Eating all of your calories



  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    i wish i had your guys problem if i dont eat about 1500 a day i will probably kill someone i get very edgy and irritated and frankly i am starved i exercise a lot and there is only very few times when im not able to eat 1500. but i really can't complain since i have lost 34 pounds and it has stayed off. as far as the exercised calories go i don't always eat them but if i am still hungry because i didn't eat better things, i eat because i truly get hunger pains. hope that helps btw i have lost 5 pounds a month over 7 months.
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    To answer the initial post, the average person requires at least 1200 calories a day just for basic functions, such as breathing, digesting, and keeping their heart beating. But this number is a guesstimate, and if you are feeling full at only 800 calories a day, MFP may be wrong, and your BMR should actually be lower that what MFP thinks it should be.

    Your first step should be to go and visit a nutritionist, that way you can get the most accurate number as to what your daily caloric intake should be. You should listen to your body, and if it's saying it's satisfied, then why force feed? But "starvation mode" is something that you don't want to mess with, as it will ruin your progress for weight loss.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I too struggle to keep at 1200 cals I wonder if I can add you so I can look and learn how to be full on less than 1200? I will send a request, leave it with you
    For those struggling to eat their 1200 calories can you please share your meal plans. Being that 1200 is the minimum I find myself exercising more just so I can eat more. I would love to know what you are eating all day that is so filling.

    fresh fruit & veg
    Vegan protein powder

    I don't eat chicken/turkey/pork/beef (no flesh or animal byproducts)
    I stay away from sodium & added sugar

    I'm certainly not an expert in nutrition or weight loss. My outlook on eating healthy is to keep things simple. I eat continually. Every two hours from 9am - 6pm. Small portions. I am rarely hungry (unless I've been exercising). I've lost 15 lbs of fatty goo in 8 weeks. And that doesn't include the first 6lbs of water weight I dropped in the first 7 days.

    If you're interested in seeing what I eat you can add me as a friend and snoop in my food diary.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Most of us here have put on weight by eating too much, right? And yet, now you're on a diet you can't eat ? Don't make sense to me :laugh:

    Eat an avocado or a handful of nuts, that's 500 calories just there :wink: Add a couple glasses of wine - 300cals and a slice of toast with cheese - 200-300 cals depending on the bread and cheese.

    I really don't see how you can have a problem eating, but I wish I had that problem :bigsmile:

    I dont actually think you will sustain your diet long term on 800 cals. At some point your body will feel hungry, you will feel tired and irritable; thats when you'll eat. The problem with that is you'll probably then binge eat. That's why crash diets have never worked. It's a vicious cycle of denying your body proper fuel, going into starvation mode, then bingeing on a metabolism that is now lower than when you started. We've all been there, hence why we are still overweight!! :noway:

    Good luck. I think you need to follow the MFP ethos to see long term success.

  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I decide what I'm going to eat in the morning so I know where I will be. Sometimes it's pretty low because our cafe will have a super low ccal option. On those days I add a peach, banana, oranges with a few sqares of Lindt chocolate. Sometimes I will eat a few peanuts or frozen yogurt. I just dont let myself get into the 1100 or less, it always ends in a binge or two!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Trish I have the same problem. I will tell you when I lost weight a few years ago (more like seven) I had lost 45 pounds and it was by eating smaller meals more often. This is what I ate.

    Breakfast- Protein (chicken, turkey or egg whites)and fruit for breakfast
    Snack-same protein and fruit
    Lunch-Protein, rice or potato and veggies
    Snack-protein and veggies
    Dinner protein,rice or potato and veggies
    optional snack
    Also if you exercised you had to add rice and fruit (bannana0

    These were spaced 21/2 to 3 hours apart. The program didn't want you to starve your body and to keep it fueled all day.
    It really worked great. Not sure of the calorie count but my loss never stalled.Hope that helps.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I decide what I'm going to eat in the morning so I know where I will be.

