No loss yet... any insights?

crazymel Posts: 24
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've just finished my first week on here and I thought it was all going well.
I had a cheeky mid week weigh in on Thursday afternoon, and I was 143.5 (this is at 3pm) so I automatically thought "oooh, I've lost maybe a pound".
But this morning for my "official weigh in" I was 143. And I checked 3 times.
I'm really down about this, even though I know it's only been a week but I thought it was going well.
Can anybody maybe shed some light?


  • kwork
    kwork Posts: 7
    Don't feel bad, I have been doing p90x and also Zumba watching my diet and keeping track for 4 weeks and I've only gained
    5 lbs.
    Whats up with this?
    I'm eating decent. No candy or sweets.
    I'm lost in what to do. Maybe someone can tell both of us. I'm 5 ft 129 lbs now.
    I need to lose about 30 lbs.
    I could cry so I share your hurt.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Both of you should measure yourselves and see if you have lost inches. Are your clothes looser? You have lost fat and gained muscle. Muscle weighs 1.5 the weight of fat, but also increases your metabolism. Muscle, heavy, but good. Fat bad!

    :drinker: (drink lots of water)
  • crazymel
    crazymel Posts: 24
    I have been doing a lot more running and yoga this week. Maybe it will all drop of next week when I'm back at school and walking around more... Or is that just wishful thinking?
  • what are you eating?
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I've just finished my first week on here and I thought it was all going well.
    I had a cheeky mid week weigh in on Thursday afternoon, and I was 143.5 (this is at 3pm) so I automatically thought "oooh, I've lost maybe a pound".
    But this morning for my "official weigh in" I was 143. And I checked 3 times.
    I'm really down about this, even though I know it's only been a week but I thought it was going well.
    Can anybody maybe shed some light?

    Give it time! I know it's easier said than done! I've only been on here about 10 days, and like you, was expecting a good loss my first week. I lost NOTHING, and I have a lot more to lose than you. Keep doing what you're doing, and I think at the next weigh in you will see results. Also, don't rely so much on the scale...measure inches lost and how clothes are fitting to help judge what's happening with your body. GOOD LUCK! Those pounds will come off, just be patient and don't give up.

    Edited to add: This week I cut all processed foods out of my diet and am eating a majority of fresh fruits and veggies, and have already seen great results in just 4 days! Maybe try something like that - either switch up your diet or your exercise routine. Also be sure to let your body rest a day!
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    it would help if you make your food diary public so that we could see if it's your diet to blame.
    also, one week is waaayyy too early to see real results, like lost weight. you'll see that within 2 weeks.
  • crazymel
    crazymel Posts: 24
    what are you eating?

    Well I'm having a mixture of foods really, and snacking on fruit. I've only gone over my 1200 calorie limit about 3 or 4 times - once was a celebration.
    The last couple of days I didn't really track because I wasn't sure how much of what was in my dinners and sometimes I do have to guesstimate.
    But I'm going to start measuring inches, as that's what people have suggested.
    Thanks for the help.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Open your food diary and post another blog asking ask to look at it and then maybe we could help. Without knowing what you are eating, when you are eating, it's tough to suggest anything.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh - your weight can fluctuate up to a few pounds through out the day - best time is in the morning before you eat after a bowel movement. And be patient - it will happen!
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    In the early stages, inches mean more than pounds. Just stick with it. Watch your portion size. Measure everything. Although I'm set to lose a pound a week, I only lose one about every ten days. Pretty soon you will figure out your pattern and be able to adjust your behaviours to get the results you want. Hang in there!
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Everyone's body is different... it took me three weeks to loose just one pound. I did this every time I tried to loose weight, and I kept giving up because I was soooo frustrated... but this time I stuck with it, and I'm loosing now. It didn't help I have a sister that ate everything normal and just cut out POP and lost 10 stinking pounds!!! UGH!!! But I didn't have as much to loose, and after researching a lot, I found I was not eating ENOUGH food... my body was going into starvation mode! I would work out and still only eat 1200 calories or sometimes less and that hurt my body big time. So make sure you are eating enough, and that its healthy food, and just give it a few more weeks and stick with it!! DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I have been on this website before, without much results, this time i have literally logged EVERYTHING i eat and drink...i have been eating most of my exercise cals. also....and for the first time i am having success!!! Be honest with your food diet is the biggest thing for me....also eating on a schedule when possibe is helping, i will TOTALLY binge if i get too hungry!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • it is sometime depressing but at times fulfilling, because when I lose like one or two pounds(which for me already is fulfilling), after I eat the next day, I gain them again.. which is really annoying.. lol.

    since I'm a student, I'm actually having a hard time balancing my weight losing/exercise with my time doing school stuffs... usually, school consists my allday, everyday, and when I get home, I get tired and falls asleep... I think i only have free times on selected saturdays, but i think those saturdays aren't enough for me losing weight.. I also limit my food intake..
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    what are you eating?

