Daily 1200cal ideas



  • naterciarodrigues58
    naterciarodrigues58 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you for all the replies.

    And yes, I've heard a LOT of people telling me that I should up my calories, up my calories!! But why, if I didn't feel hungry, and was loosing, and feeling with enough energy for my workouts?? :(

    Sooooo, I'm sticking to the 1200 daily, just need to get more ideas on WHAT to eat, because my packed lunches are getting very boring now, and tht tends to make me want to start cheating, so need more healhty ideas! I liked that salmon and cucumber sandwich one, and those panckages sounded delish as well for those days when I just feel like a treat.

    Thank you, all ;)
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    to the OP: i've been on 1200 since i started. my typical day is:

    two crumpets with marg and a cup of tea (around 300 cals)
    lunch is a pasta pot (add water) or cup a soup type thing (100 - 200 cals)
    afternoon snacks are a cup of tea, an alpen bar and a pack of something like quavers/skips/pom bear (around 250 cals)
    dinner is meat and veg or quorn and veg - we gave up pasta/rice with dinner a few years ago and found we didn't need it, just have a bit more veg to fill the plate (300 - 400 cals)
    this usually leaves me the calories to have a biscuit or two after dinner if i want it, if i don't do any exercise

    if you're in the UK, warburtons do 'thins' which you can use instead of bread for a sandwich but have less calories because they funnily enough are thin. i just can't be bothered to pre-make lunch so cup soups and pasta pots work for me!
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I try to net around 1200 calories, so with exercise my daily count is around 1500. High density, low calorie foods are my friend:

    - Add watery fruits and veggies into your meals....watermelon, strawberries, cucumber
    - Protein in the morning from eggs, cottage cheese, or shakes
    - Lunch: Big salads with spinach, peppers, tomato, cucumber and a little cheese with red wine vinegar dressing;

    I usually aim for 300 cals at breakfast, 400 at lunch, 600 at dinner, and then allow room for snacks based on my exercise of the day.

    I hoard my calories for dinner, which may not be everyone's ideal, but I've lost a lot of weight through sheer patience and dedication so I feel confident saying this works for me. I usually eat about 500-600 calories during dinner alone. Drinking lots of water, hot tea, and having low calorie snacks available helps me stay on track. And the fullness from dinner helps me avoid my late night snacking weakness.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member

    Is that the only thing wrong with what I posted? The point was don't tell someone 1200 is wrong

    Even if they are wrong? You WERE wrong. Okay lol. Everybody is right! So sorry! 1200 cals for everyone!! Whooo hoooo
  • jennwren77
    jennwren77 Posts: 76 Member

    Is that the only thing wrong with what I posted? The point was don't tell someone 1200 is wrong

    Even if they are wrong? You WERE wrong. Okay lol. Everybody is right! So sorry! 1200 cals for everyone!! Whooo hoooo

    This is funny but I'm glad you're "So sorry" Apology accepted LOL And again, you missed the point, 1200 cals is NOT for everyone but for some it is fine. Whoooo Hooooo.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    One of my favorite lunches is a pouch of wild caught pink salmon mixed with hot sauce stuffed in a bell pepper with some salad on the side. If you are hungry early, try starting the day with Scramblers or poached eggs. I like soft poached eggs with a runny yolk; I just don't clean the plate with toast and end up getting some yolk for flavor but rinsing a lot away. I eat almost no bread and I do not snack during the day time. Doing that, I can have just about any breakfast or lunch that is reasonably light.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Check out my diary. My goal is actually 1600 calories per day but I usually eat about 1300 - don't look at this weekend, I was camping/at a festival lol. I always have an egg white whole wheat muffin and coffee for breakfast and eat either steak or chicken with veg for lunch.
  • brendywendy
    brendywendy Posts: 8 Member
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    A lot of lean protein and fruits and vegetables. I usually do an egg white omelet with some spinach and low fat cheese for breakfast. Lunch will be leftovers from the night before or a salad or something. For dinner I'm obsessed with zucchini noodles. You just make them using a julienne peeler. I throw them in a pan with some olive oil or cooking spray and some garlic and put them with some chicken or shrimp or whatever. It's really filling but really low cal.
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    I tend to load up wraps with lots of salad veggies and some meat for lunch. I don't like a big breakfast and so get to have a fairly large dinner and some snacks. I tend to eat within 1200-1300 calories a day and don't feel like I'm starving :) My diary is open.
  • gem5639
    gem5639 Posts: 90
    1200 cals per day only does one thing, sends your body into starvation mode!! At least 1800-2000 cals of the right food CLEAN food, with exercise and you will lose weight and better still manage to keep it off

    Starvation mode, yeah, people like to go on about starvation mode all the time here, that is basically because it gives them lots of excuses to eat, eat, eat.

