What is your weekly workout routine?



  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I'm training to run a marathon, so this is what my weekly routine looks like:

    Monday: 45 min run
    Tuesday: cross-train (usually bike) and JM dvd
    Wednesday: 45-60 min run
    Thursday: cross-train and JM dvd
    Friday: 45 min run
    Saturday: long run
    Sunday: rest
  • kaybristow01
    kaybristow01 Posts: 38 Member
    Turbofire Mon-Fri... sometimes Sat if I'm not being lazy :laugh:
    Stronglifts 5x5 Mon, Wed & Fri
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Stronglifts 3x a week (squats, bench, rows, deadlifts, overhead press), a 20 minute power walk at lunch M-F, and a very active weekend day.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    For me, and probably for most people, it changes with the seasons.

    A 'normal' week for me is running 3-4 times at least 45 minutes and lifting 3 times a week on my non running days. I also do some walking or swimming, water aerobics, biking or hiking on 'off' days, if I have time.

    During the winter, its lifting and the dreadmill, with water aerobics or the exercise bike on my off days.

    I also do heavy gardening from spring to fall, several days per week.
  • keatsgeckos
    This is my schedule. Saturday is my day off since bike ride is a pleasure. Every couple of weeks I take off a day totally based on how I feel or just to go out and do something else :)

    I'm finding that if I move with purpose every day, my weight does not yo-yo and I tend not to cheat with food.

    Monday - 30 minutes circuit training/conditioning/free weights
    Tuesday - 60 minutes kickboxing
    Wednesday - 30 minutes circuit training/conditioning/free weights
    Thursday - 60 minutes grappling
    Friday - 60 minutes kickboxing
    Saturday - 30-60 minutes bike ride or between 4 - 9 miles
    Sunday - 60 minutes weight lifting
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    This is my basic plan. For cardio I use machines at the gym, if I'm doing HIIT, or anything that seems fun, like hiking, if I'm doing easy cardio. I'm going to try aqua zumba tonight. I also do some yoga, and some dance practice every day.

    Mon - HIIT, yoga class
    Tue - yoga class, tap dance class
    Wed - strength training, easy cardio
    Thurs - HIIT
    Friday - easy cardio
    Saturday - strength training, easy cardio
    Sunday - whatever feels best, i.e. rest, easy cardio, restorative yoga, dance.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    You probably won't like mine, but here it is

    Walk 2 miles with my neighbor before work
    Swim for 45-60 minutes at lunch with my neighbor
    Circuit train 1 hour 15 minutes with another neighbor (I am training her) after work

    Run; 40 minutes - 1 hour 10 minutes (slow, medium, tempo run or intervals)

    Walk 2 miles with my neighbor before work
    Sometimes I run after work or bike ride

    Sat: Circuit train 1 hour 15 minutes with another neighbor (I am training her)

    Run; 40 minutes - 1 hour 10 minutes (slow, medium, tempo run or intervals)
    Sometimes swim at my neighbor's in the afternoon
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Monday: Legs

    Squats – 4 sets, 15,12,10,8
    Leg Press – 4 sets, 25,20,18,16
    Walking Lunges – 4 sets, 12 reps
    Leg Curl – 4 sets, 15,15,12,12
    Leg Extension – 4 sets, 15,15,12,12
    Standing Calf Raise – 4 sets, 15
    Seated calf raises – 4 sets, 15

    Tuesday: Shoulders

    Barbell Shoulder Press – 4 sets, 10,8,8,8,
    Front Lateral Raises – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    Side Lateral Raises – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    Upright rows – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    Arnold Presses – 3 sets, 10,8,8
    Shrugs 4 sets -15

    Wednesday: Back

    Deadlift – 4 sets, 15,10,8,6
    Bent over rows -4 x 12,10,8,8
    T-Bar Row – 4 sets, 12,10,8,6
    Front wide Lat pull downs 4 x 12,10,8,8
    Reverse Lat pull downs- 4 x 12,10,8,8
    Chin Ups – 4 sets to failure
    DB Rear Delt Raises - 4 sets, 12,10,8,6

    Thursday: Chest/Calves

    Incline barbell Press – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6
    Dumbbell incline Fly 4 sets, 10,8,8,6
    Flat Bench – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6
    Dips – 4 sets to failure
    Incline Bench dumbbell 3 sets of 10
    Pushups 3 sets to failure
    Pullovers – 3 sets 15
    Standing Calf Raise – 4 sets, 15
    Seated calf raises – 4 sets, 15

