Workplace illegal activity?



  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    the only thing that might be illegal depending upon where you working is not getting paid over time as you said you even do 12 hours shifts.

    It's not OT until you pass 40 hrs.

    Dude, I went 2 years without a raise from 2008-2010. When I did get a raise, it was a whole 2%. I went out and found a better job.

    You forget it's retail he's working in. He might not even get a raise.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    the only thing that might be illegal depending upon where you working is not getting paid over time as you said you even do 12 hours shifts.

    It's not OT until you pass 40 hrs.

    Dude, I went 2 years without a raise from 2008-2010. When I did get a raise, it was a whole 2%. I went out and found a better job.

    You forget it's retail he's working in. He might not even get a raise.

    I'm not forgetting....I'm stating that a raise isn't always just given to you.
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    Sorry, to add more onto it there's been other situations, where the roof was flooded once and they sent me up on it to clean off the roof, then the basement was flooded where we have most of the shoes and we were still forced to go down there just to get customers their shoes. There are days where the district manager comes into the store angry as hell and throws stuff around and tells us to clean up his mess. I don't mean to sound snobby by this topic in any way, and I know that there are worse jobs than mine, the reason I haven't quit is because I always tell myself that others would kill to have this job than the one they have or none at all.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Sorry, to add more onto it there's been other situations, where the roof was flooded once and they sent me up on it to clean off the roof, then the basement was flooded where we have most of the shoes and we were still forced to go down there just to get customers their shoes. There are days where the district manager comes into the store angry as hell and throws stuff around and tells us to clean up his mess. I don't mean to sound snobby by this topic in any way, and I know that there are worse jobs than mine, the reason I haven't quit is because I always tell myself that others would kill to have this job than the one they have or none at all.'re being asked to work?
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Sorry, to add more onto it there's been other situations, where the roof was flooded once and they sent me up on it to clean off the roof, then the basement was flooded where we have most of the shoes and we were still forced to go down there just to get customers their shoes. There are days where the district manager comes into the store angry as hell and throws stuff around and tells us to clean up his mess. I don't mean to sound snobby by this topic in any way, and I know that there are worse jobs than mine, the reason I haven't quit is because I always tell myself that others would kill to have this job than the one they have or none at all.

    You are right in that, there are tons of people who would love to even have a job. You *may* be able to take it to the labor board for those cases, but you'd have to have proof, and you may not even have a case.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Sorry, to add more onto it there's been other situations, where the roof was flooded once and they sent me up on it to clean off the roof, then the basement was flooded where we have most of the shoes and we were still forced to go down there just to get customers their shoes. There are days where the district manager comes into the store angry as hell and throws stuff around and tells us to clean up his mess. I don't mean to sound snobby by this topic in any way, and I know that there are worse jobs than mine, the reason I haven't quit is because I always tell myself that others would kill to have this job than the one they have or none at all.

    This may have gotten tricky.

    What position were you hired for?

    What is the job description (what duties are asked of the position)?

    Is there anything in the description that states "And other duties as needed, asked, etc...."
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    They are taking advantage of you. Ask very nicely for what you want. Just listen to the reply they give you. If it is not favorable, take it to the higher up manager and do the same....ask very nicely. Just note their replies without fighting them. If they are also unjust, take it to the relevant gov't agency.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Education is the answer to this question.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You're living in the wrong country or the wrong era. Workers don't have many protections in this country. At-will employment, right to work, no unions, stagnant minimum wage. Rather than be asking for a raise, you should be happy they even give you full-time hours - most places overhire these days and make people come in for three hour shifts with no notice. This is Ronald Reagan's America, we're just living in it.

    If you get fired for asking for a raise, they probably won't be able to prevent you from getting unemployment, but that's about it.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Let me just say that with the job outlook like it is, most places are using employes for other jobs.

    It's part of being a grown up.
  • juiletflt
    juiletflt Posts: 159
    Some of this depends on what state you live in. For example, Colorado is an at-will employment state, meaning you can be fired or quit for any or no reason, except the federally mandated discrimination reasons someone else listed above. You don't have to sign a contract, all employment is at-will. So, depending on your state laws, it could or could not be illegal to say you will be fired if you ask for a raise. Not cool, but not illegal here.

    Also, there are different overtime rules in different states. For Colorado it is anything over 40 OR 12 in a day of actual worked hours, vacation etc does not count.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Oh yes, Department of Labor, LOOVVVEESSS employees like you :)
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    Again sorry if it seems like im on a rant about life being hard or anything, this is just the first time i've really, spoken of this job situation, i just kept quiet and got **** done everyday for the past 2 years, got angry, took a deep breath and got back to work. but after a while it gets sickening, i just wanted to know if what they were doing truly was illegal so i could report it to the DOH before i start college in sept and/or get a new job before then
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yeah, I really think it's wrong. But it's important for you to continue to react properly to it, ie, stay in the "right". For example, don't rage-quit. Do a good job while you remain there. Sorry for this unjust will make you a better person, knowing you won't give this treatment to someone else! I've had a bummer job before, too. I am glad someone counseled me to react well, as it made me mad, too. But it came out well because I did not behave foolishly.