    Well I'm having a mixture of foods really, and snacking on fruit. I've only gone over my 1200 calorie limit about 3 or 4 times - once was a celebration.
    The last couple of days I didn't really track because I wasn't sure how much of what was in my dinners and sometimes I do have to guesstimate.
    But I'm going to start measuring inches, as that's what people have suggested.
    Thanks for the help.

    Unfortunately unless you weigh and measure what you consume, and log everything you just don't know how many calories you have had some days. Even eyeballing does not work because you typically have too much. Really dedicate yourself to logging every morsel for the next week, get your 8 glasses of water in each day, and plenty of rest. You should see the results you want but it will take this dedication to do it!
  • The only things I can think of is that you may not be eating enough (1,200 calories at least), you gained muscle, or you were just retaining a lot of water that day. People fluctuate all the time throughout the day, more on some days then others. You may not have seen what you wanted on the scale, but I think you should measure yourself, try on your jeans to see if they feel the slightest bit different than before, or see if you see a difference in the mirror. I recently just started to do more strength training than cardio, and I didn't see anything that different in my weight, but I was amazed at how my waist compared to before and how different areas shrunk. So what I'm trying to say is, don't rely on the scale for the changes in your body. Weigh yourself again tomorrow and see if you weigh less, because it could just be water weight. Also, this is a semi- slow process when you aren't that overweight, so it might take some time. Good luck! (:
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well when you weigh yourself it should be in the morning without clothes. to get your actual weigh, clothes, shoes, towels,they all weigh something. So when you weigh yourself it is best to do it in the morning, your weight will flucuate during the day and only weigh yourself once a week,not everyday. I have also found that dont eat later than 6:30pm. and excercise in the evening. I use to excercise early in the morning and ate during the day, and found that I wasn't losing the weight that I want. so it came to me eat during the day(healthy of course) and workout in the evening, and right now all I have been doing is walking for an hour a day, and lost the way almost automatically. Now remember I am only drinking water, I gave up everything else, no soda,no tea, no anything just water(all day). But every person is different and what is good for one person, may not work for another, but it is worth a try. GOOD LUCK!!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Patience is the key. In a week you can't really expect to see a huge change in weight when you only have a small amount of weight to lose. If you only have 10 lbs to lose then you shouldn't expect to lose more than 1lb in a week max (if you want it to actually be permanent weight loss), but there are so many other factors that come in to play that could prevent you from seeing that 1lb drop on the scale - you'll retain water if you recently ate high sodium foods, or your muscles retain water if you've been working out heavily, or for women if it's your totm you'll retain some water weight for a few days, depending when you last went to the bathroom can affect your weight, etc. But even if you don't see the number drop on the scale for the above reasons, if you're doing all the right things it will show up on the just need to keep doing what you're doing in order to see it.

    Also when you only have a small amount to lose you need to pay attention to the actual foods that make up your daily calorie intake, the cleaner they are, meaning more whole and fresh, less processed, the better your results will be.
  • After looking at 8 days of your diary. The one thing I noticed is that most of the time you are eating you exercise calories. You don't always eat them all, or sometimes you go over. If it was me I would suggest not eating your exercise calories. Maybe 25 of them max only if I was famished. Because if you eat all your calories including your exercise calories all you are going to do is maintain. If you continue to go over in your calories you will gain weight. Make sure you are getting your eight glasses of water a day. If you have a hard time with that try to get at least four glasses in daily. Watch your sodium intake as well. And best of luck! Stay strong, you can do this!
  • crazymel
    crazymel Posts: 24
    Thank you everybody for the help.
    I will absolutely take on board what everybody has said.
    And feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • kwork
    kwork Posts: 7
    sounds good thanks for your view I checked and haven't lost inches but clothes do fit different.
    I'm sticking with it.
    Thanks much
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