    Some of us don't continually think about food, those that eat lots are the ones that do that.

    And I have lost over 5 stone since eating 1800-2000 calories every day and training hard. It wasn't until I ate more of the RIGHT foods that I noticed any decent change, not just to the scales, but whole body shape. So I know exactly what I am talking about. Eating 1200 makes the scales look smaller, but it isn't pure fat loss - it's muscle loss that makes it look smaller and then if you decide to eat RDA of 2000 to live a normal life for the rest of your life you find you put weight on because your body isn't used to it anymore.. 2000 of clean foods isn't eating like a pig, it is fuelling your body properly. And funnily enough I have a friend who is fully qualified in nutrition and Personal Training and HE does know exactly what he is talking about - he has only ever had one client in his career who was overeating, majority of them (and mainly women) undereat - therefore body stores fat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1200 cals per day only does one thing, sends your body into starvation mode!! At least 1800-2000 cals of the right food CLEAN food, with exercise and you will lose weight and better still manage to keep it off

    sorry but this is dead wrong...do some research....You cannot go into starvation mode eating 1200 calories a day. You have to eat NOTHING for 72 hours to see initial starvation mode effect, and even then it is minimal...

    do you pressure wash your food or put in laundry? I personally hand wash all my food for clean eating...
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    One of my favorite lunches is a pouch of wild caught pink salmon mixed with hot sauce stuffed in a bell pepper with some salad on the side. If you are hungry early, try starting the day with Scramblers or poached eggs. I like soft poached eggs with a runny yolk; I just don't clean the plate with toast and end up getting some yolk for flavor but rinsing a lot away. I eat almost no bread and I do not snack during the day time. Doing that, I can have just about any breakfast or lunch that is reasonably light.

    MAN, I love that idea for salmon. Noted.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    The reason it has your goals set to 1200 is because you have it set to lose to much weight. Set it to one pound a week and you won't be satting yourself up for failure by having such a low daily calorie count. You don't have to eat that little to lose weight. My wife is 4'10'', older then you, and she loses weight eating 1500. If your shorter then that then maybe i am wrong, however i am willing to bet you just put in a weight loss goal of 2 pounds a week and did not put your activity level in correctly.

    Every one is different and you have to find what works for you. If you try this 1200 stuff and your hungry then stop and take a better more long term approuch that will not only bring you results but not leave you feeling hungry and that will allow you to keep the weight off even after you start eating like a normal person again.

    I am set to lose .9 lbs a week and it has me at 1200.

    I eat around 1200-1350 pretty reguarly. I have 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. Some of what I eat is health food and some of it is fast food. I am by no means perfect
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    My diary is open if you want some ideas. Ignore the high calorie things. Most of my lunch items are @300 calories. My lunch today was about 220g of spinach and feta cheese lasagna (made from scratch) - less than 300 cals. I also love fish with couscous. I take some fish (usually sole or whatever I have) fry it up (or bake it) then combine it with some isreali couscous (the big pearls) some frozen veggies and some shrimp. I can have a HUGE dish of that for under 300 cals.

    Don't be scared to look at diaries for ideas. Even if someone eats more they will likely have 'meals' that you can adapt or combine. Look for high volume low calorie items.. veggies are great, big salads with tuna or other fish for protein. Lots of fish and chicken for dinners/snacks. Figure out when you are the most hungry and make sure you have an extra shot of protein around that time.

    Don't be scared to get out and do a little activity for some extra calories. My base is 1400 but I eat close to 2000 just from my daily walking around work - it helps for those days when I'm feeling extra hungry. Keep a close eye on your losses. Most people with significant weight to lose can eat 1200 calories without problems for a little while and still keep a good rate of loss. When your rate starts to slow then you can re-assess and adjust as needed. I think I did it for a couple months when I first started (as most of us probably do) and re-adjusted after that as I was far too tired/irritable. You need to adjust constantly - at least every 10 lbs lost. Obviously as you reduce your weight you will need to either eat less or move more or some combination of the two in order to keep the losses steady.
  • I was at 1200 a day up until recently & then I changed my goals and now am at 1430 a day. I'm not sure where you're from, so this may not work for you, but I've discovered Pepperidge Farm 45 calorie bread. I can make a sandwich for lunch out of 2 cooked egg whites, a slice of fat free cheese, a sprinkle of Mrs. Dash seasoning, low fat mayo/Miracle Whip & 2 slices of the 45 calorie bread. Sliced tomatoes make it even yummier without many extra calories. Then I add a cup of fruit or raw veggies with my lunch & can stay pretty full for a few hours that way.