    In my previous response, I was trying to tell you that you should give them a chance to do the right thing toward you....tell them their fault, or, tell them what you want....and see what they do/say. Be respectful and polite/good attitude.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    It's a story as old as time.... We all have crappy jobs where we are overworked and underpaid when we are young. Then we decide to do something about it, go to school, bust our butts, and eventually make a success out of our lives.

    Both my brother and I, at one point in our careers, were door-to-door salesman. He sold cutlery, try cold calling and getting invited into someones home with a bag full of knives, and I sold water, yeah, that stuff that comes from your faucet for almost free. However, this experience taught us both the meaning of perseverance and an honest days work. Today he is a commercial property developer with a high six figure income and a I am a design engineer, and although I don't make as much as he does I still do much better than most people I know.

    Moral of the story: Go to school, work hard and always learn something from your experiences.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    It's a story as old as time.... We all have crappy jobs where we are overworked and underpaid when we are young. Then we decide to do something about it, go to school, bust our butts, and eventually make a success out of our lives.

    Both my brother and I, at one point in our careers, were door-to-door salesman. He sold cutlery, try cold calling and getting invited into someones home with a bag full of knives, and I sold water, yeah, that stuff that comes from your faucet for almost free. However, this experience taught us both the meaning of perseverance and an honest days work. Today he is a commercial property developer with a high six figure income and a I am a design engineer, and although I don't make as much as he does I still do much better than most people I know.

    Moral of the story: Go to school, work hard and always learn something from your experiences.
    It's true.
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    It's a story as old as time.... We all have crappy jobs where we are overworked and underpaid when we are young. Then we decide to do something about it, go to school, bust our butts, and eventually make a success out of our lives.

    Both my brother and I, at one point in our careers, were door-to-door salesman. He sold cutlery, try cold calling and getting invited into someones home with a bag full of knives, and I sold water, yeah, that stuff that comes from your faucet for almost free. However, this experience taught us both the meaning of perseverance and an honest days work. Today he is a commercial property developer with a high six figure income and a I am a design engineer, and although I don't make as much as he does I still do much better than most people I know.

    Moral of the story: Go to school, work hard and always learn something from your experiences.
    It's true.

    Very true indeed, If i was able to go to college right out of hs I wouldve never been in this situation, but personal issues occurred, I'm going for sure this sept cause' hey, better late than never right
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I can relate to being in a job that you dislike and being at the same pay for far too long. I did this for 7years and never got a raise. Of course my sanity had enough and i left without finding another job first and its even more stressful trying to figure out how to pay the bills. But, i know i made the right choice and something will come along soon enough.

    I think you should start looking now to find somewhere else that will appreciate your work.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    It's a story as old as time.... We all have crappy jobs where we are overworked and underpaid when we are young. Then we decide to do something about it, go to school, bust our butts, and eventually make a success out of our lives.

    Both my brother and I, at one point in our careers, were door-to-door salesman. He sold cutlery, try cold calling and getting invited into someones home with a bag full of knives, and I sold water, yeah, that stuff that comes from your faucet for almost free. However, this experience taught us both the meaning of perseverance and an honest days work. Today he is a commercial property developer with a high six figure income and a I am a design engineer, and although I don't make as much as he does I still do much better than most people I know.

    Moral of the story: Go to school, work hard and always learn something from your experiences.
    It's true.
    Very true indeed, If i was able to go to college right out of hs I wouldve never been in this situation, but personal issues occurred, I'm going for sure this sept cause' hey, better late than never right
    The fact that you didn't go right after HS usually works to your favor. You hopefully have had a few years to mature and to see the benefit to an education. Which should only make you a more motivated and therefore more successful student.

    I know that was the case for myself. I graduated from HS at 18 with barely a C average. I then went into the military and after that worked quite a few odd jobs. When I finally went back to school I was 25. I graduated college 4 years later in the top 5% of my class.

    You've seen the alternative, and now it's up to you to make the most of things for yourself.
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    you reminded me of my struggle when i changed states (for 1 year) and had to quit my full time accounting job because of moving .... i changed 4 jobs in 4 months .... but i never quit before finding a better one .... the job which was like yours .... and used to schedule 1 hr in advance tht get to work or u r not coming to work .... i didnt show up to work one day and when they called where m i ... i said I QUIT .... was not a gud way to do it but ohhh .... it was so satisfying ... in the end i realized .... this is not worth it .... took the classes for a cab driver and drove a cab for the rest of my time there (this is where i gained weight) before moving back to my state and going back to my regular job .... (this move was supposed to be just for an year and moving back after one year was not because i was unable to do anything there it was all planned). so the reason i wrote wat i did is to show there are always options .... just keep ur eyes open .... and consider all options .... best of luck :)