Got 84 pounds to lose all help tips etc gratefully recieved

Lost my first 7 pounds only 77 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #In it for the long haul :wink:


  • gen0608
    gen0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Well done!! :)
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    heck yes! kickin butt!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Half a stone down..........Well done!!!!

    Reduce your calories
    Exercise at least 3 times a week
    Eat lots of veggies, fruit, protein, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt etc

    Drink herbal green tea

    Drink lots, and lots, and lots of WATER!!!!!!!!!!!

    Best advice I can give really!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    If you trip up, dust yourself off and get right back up again... the road can be bumpy.... good luck and congrats on the lose so far!
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    Make sure you've calculated your calorie needs (this website could help you: exercise. If you don't exercise start off slowly and build it up gradually - try out different things and find what works best for you and what you enjoy.

    Well done with losing 7 lbs already! :)
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    If you trip up, dust yourself off and get right back up again... the road can be bumpy.... good luck and congrats on the lose so far!

    And this, one bad day or bad meal won't sabotage all your hard work :)
  • thanks to everyone for the positive comments please feel free to add me as looking for inspiration and tips and would love to share other peoples journeys
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Log all your food - weigh it if you can for accuracy.

    Maintain a reasonable calorie deficit (2 lbs a week is probably ok for you to start with, later on you'll probably want to have a smaller calorie deficit).

    Aim to get as close as you can to your calorie goal, don't strive to always be under it. If you're using the MFP method (and haven't customised your calorie goal) then eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories.

    Don't make huge drastic changes that you can't sustain longer than a few days/weeks/months. Make small changes that you can live with indefinitely.

    Eat food you enjoy. Don't get tempted to start demonising certain foods as "bad" or "naughty". You may have reasons to avoid or limit certain foods, but make sure it's a good reason!

    Exercise. Find something that you enjoy doing.

    Some form of resistance exercise is recommended to maintain your lean mass (eg. muscle, bone density) as you're losing weight. This can be weight lifting, or body weight exercises, or resistance bands etc

    Learn what foods make you feel good and help you meet your goals. Learn which are calorie dense (for days you struggle to eat enough) and which are not calorie dense (for when you're hungry but don't have many calories left).

    Keep on top of hunger by getting plenty of protein, fibre, fats and fluids.

    Experiment with meal timing/frequency to decide what works for you. Don't listen to anyone who says you *have* to eat x times a day to lose weight. Find what works for you.

    Be at peace with the scale. Weight loss isn't linear and there may be some weeks where you don't lose, or even gain. Understand what can make your weight fluctuate.

    Keep track of measurements and take progress photos. They can both be hugely motivating when the scale isn't moving much.

    Be patient, this process takes a long time, and isn't over when you reach your goal weight.

    Believe in yourself. This can be done.

    There will (likely) be set-backs, stalls, disappointments and frustrations. Don't give up.

    Take advice you read here (including mine) with a pinch of salt. Read as much as you can and figure out what aspects of fitness/nutrition are important to you. Be aware that sometimes the best advice is presented in a blunt manner, and sometimes the worst advice is presented in the nicest, friendliest way.
  • Drink water every 1 or 2 hours as this helps speed up metabolism and also helps you feel less hungry:) Good Luck
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    log everything. and i mean everything. the tablespoon of ketchup, the splash of milk in your coffee.

    and if you have tendencies to binge, or you have "danger times" where you eat out of boredom/stress (evenings, weekends) then make sure to log BEFORE you eat. this has saved me some binges - when you write it in and see how that additional snack/bread/pizza/chocolate is putting you over your calorie budget, then it helps you to stop. (well, not all the time, nobody's perfect, but i've been doing pretty good with this system)
  • forwesgar13
    forwesgar13 Posts: 56 Member
    Pre-log it helps keep you within your calories . Can't tell you when I first started how many foods I thought were healthy and were not and had more calories than I expected. Pre- logging gives you a chance to catch those time without eating those lessons. The biggest - this is a lifestyle change not a diet ! Do what you can do forever not for fast results. Take lots of pictures. The view of the changes will keep you motivated.
  • monartlady
    monartlady Posts: 21
    Don't look at the big number you have to lose. Break it down. You have 7lbs gone already, well done!
    As everyone else says, Log everything, this will also help you reduce your food intake as well as knowing what you're eating. Eat sensibly, I have a fruit porridge for breakfast as it fills me up, and I'm not snacking as much. Make sure you've healthy food in the house. Drink plenty of water if you can. I try to have 2.5 litres per day, more if I'm in the gym, and I'm finished with water by 7 pm.
    Keep logging in here, keep reading everyones journey, it really helps encourage you and keeps you going. We all have bad days, but one bad day will not sabotage you. Just forget about it, and get going again.
    And remember, You can do it.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    If you trip up, dust yourself off and get right back up again... the road can be bumpy.... good luck and congrats on the lose so far!