    Friday: Arm Triceps / Bicep /forearms

    Barbell Curls – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    Skull Crushers – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8 reps superset with close grip bench press
    Hammer curls – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8 reps
    Cable Push Down – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8 reps
    Incline bench dumbbell Curl – –4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    Kickbacks - 4 sets of 12,10,8,8
    Concentration Curl – 4 sets, 12,10,8,8
    One arm extensions - 4 sets of 12,10,8,8
    Wrist curls – 4 sets, 15 reps reverse barbell curls 4 sets,15

    off saturday and sunday

    15 min post hit cardio on all days abs every day no more than 10 mins leg raise 3 x 20 with straps ab wheel 3 x 20 ball crunches 3x20
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    M-W-F I go to an hour long boot camp from 5:30-6:30 a.m. and will get at least 1(one) 5K in on the weekend and occasionally 1 on an off day from boot camp during the week. The other exercise I get is either from yard work or messing around with the kids at the pool etc. Besides the 4 regular work outs, I try to get 1-2 smaller ones in there a week if I can.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I do one muscle group a day and alternate legs and abs. So:

    Mon: 30 min cardio; Chest/legs
    Tues: 30 min cardio; back/abs
    Wed: 30 min cardio; shoulders/legs
    Thurs: 30 min cardio; tri's abs
    Fri: 30 min cardio; bi's legs

    Repeat on Monday with different exercises/equipment that targets areas that weren't targeted the week before.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    TASK: Get a combat-athletic fitness body and capability.
    CONDITIONS: Given a standard gym with barbbells, dumbells, pull up rack and a place to run (Treadmill or outside).
    STANDARDS: Complete the workout below and write down your accomplishments in weights and time over a period greater than three months. Muscle failure is important. If you can complete all three sets of an exercise with all 15 reps in good form then the next week you need to move up in weight.
    30 Second Break between exercises.
    Each Superset exercise is preformed 3 times alternating. Example, 15 reps of Lateral Raises, 30 second break, then 15 reps of Bent Over Rows, 30 second break and repeat cycle 2 more times.
    Full range of motion. If you bend that far, you work that far.
    CARDIO Run 3 Miles for Time
    ABS3 sets of inclined situps. 25 Reps.25 Reps each. If the first set of 25 reps are easy or moderate then you need a bigger incline or hold a weight.
    Superset1Clean and Press to Military Press15 Reps. Start in 'deadlift' position with barbell. Hands outside of your shoulder's width. Bring barbell over your head, then military press to your chest and back over you head 15 times. Pull upsYou can use an assisted machine if necessary. If it is unavailable and you are still struggling, stay there until you can complete 15 reps.
    Superset 2Lateral Raise15 reps. Place a dumbbell in each hand with your hands at your side. Keeping your arms straight and at your side, raise your weights above the height of your shoulders. Bent Over RowPlace a barbell in your hands with your hands shoulder width apart. Bend over with your back parallel to the ground and pull the weight up to your chest then straighten out your arms.
    Superset 3Cable Pull down machine15 reps. This is a machine where you pull down a bar while seated, simulating pullups. Keep you hands outside your shoulders for your grip. Dumbbell Military Press15 reps. Keep your hands outside your shoulders. Start with your dumbbells at shoulder height and bring them all the way up until your arms are straight.
    Superset 4Dumbbell Row15 reps. Row a dumbbell with your back parallel to the ground. You can use a bench for stability if you need to. Make sure you preform with both arms. Upright RowStanding up, feet together, grab a barbell with your hands 1-inch apart in the center. Pull with your arms until the bar is to your chin. Keep your elbows above your hands throughout this exercise.
    CARDIO Run 3 Miles for Time
    ABS3 sets of inclined situps. 25 Reps.25 Reps each. If the first set of 25 reps are easy or moderate then you need a bigger incline or hold a weight.
    Superset1Dumbbell Curls15 Reps. Standing up straight, weights in front of your body, start with arms straight. Full range of motion. Triceps kickback15 Reps. One hand on a bench, one leg behind the other one. With the hand not on the bench, pick up one dumbbell and with your back parallel to the ground bring your elbow to the same height as your back and kick back the weight and slowly bring it back down.
    Superset 2Hammer Curl15 Reps. Just like dumbbell curls only with your hands turned in so that your palms are facing each other when curling. French Press15 Reps. One large dumbbell. Stand up with the dumbbell in your hands behind your head. Extend you arms until they are straight and then bring it back down so your hands are below your elbows.
    Superset 3Barbell Curl15 Reps. Pick up a barbell with your hands shoulder width apart and curl with a full range of motion. Do NOT bend your back. Triangle Pushups15 Reps. Pushups with your thumbs and forefingers touching. Ensure that your chest touches your hands when you go down.
    Superset 4Rope Curls15 Reps. On a cable machine. Use the rope to curl with weight, similar motion to hammer curls. Dips15 Reps. Ensure you have a full range of motion. Straighten out your arms on top and when you go down be sure that your shoulders are below your elbows.
    CARDIO Run 5 Miles for Time
    ABS3 sets of inclined situps. 25 Reps.25 Reps each. If the first set of 25 reps are easy or moderate then you need a bigger incline or hold a weight.
    Flat Bench15 Reps, 3 SetsFull Range of motion. Arms straight on top, Elbows slightly below your shoulders but not fully below.
    Incline Bench15 Reps, 3 SetsFull Range of motion. Arms straight on top, Elbows slightly below your shoulders but not fully below.
    Dumbbell Bench15 Reps, 3 SetsFull Range of motion. Arms straight on top, Elbows slightly below your shoulders but not fully below.
    Pushups25 Reps, 3 SetsFull Range of motion.
    CARDIO SprintsFor 2.5 miles you will sprint every 1/4 mile and walk/jog the following 1/4.
    ABS3 sets of inclined situps. 25 Reps.25 Reps each. If the first set of 25 reps are easy or moderate then you need a bigger incline or hold a weight.
    Superset1Squats15 Reps. Full range of motion. Hips below your knees. Deadlifts15 Reps.
    Superset 2Machined Squats15 Reps. Full range of motion. Hips below your knees. Leg Press15 Reps. Full range of motion. Knees to your chest.
    Superset 3Walking Lunges15 steps out and 15 steps back. Single Leg, leg press15 Reps on each leg.
    Superset 4Jump Squats25 Reps. Start in a deep squat with palms on the ground then jump up as high as you can. No resting position is authorized. Jump Lunges25 Reps. Start in deep lunge and jump and land into a deep lunge with opposite leg.

