How long before friends notice you've lost weight?



  • BobSpain
    BobSpain Posts: 1
    that is totally awesome, keep up the good work. You can do anything that you put your mind to!!:smile:
  • Tinynski
    Tinynski Posts: 12 Member
    They still haven't noticed anything (after a year and plenty of inches lost). And probably never will. My mom thinks I've GAINED weight (which is true, because of muscle growth).... I've lost inches like crazy but no-one notices. But hey, we're doing this for us.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I've lost almost 2 stone and two customers at work have said something out if maybe 200!! Doesn't bother me though.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    People who don't know I'm trying to lose weight are just noticing now at 20 pounds down.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    My coworkers noticed after 7lbs (I'm only 5'1" so maybe it shows more) but even after 11lbs my bf couldn't tell until I showed him progress pictures. I think it's harder to notice when you see someone all the time.
  • jess71903
    jess71903 Posts: 5 Member
    This thread is making me feel better. DH says he can tell. Our best friends said they noticed after DH told them we had lost (maybe they were afraid to say something?) but other than that, nobody has commented. I've lost 14lbs, DH has lost about 23lbs. My parents live 3 hour away. We saw them last weekend, and I was just sure my mom would say something, but she didn't.
  • LiLi914
    LiLi914 Posts: 4 Member
    Some people notice and others don't. I'm visiting my parents and I was sure that my mother would notice, but she said not a word. Of course I'm feeling blah right now and I wish people noticed the 31 pounds that I've worked hard to get rid of, but I'm still 239 pounds so of course all they see is "wide load" coming at them.

    I just have to remember that I'm doing this for me and I see it in the fact that my clothes fit better and I've noticed the changes.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    People don't tend to notice things like weight loss or haircuts unless it is extreme.

    My funniest story about the situation is when a friend saw my 18-year-old engagement picture (when I weighed 127 pounds), then looked at my 168 pound self and said, "Gee, you've lost so much weight since then!!!" LOL and she was NOT being sarcastic - it's just that my face has thinned out over the years while the weight piled on further south. She honestly couldn't believe it from the photo (head shot only).

    So go figure. Just try to be happy with yourself and your progress and don't rely on others' remarks.
  • damajole
    damajole Posts: 11
    The people that see you everyday probably don't notice your weight loss, which has been my experience, until you get lost in your clothes.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I'm down 43 lbs and I've only had 3 people comment - one neighbour, my cousin (who knows I'm trying to get fit) and a mom at my son's track & field practices. My guess is others have noticed, they just don't know whether to comment or not since I have a long way to go and I have been here before. The only person I discuss my journey with is my cousin, I don't discuss it with anyone else unless they ask. I started this journey to get my blood sugar (pre diabetic) and sodium (high blood pressure) under control, the weight loss has really just been a side effect of changing my habits because of these two health conditions. I also don't tend to comment on others weight loss because I know it can be a touchy subject. I honestly would rather not have to comments and acknowledgement because it adds pressure to "succeed" which just back fires for me. Besides, last time I lost weight, I lost over 50 lbs. When one supervisor asked my supervisor how much I'd lost, she said 20 lbs. She knew I'd lost 50 lbs, but for some reason, just couldn't give me the 'credit' for it. So, why would I bother sharing my weight loss information with anyone at work?

    I'm thinking by the time I hit onederland (40 lbs to go) someone's bound to notice, LOL.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    It finally just happened to me a few days ago!! My mother-in-law said "you've lost weight" and her sister nodded "you have!" :)

    My own mom has said so before, but she knows I've been losing so that doesn't count ;). I hadn't said a word to my MIL about 'dieting' so I trust her response was more 'real'.

    It's only been recently that I've noticed as well. So for me it was25 lbs, which took me about 4.5 months to lose.
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Focus on inches and losing fat not "weight." And it takes at least 8 weeks for someone to notice changes.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    My mom noticed after 5 pounds, and my friends haven't noticed yet.

    ETA: 5 pounds
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    I have been on MFP since mid-March 2012 and have lost 55 pounds. Only in the last month or so, have people other than those that know what I've been doing, noticed. I know that it sounds very shallow, but I really needed some outside validation!
  • martysa
    martysa Posts: 12 Member
    pretty much everyone in my life has noticed: bosses, coworkers, friends, classmates, family, neighbors, it's insane. I only lost 25 pounds. I guess i looked pretty bad before hahaha
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    I lost 20 lbs, dropped 4 dress sizes, and not a single person said anything. To be honest though, I don't see much difference in the mirror either. When I lose weight, I lose it proportionally everywhere, and I still end up with smaller top and heavier bottom. So it's less body, but still exactly the same shape. I don't think it is something I will be able to change, so time to start working on acceptance.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I have a theory about why some may not notice our weight loss ~ could be our loved ones don't really *see* our fat. I know when I'm with friend/family who are heavy, I really try to gloss over their weight, I won't focus my eyes on their figure flaws. So I suspect some people are kind enough to not really take a good look at our fat.

    Thus when we are losing weight, they think we look the same as always ;)
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    People notice on me all the time. It may be because I had a t-shirt made with before/in-progress pictures on the front and back...jk

    Honestly, it was at about 20 lbs. If you are quite heavy like I was, I think that the main difference is that it just takes awhile for it to filter through. I had pushed all of my fattest clothes to the max, so I had to lose like 40 lbs to start to fit into new things. Now every 5-10 lbs I am losing an inch, which is where it really shows, and having to get new clothes that fit better. Just keep up the good work everyone, and we will make sure to take notice on MFP!
  • luv2travelgirl
    luv2travelgirl Posts: 7 Member
    HI , your post caught my eye , I started MFP about 5 months ago and am still waiting for people to notice that I've lost weight , I mean I feel like saying "HELLO" to people around me - 'you know what I mean ' LOL!!:flowerforyou: - Im finally under the 200 pound mark & have lost 25 pounds and 5'6"!! , Im starting to think I am going to have to lose another 25 before anyone will notice! Hang in there - I'm right there with you!!
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I read on once: 4 weeks for you to see a difference, 8 weeks for your friends to see a difference and 12 weeks for the world to notice.