    Another thing I sometimes do for lunch is cook a healthy dinner the night before & warm up the leftovers for lunch.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    One of my favorite lunches is a pouch of wild caught pink salmon mixed with hot sauce stuffed in a bell pepper with some salad on the side. If you are hungry early, try starting the day with Scramblers or poached eggs. I like soft poached eggs with a runny yolk; I just don't clean the plate with toast and end up getting some yolk for flavor but rinsing a lot away. I eat almost no bread and I do not snack during the day time. Doing that, I can have just about any breakfast or lunch that is reasonably light.
    MAN, I love that idea for salmon. Noted.
    It presents best stuffed, but just as an fyi a lot of times I actually go ahead and quarter the pepper (4 strips), mix the salmon and Frank's Hot Sauce (or whatever) in a cup and spoon some into each pepper strip. It is easier to eat that way.

    Another note to OP or others - you need to figure out up front whether you function best by dropping things and eating a few good sized meals of mostly "regular" food (this is my approach - no bread, no day time snacks, light breakfast/lunch, regular family dinner) or a bunch of low calorie stuff you can graze on through the day.
  • bewilder82
    bewilder82 Posts: 11 Member
    Ok I have been on and off again for awhile on MFP but recently kicked it into high gear as I am getting married in 3 months! and want to look smashing in my dress ;) I've decided to recalculate my cal intake and am now at 1200 a day to loose 2lbs a week. What's been working for me is a meal replacement diet: 2 shakes, 1 meal and healthy(ish) snacks throughout the day. I did my research to look for a meal substitute that would be nutritious vs. just filling like slim fast. VEGA ONE... It's a little on the expensive side BUT for someone who has never done protein shakes before it's been working out really well. The taste is great and I mix with almond milk for a nice consistency (vs. water which makes it have a slightly gritty texture). I don't really consider myself on a "diet" per say but try to make better choices when it comes to my 1 "big" meal for the day and around 3-4 snacks in between. Hope this helps a bit ;)
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i do 1200 or so caloaries a day, and i eat pretty boringly but i'm very happy to do it.

    Breakfast: oatmeal ~110 calories
    Lunch: a large salad (tons of lettuce) w\grilled chicken and very light dressing ~600 calories
    after lifting i take a protein shake ~200 calories
    Dinner: i'll eat cut up fruit, like watermelon/strawberries/cantelope/pinneapple (idk calories).

    if i eat out i'll get a salad at panera, they have a fruit one that's only 350 or so calories and most are under 600.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Include protien in every meal to keep you full till the next meal...
    breakfast ideas:
    1. greek yogurt (dannon light n fit greek is 80 cals) with a banana
    2. wheat toast with 2 fried egg whites and 1/4 shredded cheddar cheese
    3. oatmeal flavored with protien powder
    4. tomorrow oats - mix 1/2 cup water 1 container greek yogurt with 1/2 cup oats mix, let sit overnight in the fridge, enjoy cold in the morning (great summer time breakfast)

    Lunch Ideas:
    1. english muffin spread with 1 tbs peanut butter slice bananas on top
    2. baked green peppers - slice a green pepper in half dice your favorite lunch meat, sautee lunch meat and some sliced onions in a 1/2 tbs of olive oil flavored with wochestershire garlic and salt, fill green pepper with mixture bake on 350 till the pepper is soft top with a slice of provolone cheese, heat till melted
    3. dole ceaser salad topped with grilled chicken breast (I use the george foreman)
    4. black bean stir fry (makes 3 servings) - sautee 1 full small bok choy (or 1/2 a large one) 2 cups of greens, 2 cups of fresh spinich, and a sliced onion in 1 tbs olive oil, add 1 cup frozen corn about half way through, then add 1 can black beans sautee for a few min more season as desired during cooking. I serve it over 1/2 cup rice and top with 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

    Dinner Ideas:
    1. bean chili with no meat (see recipe below)
    2. chicken breast grilled
    3. seared basted chicken breast, season chicken, sear in about 1 tbs of olive oil per chicken breast, once seared on both sides pour in about 1.5 cups of chicken broth, cook until done on med-low heat turning about every 15 min and basting occasionally.

    Snack ideas:
    beef jerky 80 cals (pay attention to serving size, its really small, but packs a lot of protien to keep you full)
    dannon light in fit greek yogurt
    apples and 2 tbs peanut butter
    baked apples

    Bean Chili
    Makes 12 servings about 150 calories each

    1 bag of 14 bean "soup mix" (no seasonings)
    1.5 cups tomatoe juice like v-8
    1 can rotel tomatoes (don't drain)
    1 can diced tomatoes (don't drain)
    2 cans hunts tomatoe sauce (not speghetti sauce)
    season with cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, and salt

    add everything to a crock pot, cook on high for 3 hours, then low the rest of the day, if started in the morning will be done by dinner time :)

    I served it over a cup of rice and added a 1/4 shredded cheddar cheese to the top :) So good!!