    Note: This workout is for a week. You should stretch this workout out with rest days between most of the workouts.
  • MRL1107
    MRL1107 Posts: 74
    I love the POP Pilates from Blogilates on YouTube the workouts are between 10-30 minutes and they completely kick my butt. I also love Jillian Michaels DVD's...I'm currently working through 30 Day Shred and Fat Melting Yoga. I do try to hit the gym twice a week or so and my gym offers great classes like Zumba, Spinning, Kick Boxing, Yoga, etc...I also love the elliptical. I burn more calories on the Elliptical than I ever would on a treadmill and it doesn't feel as tedious to me.
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    I rotate between these three workouts throughout the week. I take rest days about once a week:

    Abs workout for 20-30 minutes (usually Killer Abs)
    Run 2.5 miles
    Body-weight/dumbbell workout (20-30 minutes)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Right now, I lift 3 days a week and run at least 3 days a week. I also take 1 spin class a week. I have one full rest day, so I'm often doubling up (run in the AM, then lifting after work, etc).

    At the end of the month, I'll start half marathon training and I will be lifting 2 days a week, running 4 days a week and doing yoga once a week.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Currently it looks like this:

    Mon & Wed: 3-4 mile run
    Tue & Thur: Spin class
    Sat: Long Run

    Long Run schedule for the summer:
    7/6: 5 miles
    7/13: 8 miles
    7/20: 9 miles
    7/27: 10 miles
    8/3: 8 Miles
    8/10: 11 Miles
    8/17: 12 Miles
    8/24: 6-7 Miles
    8/31: Half Marathon

    All workouts are in the morning.

    I will probably eventually add on a Friday morning run and maybe mix up my runs to do more speedwork. And I want to incorporate a weight routine somehow. But for right now I am still seeing improvement with my running and I have been having weightloss success so I am in no hurry to change-up my routine.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I'm doing Ripped in 30 6 days a week and later in the day I do the Butt Bible also 6 days a week. So I now, on a daily basis, curse Jillian, Pauline, and whoever that girl was that posted pics of her amazing butt transformation from doing the Butt Bible. j/k, I heart all of them, really.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Insanity 6x a week, I also walk quite a lot
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    My weekly schedule:

    Mon - Belly Dance
    Tue - Zumba and Body Pump
    Wed - Step Aerobic class and Pure Barre
    Thu - Zumba
    Fri - Body Pump and Cycle
    Sat - nothing
    Sun - Zumba (when I can get movtivated, about twice a month)