Low Carb-ers Challenge Sept 1st

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Our first challenge is How many days in a row can you stay on your plan, be it any of the low carbs diet or just counting calories. Stariing Sept 1st or whatever date you start.
Would like to find a leader for this Let me know if you are interest to be our Challenge gal or guy. I am just to old to start a new thread


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I will do it! :huh: Seems I am here everyday! I will head up the Sept 1st Challenge. If it is just the 1 challenge at a time. Ideas how I am to do this?????
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I can lead it up too. We can just keep this thread going for the September challenge.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will do it! :huh: Seems I am here everyday! I will head up the Sept 1st Challenge. If it is just the 1 challenge at a time. Ideas how I am to do this?????

    Sassie I think you will make a wonderful leader. I t wil be up to you how you want to set this up . Its all yours. Just keep it friendly and fun/ I think you will bring some fresh ideals into the low carbers style o life. Go for it and by the way thanks, Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I can lead it up too. We can just keep this thread going for the September challenge.
    Thanks Lioness for offering to be the leader, but I think Sassy will bring some fresh ideals into the low carbers style of life. Lets help her all we can. I know we didagree on lots of things but you have always been a good friend to me.And wish you the best on your style of eating the hgg way. Marie
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I can lead it up too. We can just keep this thread going for the September challenge.
    Thanks Lioness for offering to be the leader, but I think Sassy will bring some fresh ideals into the low carbers style of life. Lets help her all we can. I know we didagree on lots of things but you have always been a good friend to me.And wish you the best on your style of eating the hgg way. Marie

    Ok, I was offering due to being a veteran and being able to help people that are less knowledgeable about this way of eating..........

    My lifestyle hasn't changed from low carb with doing the HCG................The HCG is a temporary way of eating to get my weight down and my hormones aligned........

    If you don't mind, I would still like to be in the challenge and I will offer my help for anyone who asks.............
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great thanks Lioness be looking for you. I love having all these low carbers threads to read. You do have a lot of knowlege about low carbing. I don't but i enjoy reading about them.You need to start a thread reviewing the difeerence diet books. You would make a good reviewer. Think about it . Marie
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Great thanks Lioness be looking for you. I love having all these low carbers thred to read. You do have a lot of knowlege about low carbing. I don't but i enjoy reading about them.

    I have learned first and foremost through trial and error.............

    But I also do a lot of reading and research.
  • Count me in for the challenge!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yeah me tpo waiting on Sassy to set it up I just now order the book Will get it TUESDAY
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I think I will have to pass this to Lioness as I am having some home issue all of a sudden (have a ill animal) so I am sorta sidetracked suddenly, I will be in, just not as on top of things for a bit..Lioness would you do the honor????

    I will catch you on your private page too! Thanks all!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yeah me tpo waiting on Sassy to set it up I just now order the book Will get it TUESDAY

    What book are you all ordering?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    The Atkins the new you.
  • I'm in. I'm a old low carbber that is trying to get back oin track. lol I've started a few days ago but messed oup yesterday. I'm in for the Sept. 1 challenge. My name is Rebecca in the v anlla world lol.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The Atkins the new you.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm in. I'm a old low carbber that is trying to get back oin track. lol I've started a few days ago but messed oup yesterday. I'm in for the Sept. 1 challenge. My name is Rebecca in the v anlla world lol.

    Hi Rebecca. My name is Cora in IRL.............

    We are pleased to have you in our challenge and group.

    We are hoping to stay on track, help keep each other accountable and bounce ideas, tips, recipes, etc off each other........
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lioness is that your name cora what is Ir>? Never had the faintest ideal what your name is.l

    Hello rebecca Welcome to our world.
    alioness will get us going on a challenge hree. Hope she don't maKE ME RUN A MILE EVERYDAY. All I can say is I will do my best.Is that a good book for me Cora.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Lioness is that your name cora what is Ir>? Never had the faintest ideal what your name is.l

    Hello rebecca Welcome to our world.
    alioness will get us going on a challenge hree. Hope she don't maKE ME RUN A MILE EVERYDAY. All I can say is I will do my best.Is that a good book for me Cora.

    Everyone give me suggestions on what you want the challenge for September to be...........

    We can start out light and let's just Make it Move............Everyone make an effort to do some activity everyday of your choice........

    Swim, bike ride, walk, run, etc............

    What do you think?

    Yes, that should be a good book. I was thinking the Atkins for Life would be better as the focus is a bit different.

    I don't like the Atkins books that have been put out since Dr Atkins died.........

    Yes, Cora is my real name..........

    IRL = In Real Life
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    sOME OF THE IDEALS i CAN THINK OF IS tHANKSGIVING ,HOLLOWEEN and of course Christmas WhT WE WANT TO LOSE BY cHRISTMAS or any of the holidays. I haven't seen any challeng on the other threads yet But I haven't look for them either.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just waiting for Wednesday to sart our new challenge. I am sure Lioness will have it all work out. enjoy the game tonight.

  • Activity would be a good thing...Ideas on how to handle the upcoming holidays would be good too.


    Lioness is that your name cora what is Ir>? Never had the faintest ideal what your name is.l

    Hello rebecca Welcome to our world.
    alioness will get us going on a challenge hree. Hope she don't maKE ME RUN A MILE EVERYDAY. All I can say is I will do my best.Is that a good book for me Cora.

    Everyone give me suggestions on what you want the challenge for September to be...........

    We can start out light and let's just Make it Move............Everyone make an effort to do some activity everyday of your choice........

    Swim, bike ride, walk, run, etc............

    What do you think?

    Yes, that should be a good book. I was thinking the Atkins for Life would be better as the focus is a bit different.

    I don't like the Atkins books that have been put out since Dr Atkins died.........

    Yes, Cora is my real name..........

    IRL = In Real Life
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