INSANITY - Anyone else just start? Success stories?!



  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    Does anyone get really hungry after the insanity workout? Not directly after but a few hours later ! I feel like I just can't get full !! Today though my mom told me to try some yogurt and it helped.. Anyone else have this ??

    Yes! I make a protein shake (with unsweetened almond milk, peanut butter, and cocoa + protein powder) and it fills me right up for HOURS. Sometimes I add a few drops of sweetener and whipped cream and it'll serve as my dessert for the day. But yes, I definitely recommend a protein shake a little while after--it helps with the soreness, too.
  • Macyllehub
    Macyllehub Posts: 5 Member
    I just did my fit test today... I about died.

    I did it last summer and loved it then completely fell off the wagon over the winter, gained TWENTY lbs back of the 42 I lost. Basically worst winter ever.

    Now, I start again.
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    I have 3 days left of Insanity. It's been tough, but also fun! It really got me motivated back in to exercising and eating healthy again. I've only lost 3 lbs., that was discouraging in the beginning, but I know scale weight is not what you go by with this. I've lost a ton of inches thoughout my body, am more toned, and my cardio is way up.
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    Wow!! Lots of response !! That is wonderful everyone!! So inspiring !! :) I finished day 5 and I'm soo stiff!! I can't wait to start seeing results !! I better take some before pics !! I forgot to on day 1 !

    Thursday is Day 4 for me, and I too am sore with no before pics. I need to hurry up and do them! I love it so far, and plan on sticking with it to the end.

    On another note, for those of you who have finished, I know in the packaging it says not to use a camera phone for before/after pics. Has anyone attempted to send pics taken with a camera phone and still received your t-shirt? I don't have a digital camera right now, but would get one if needed. I don't want to spend money getting one if it isn't necessary.
  • msamyg
    msamyg Posts: 6 Member
    I just did day 3 of Insanity. I am following the program pretty closely. With my food - I am just aiming for my macro nutrients. I am a big fan of the If It Fits Your Macros approach so I am continuing with that. :) I am looking forward to getting shredded :D
  • SCouture421
    I'm not really following the diet that they say I'm just using my calorie stuff on here and a low sodium intake as well . :) my legs are like jello today though!! I'm on day 6 now and looking forward to my rest day tomorrow !!!
  • sarapopefitness
    sarapopefitness Posts: 52 Member
    Does anyone get really hungry after the insanity workout? Not directly after but a few hours later ! I feel like I just can't get full !! Today though my mom told me to try some yogurt and it helped.. Anyone else have this ??

    In May I NEARLY finished Insanity (9 days from finishing, but went on holidays and never got back in to it). I am now restarting, and on Day 3 today!

    After a few weeks I found I was often feeling sick in the morning, and really hungry at night. I wasn't feeding myself properly (and probably not enough!). So, if you are!! Try to eat more complex carbs during the day so you will be full longer, and you will still have enough calories so you aren't going way over your limit. That's my intention for this time around anyway.

    Anywho, here are my results pictures (the side view seems to give you the best idea). The first picture was March 18 and the second is May 16 (45 days in to Insanity).


  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 821 Member
    I love Insanity. I''m 4'11 and lost 16 pounds, 7inches off my waist and 2.5 inches off each thigh. I'm doing another program now and loving it.

    Wow! you can really see the difference in your arms and your tummy!
  • SCouture421
    Wow that's amazing!!! I can't wait till I have some pics to show off!!!!
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    I just bought it today! Excited and scared!
  • turboturtlepower
    Did Insanity earlier this year, and lost 14lbs., and 4 inches off my waist. Doing FocusT25 and BodyBeast right now and am going to be Insanity certified next month to teach it in gyms. LOVE Insanity -- it's a fantastic workout and it will give you GREAT results!!

    I'm no skinny mini, I've lost 109lbs.(but only down 93lbs. right now) over the past 4 I'm very flawed, but I take things one day at a time and believe that small results are good results, too. Here are mine. First January, Second March, and the third pic is me yesterday at the beginning of FT25.

  • turboturtlepower
    Super big, forget how to size these down...but just click on the link. You can see the last pic that way.
  • SCouture421
    I don't know if I'm just REALLY out of shape or if this happens to everyone but I am SO sore!! My legs feel like wet noodles!!! What did everyone who experienced this do to overcome and be able to complete your next workout !!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't know if I'm just REALLY out of shape or if this happens to everyone but I am SO sore!! My legs feel like wet noodles!!! What did everyone who experienced this do to overcome and be able to complete your next workout !!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !

    Epsom salt baths!!!!! And always do the stretches ;)
  • nicola1812
    nicola1812 Posts: 32 Member
    bump x