    I do the same. I work 10 & 12 hour shifts so I calculate and pack my lunch the night before and then while I'm at work I just eat everything in my lunch box. Its much easier for me.
    Besides, isn't this what Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers & LA Weight Loss do? You're paying them to calorie count and prepare and package all your meals?
    I just cut out the middle man and do it myself.

    8 weeks in I've gotten really good at packing my meals without really having to think about it.
  • aromayor
    I have the same problem and it's so frustrating! I feel like I'm eating lots of food but then I exercise and I have to eat even more? I'm worried about sending my body into starvation mode so I force myself to eat something caloric (like a cookie or some cake) but I still end up missing the mark by about 100 calories each day.

    For this reason, I feel like I can't exercise very much (or at all) because then I won't be able to eat enough.

    Is this happening to anyone else?
  • stovegirl
    I think some are forgetting something. Those calories should be healthy calorie, NOT empty calories! We can have a treat once in a while, but I see people talking about skipping breakfast and such?? BAD idea people. You should be dedicating a decent amount of calories at breakfast with HEALTHY foods. Milk, fruit, eggs, protein, fiber. If you skip breakfast you are slowing your metabolism down to a trinkle! Sustaining a diet low in calories and low in nutrition can not be sustained.
  • stovegirl
    I have the same problem and it's so frustrating! I feel like I'm eating lots of food but then I exercise and I have to eat even more? I'm worried about sending my body into starvation mode so I force myself to eat something caloric (like a cookie or some cake) but I still end up missing the mark by about 100 calories each day.

    For this reason, I feel like I can't exercise very much (or at all) because then I won't be able to eat enough.

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Try water first, then is you have to have a little something. But if you don't exercise you aren't going to burn as many calories during and with afterburn. After the age of 30 we start to lose muscle mass as women and muscle burns calories. You really can't lose weight and maintain it without learning to move each day...
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I don't know what you have for dinner, but why don't you try adding a little high cal sauce like mayonnaise to it? Or put a little more marge on your bread? Using full fat milk instead of skimmed? All the little things they tell you to cut out but don't really fill you up really add to your cal count (hence why they tell you to cut it out in the first place!) so re introducing one or two things could do you some good :)
  • aromayor
    I have the same problem and it's so frustrating! I feel like I'm eating lots of food but then I exercise and I have to eat even more? I'm worried about sending my body into starvation mode so I force myself to eat something caloric (like a cookie or some cake) but I still end up missing the mark by about 100 calories each day.

    For this reason, I feel like I can't exercise very much (or at all) because then I won't be able to eat enough.

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Try water first, then is you have to have a little something. But if you don't exercise you aren't going to burn as many calories during and with afterburn. After the age of 30 we start to lose muscle mass as women and muscle burns calories. You really can't lose weight and maintain it without learning to move each day...

    I drink at least 8 cups of water a day and I do try to exercise, but I have a hard time eating 1200 calories as it is so it's even harder to try and eat my exercise calories on top of that.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    For those struggling to eat their 1200 calories can you please share your meal plans. Being that 1200 is the minimum I find myself exercising more just so I can eat more. I would love to know what you are eating all day that is so filling.

    brfst: Coffee & Milk, 2eggs scrambled and grapefruit = 250
    Well with a cup of spaghetti squash (40cal) and a cup of home made vegetarian spaghetti sauce (80cal) Lunch =120
    2 peaches with yogurt and granola= 150
    Carrots, red peppers, radish and hummus= 150
    Fruit smoothie = 150
    swiss chard, sweet potato & pork tenderloin =350
    Thats lots of food and under 1200 ish
    The more fruit and vegetables you eat the fuller you get and near the end of the day you have to have peanut butter, avocado and a glass of wine to help consume some exercise calories. Or my favorite way to catch up. Rice crackers, cheese and sweet pickles.
    Your welcome to befriend me and check out what I consume when keeping 1200-1500 calories.