illness - what do you do?

Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
What do you do when your feeling under the weather? I've had a nasty cold for most of the week, but have managed to stick to my cals all but one day. My hubby and Mum have started nagging me to eat more, at least until I feel better as I'm having a hard time shaking it off and frankly I look like death. While I don't want to skupper the diet, (and I've only lost 1/4 of a lb this week as it is) I want to get better too, so I was wondering what everyone does when they are ill.



  • jjstokes
    jjstokes Posts: 47 Member
    I would take care of myself first and do what's necessary to get well. You would be ill for a week or so if it's a common cold or the flu. When you start feeling better you can go back to working out, etc. You're not going to trash all your potential and lose all your past progress in a week. (If you're ill longer than a week or so, you may need to see a doctor...?)
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    Depending on what illness I have I eat to maintainance levels until i feel better, (if i have a cold I can eat all day and still be hungry, if its my tonsils i can barely swallow so live on soup/juices and water and just about hit my goals), I also go easy on the exercise, although sometimes it can help to re energise me, just listen to your body do you want to eat? if so do just don't go crazy with the junk food as your body will react better to healthy food, if your not hungry try smoothies to get calories in.
  • caramel827
    caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
    That is so funny that I logged on and saw this post! I too am under the weather today. We have had major changes in the weather here and that has caused a summer cold to flare up. Anyway, I pulled myself out of the bed and went to the gym since I had not been for almost two weeks due to work commitments. I have always heard it is good to "sweat out" a cold.

    When I got there I was slowly moving up the steps to the cardio area when a trainer said to me that I didn't look like I wanted to be here. I chuckled and explained and he said that I really should not try to work out when under the weather. That it is a constant debate amongst the doctors regarding this issue.

    The trainer said do not work out wait until you are at your full potential.'
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    What do you do when your feeling under the weather? I've had a nasty cold for most of the week, but have managed to stick to my cals all but one day. My hubby and Mum have started nagging me to eat more, at least until I feel better as I'm having a hard time shaking it off and frankly I look like death. While I don't want to skupper the diet, (and I've only lost 1/4 of a lb this week as it is) I want to get better too, so I was wondering what everyone does when they are ill.

    I'm just getting over being quite ill for about 3 months. I sure couldn't workout like I was, it started with a simple cold and progressed to Bronchitis so please do be careful. Eating is very very hard, I definitely understand that, I had a very tough time with it. We can all tell you eat, eat eat, but far easier said than done when you're feeling ill. Perhaps calorie dense soups, low fat but ones that are nutricious so your body has help healing.

    Working out when ill can set you way back and keep you ill or cause you to become more ill, that's probably what happened to me. I thought I had it beat and had a couple relapes because I started out to soon and jumped right back into a workout routine.

    Feel better Hon but allow your body the time it needs to heal, it's fighting off something and working out will pull to much energy from your body while it's doing that.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I eat what I feel like (within reason, of course). Usually when I am sick I don't feel like eating much and I just concentrate on getting some calories in... but if I was really hungry I would eat up to maintenance too. Your body is burning calories trying to get well!

    On exercise... I would wait until you feel better.
  • Sungar
    Sungar Posts: 2
    I am a nurse and have experience with critically ill patients and must say it is important for your body to get the calories it needs to fight off the disease, but on the note there are good sources of energy like avocado, chicken soup, yogurt, so even though you are increasing your caloric intake you can still maintain a healthy diet! Hope you feel better.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    I'm sick today too, what a coincidence! My daughter went back to school and immediately caught something and brought it home.

    I'd say that it's probably ok to do some low impact exercise if you're feeling up to it. I did my tai chi this morning and walked to the nearby store to stock up on cold supplies. Likewise, if you're a slow and steady dieter, it's probably ok to keep going unless you're feeling hungrier, but if you're trying to race the scale then ease up on yourself. Just pay attention to how you're feeling and don't stress it.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I've been doing this for about 6 months and I've had 2 or 3 times that I couldn't exercise because of illness or injuries. As long as you don't go overboard with the eating (and you probably don't feel like overeating) you'll be fine. When your body is sick I think it needs the extra calories to heal and I think you'll burn those up just getting better. Use it as a recovery time and enjoy the litlte break while you recuperate. I know it always made me nervous because I was scared I wouldn't start back up with the exercising but I did every time. You will too! Hope you feel better soon! :smile:
  • I'm also a nurse and agree that you need more than your BMR calories for healing. Pick healthy choices and get back on the exercise horse when you feel completely better! Rest well, eat well, drink lots and hopefully you'll be feeling better real soon.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    What do you do when your feeling under the weather? I've had a nasty cold for most of the week, but have managed to stick to my cals all but one day. My hubby and Mum have started nagging me to eat more, at least until I feel better as I'm having a hard time shaking it off and frankly I look like death. While I don't want to skupper the diet, (and I've only lost 1/4 of a lb this week as it is) I want to get better too, so I was wondering what everyone does when they are ill.


    Eat lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, leave out all crap. Eat fruit and veg. Do not exercise until you feel better.

    Eating more does not mean you have to eat rubbish grub until you feel better, you can eat more of the correct foods, that way if you did go over your calories allowance, it will not be with empty calories.

    Hoping you feel better as quickly as possible xxx :flowerforyou:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and kind thoughts, I'm off to bed with a cup of hot lemon and a book.

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