    You don't really have to stay within plan for months and months and months.... only have to stay within plan for ONE DAY--TODAY.

    Do your best, but like the wise member above said, if you trip up today, tomorrow is a new day. The great thing about MFP is how that calorie meter sets back to the beginning every single day, to remind you that you get to begin again.
  • kpkv5
    kpkv5 Posts: 1
    Congrats on getting rid of 7!

    Everybody's strategies are different but I've found it most effective to begin by cutting out just one thing at a time and exercising from the get-go. When I say "cut out" I mean doing your best to eliminate the really bad stuff from your diet. But remember it's okay to treat yourself every once in awhile. Here's what I did.

    My first week I cut out pop. I knew this would be the hardest so I wanted to just let it go ASAP.
    The second week I stopped eating fast food.
    The third week I swapped my usual snacks (junk food) for healthier alternatives or smaller portions.
    The fourth week I cut out red meat. (This one depends on your preferences. Where I live it's difficult to get good meat that's not loaded with hormones and fat. I lost a lot of weight by cutting out red meat.)
    Finally, I cut out pork also so I was pretty much just eating chicken and fish as far as meat goes.

    With these modifications to my diet and lots of exercise, I lost 35 pounds last summer. Good luck!
  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    WTG on the 7 pounds lost......usually getting started is the hardest part. My big thing is protein (whether meat, shakes, or bars). It takes more energy to digest it, so it keeps your metabolism going longer and in turn, keeps you feeling full longer. A deficit is a deficit. By reducing your intake, you are already prepping yourself to lose weight; adding exercise to that will only increase the loss and your metabolism.

    One of my goals when I started was no fast food for 2 months (i planned on getting low cal options when i went back) but i realized I didnt really miss it. I think a lot of the stuff we eat and do are instilled in us, and they are habits that can be changed. Water is your friend, if youre hungry, try drinking water first, it may just be that youre thirsty vs. hungry.

    Good luck and remember any loss is a loss! :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Have set a target of losing 7lbs a month for a year which will hit my 84 pound target do people think this is realistic?
    My scales at home have been thrown in the bin as I was advised to stop weighing myself every day so I now go to boots once a week next weigh in Monday..........
  • PinkyLilac
    PinkyLilac Posts: 52 Member
    Hellloooo and well done you!!I've also got a lot to loose, it's my 2nd week 9lbs OFF so far!Add me we can support each other xxxx
  • mflinn84
    mflinn84 Posts: 35
    All right! You have already taken the first steps - I hope you hit your stride real soon! My best advice is to stay on myfitnesspal and get friends/keep reading message boards. Log in every day! I used to think self control alone would hoof it, but reading about other people's discipline REALLY keeps me mindful and motivated!
  • mflinn84
    mflinn84 Posts: 35
    Congrats on getting rid of 7!

    Everybody's strategies are different but I've found it most effective to begin by cutting out just one thing at a time and exercising from the get-go. When I say "cut out" I mean doing your best to eliminate the really bad stuff from your diet. But remember it's okay to treat yourself every once in awhile. Here's what I did.

    My first week I cut out pop. I knew this would be the hardest so I wanted to just let it go ASAP.
    The second week I stopped eating fast food.
    The third week I swapped my usual snacks (junk food) for healthier alternatives or smaller portions.
    The fourth week I cut out red meat. (This one depends on your preferences. Where I live it's difficult to get good meat that's not loaded with hormones and fat. I lost a lot of weight by cutting out red meat.)
    Finally, I cut out pork also so I was pretty much just eating chicken and fish as far as meat goes.

    Thank you for posting this! By the way, how much/often do you exercise and what kind of workout do you do?

    With these modifications to my diet and lots of exercise, I lost 35 pounds last summer. Good luck!