REALLY trying not to sound awful... BUT...



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    That makes perfect sense to me too. I do have a few friends on here I know from the "real world," but the people I tend to interact with the most on MFP are people I've met here through the few groups I belong to. I started using MFP in January and really just lurked for the first few months. Finally starting to get more involved in the community and am finding it very rewarding. Feel free to add me too!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I totally agree and it's not awful. I'm much more comfortable with the "strangers" who are supportive and nonjudgemental. I have several coworkers on here and while what I do isn't a secret, they don't need to know my weight or how I feel about issues I have - some with them lol. I'd always love more friends.

    I'm a nurse, I'm down 34.6 lbs, except stuck in a stall this month. But not letting it push me back to bad habits. I've discovered the joys of weight lifting and the C25K program. Can't believe I take my fat and go run down the road. And like it.
  • Hotdawgnothotdog
    Hotdawgnothotdog Posts: 179 Member
    Sounds like a good idea to me, I'd rather you post a video of me up on YouTube for millions of strangers to see (not that they'll care to watch, but they could see it) then have it played to my immediate family.

    Little bit off topic, I agree with you about the talking about things other than just weight loss, I'm actually gonna start posting quotes with miscellaneous topics each day, I like to think I have a good sense of humor and a positive attitude, and too started MFP in January!

    I feel like I'm filling out an application, LOL, anyways feel free to add me as a friend.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I totally get this. It's just weird somehow.

    For me personally...among other reasons... I tend to get totally derailed if any real life friends decided to play "food police". Or, people often talk about how great and helpful it is to be "held accountable"...I find it totally the opposite. I need to do this for me, with my own rules and plans that I decide on at a given time. The minute I feel I am answering to someone else, I loose motivation. My doctors office made me fill out a sheet last time with goals, so I wrote exercise since I'm already doing it, and the thought of them checking on me next time made me not want to do it...luckily I managed to shake it off.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Hey there! I understand what you mean. I don't and will never add someone that I know personally on MFP. I can be way more honest with myself and others when I do not feel pressured by the way they view me. I've always been a little bit of a loner, but this journey is very personal for me and I'm a little shy/ashamed of my physical condition in real life anyway (I will have to fix that). Most of my friends believe that I should just stop eating/take fat burners/detox if I want to lose weight., that is not really the kind of people I like to talk about weight loss with. I can easily see how having them here would create major drama.

    All this to say that... I will add you! :>
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Couldn't agree more. Anyone else who feels the same, please feel free to add as well.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    wow! I could have written your post! I started over with a new account also. I always felt like the friends from "real world" weren't very helpful toward each other. It was like they just wanted to check and compare notes on who was doing better than the other. it's my real name and face but if they come a knockin' the door won't be answered. LOL
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Ah, Lucy Dee I hear you and understand. I only have a couple personal friends on here; but they don't appear to check in all that often.

    I love your honest, open approach to your post. Thank you!

    I too will be adding you as a friend.

    I am 58, and have been on this journey since last October and down 35 pounds. Yesterday I had a doctor's visit and was taken off one prescription, my LDL was down 78 points and my HDL was UP by 4; my A1c was DOWN by 1.1!! WHOO HOOT!

    Looking forward to doing this journey together.

    LouAnn (Lambchristie)
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I totally get that...that's why I didn't put a picture of my face up. I've put a lot of really personal stuff on here and while I feel comfortable sharing it anonymously with thousands of strangers -- also in the hopes of maybe helping someone else -- no way would I want to share all that with people I know. But that's ok, this is my space to use as I need to. And it's really ok for you to create YOUR space that YOU need in order to accomplish your goals, and you have a right to do so, I think! And I am sending you a friend request b/c not only do I not know you, I also I think I'm all kinds of funny and I would be happy to support you!
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member
    Sent you a request.
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Hey Luc, well i am your pal on her and am honoured to be!!! I totally get where you are coming from as i felt the same way hence why i deleted all my real life friends!! They were not happy but i said you are involved in my everyday life this needs to be for me! Love ya lots and am proud of you for posting xoxoxox
  • bkgirl2001
    bkgirl2001 Posts: 11
    I am 30, a nurse, and have the goal to lose 150 lbs. I just started this new journey of mine 2.5 weeks ago and I have already lost 18 lbs. That is very exciting for me but it is so much more than the numbers. I am in general very hard on myself but as a part of my journey I am try to give myself "pats on the back" for putting in the effort and forgiving myself when I mess up. For me I am working on integrating change 1 week at a time though I am tempted to do more sometimes to just get this weight off. I keep telling myself I did not pull this weight on in 1 week,, or 1 month, or even 1 year so it will take time to take it off and that is OK. The community is making every bit of difference for myself this time and I would love more friends.

    Sent you a friend request. Let's be each other's cheerleaders!! :happy:
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been having stress raising one of my kids, am in med school and gained these past couple months. A lot of people dropped me as friends, so time to share encouragement with others.
  • Nijm
    Nijm Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in, I'm open to encouraging and supporting one another on this journey!
  • Nijm
    Nijm Posts: 7 Member
    I'll join your squad!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Strangers > Real Friends

    I found it was much easier to relate someone on the same boat. Also your hiding behind a username which makes asking a questions a hell of alot easier. Like they say its much easier to hunt in a pack then alone.
  • grandpoobah12
    Hi, sure add me too. I could use the support also. Being a naive dieter I am finally finding my way to lasting weight loss after trying everything under the sun.

    I am so done with that. I` d like to add everyone in this thread. Maybe that`s what I`ll do. Please be my friend and I will back you up too,.

  • liya368
    liya368 Posts: 122 Member
    Hahaha. Not awful at all. I won't tell any of my real life friends about MFP because I don't want them to find me for the sme reasons you stated. In real life I'm a pretty private person but it is a little easier to share here since we are all struggling.

    Feel free to add me I'm always looking for new friends; as long as we don't really know each other. Lol
  • Feebletooth
    Totally understand!There is something that makes it easier to open up to strangers then to those you know! Feel free to friend me also.
  • mld2003
    mld2003 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't think it sounds awful at all, it makes perfect sense to me. For the most part any one I know in real life has too much of an opinion about how I lose weight or try to discourage my trying to live a healthier life. So I prefer having the majority of my "real life" friends kept seperately.

    BTW any one feel free to add me, I do always appreciate friends and encouragement, and try to do the same.