't be either sleeping or working. Or even worse, the military spouses who rarely get to see each other at all.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    What do you fear? When we have this type of emotional pain, it is usually because of some kind of fear, so recognize what this fear is and confront it.

    I have never been a co dependent so when my husband leaves town, I make plans with the gals to do things he would never, like eat sushi see a play or a drag show.

    If you want it and work hard enough, you actually can find out some good stuff about you during this time an heal what ever pain you have that lives inside you that is causing you to feel this way. As someone else has pointed out, there could be abandonment issues (did your parents divorce, die or leave when you were young) or jealousy that he is able to have a good time with out you or has someone cheated on you in the past? These are all things to think about.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better about yourself to be able to actually enjoy YOUR mini vacation. That is the way I look at it when mine is out of town, but then again, I am a house wife so I AM on vacation when he is out of town.
  • _happycats_
    _happycats_ Posts: 105 Member
    As a newlywed who is long distance thanks to school (halfway through my 4 year program and one year into our marriage) I know how bad long distance sucks. Just keep telling yourself it's only 10 days (since you've handled much worse) and use that to enjoy your independence!

    You are married, therefore you know he is coming back to you, and you also know that you have very few moments like this to truly be left all to yourself and do exactly what you want to do at any and all times! Don't see it as 10 days of loneliness, but 10 days of "you" time.

    Maybe taking up a hobby or new activity would be a good idea if him being away for business affects you so hard? Plan fun things for yourself while he is away :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I make sure I have a phone number where he's going, so I can contact him if there is trouble. I try to make sure that the things I can't handle alone are handled before he leaves ( this is mostly heavy lifting stuff), then i smooch him goodbye, sit back to enjoy the peace and quiet of the farm until he gets back, do what I need to do as well as what I want to do,when I want to do it, without needing to check in with him or ask if he needs anything from town( which usually means him sending me on additional errands to places like Tractor Supply and Harbor Freight), then I welcome him back with another hug and smooch. I don't have any problem being alone for a while. He usually doesn't call home if it's not longer than a week, nor do I if I'm the one gone.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Try having in him Iraq for a year...10 days is nothing, sorry.

    I didn't try to belittle your struggle...so don't belittle mine. Thank you.

    The fact that you're "struggling" over 10 days of being apart speaks volumes. Good luck!

    Wait, wait...I'm not allowed to miss my husband when he goes away?

    I'm so glad I have you here to tell me how I'm allowed to feel.

    I'm not telling you how to feel. Missing him is one thing; being depressed, sad, and letting it consume you is another.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I need and love alone time so stuff like that never bothered me.
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    I take on organization, home improvement projects. He gets "underfoot" when I try to do those things with him around, so it's nice to plan a couple of days where I paint a room, organize the garage (complete with hanging hooks and shelves on the garage), hang window blinds, tackle junk drawers, etc. It's something I'm not terribly good at, so it takes up a lot of time, and it can be quite exhausting (painting in particular). By the end of the trip, I've wore myself out, accomplished something on my own, and, of course, passed the time.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Some great ideas I've gotten from you all:

    1.) Read a new book (there's SEVERAL I've been wanting to read lately)
    2.) Re-organize my closet...we have a gorgeous walk-in...and I know my side is getting bogged down with stuff I don't wear anymore-good donation opportunity here (then re-fill it with new stuff from my shopping trip)
    3.) Clean the house (not fun, but definitely time consuming)
    4.) Take up a hobby: I've wanted to try one of those ceramics places...
    5.) Change my perspective...it's a vacation for him, but it can be for me too if I choose to see it that way.

    Thank you all for the advice.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    I guess I might be a bad person but I'd welcome the chance to have the bed to myself and fart a lot.

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Well he left this morning at 3:30AM :(

    Oh well, I didn't cry and haven't cried yet...that's progress. I've got lots of fun things planned for the weekend (weekdays are easier than the weekends are when I'm alone)...Just have some quality time with my dogs-he'll be back a week from Saturday.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    My husband is leaving on a business trip again soon as well. I usually can go the first week and not really miss him because I'm too busy trying to adjust to a single parent household again (he's a great partner at home). By the second week I'm missing him like crazy. I have experience though and just realize there is nothing I can do about it thus I find other things to do and let it go the best I can.

    One thing I might suggest is thinking of a project you can surprise him with. Recently I wanted to create a nook for his collectables, for example, because he has not had his stuff properly displayed in forever. (We ended up using the money for a family vacation but it is a project I have filed away for future possibilities). The point of this suggestion is that you can pour your love into a project and e excitement of knowing you have a surprise for him when he gets home is actually kinda cool. In previous years I was able to come up with some nifty ideas at times.

    Definitely enjoy a tv marathon, go out with friends, etc. While you will still miss him, having things to do will give you a positive outlet.