Fighting Depression

So recently I have notice a severe drop in my mood and ability to do things in general. Motivation is hard to find and I would rather just sit and read manga(comics) in bed all day. I have ups and downs and have tried exercising because endorphins are good for you but I am getting to that point where it is not working so well any more. I don't have severe enough depression for medication and I don't need another pill or two added to my daily routine.

Any suggestions on how to cope and find some motivation?


  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I usually watch workout videos on youtube before working out to help me get motivated and pumped.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Seek professional help. It doesn't mean you're nuts or a psycho, it will only help you recover quickly and avoid relapses. Wouldn't you go to the orthopedic if your knees hurt?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Depression happens when one isn't happy with their current circumstances because they are not where they want to be . You need to set new goals and tackle them as if your life depends on it. Create a new Vision in your mind of how your life is going to be from this moment on and do everything it takes to achieve.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Speaking from experience....

    if it's affecting your life then it's heading towards needing intervention. Pills are one option - herbals, positivity (fake it until you feel it), therapy etc can be others

    If you don't think it's that bad, then maybe look at what else is stopping you being happy, exercising etc. Not saying that this is you, but for me it was only when I honestly owned up to how much I was hiding from the world re how I felt, what I wanted etc that I was able to do anything about it.

    Find a happy place. For me it's the beach. Even now, if I have a **** day, I head for the water. even just being sat in the car watching the waves re-centres me.

    Depression is a *****, I'm not gonna lie. But it doesn't have to stop you from living x
  • Fitasticme
    Fitasticme Posts: 44 Member
    Do you have a good friend you can talk with or someone else you can really trust? It really helps to have someone there listening and supporting you. This year has been especially hard for me so i reached out to my best friend and talked to her about what was going on that was depressing me. It really helped. Also, if you can, find a new fun activity you can go out and do to get you out of the house. A lot of the time when you change your environment it helps rejuvenate and renew you.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Speaking from someone who was diagnosed in the past as having severe depression, if you are not able to get out of bed due to depression then it is definitely serious enough to seek medical help.

    Above post from Fitasticme has some good advice as well. True friends will help pull you through.

    Its different for everyone but throwing myself full into weight loss and fitness has definitely helped me climb back to being at a better place than I have been probably since my early teens, you just have to stick with it, keep changing and refreshing certain things when you feel yourself lose motivation and keep pushing on.

    In my experience, the brutal truth is that pills and therapy can help to some extent, but the only way to really beat the depression is to make a conscious decision that you aren't gonna let it win.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Seek professional help. It doesn't mean you're nuts or a psycho, it will only help you recover quickly and avoid relapses. Wouldn't you go to the orthopedic if your knees hurt?

    this... it doesnt necessarily mean pills, talking therapies can be as, if not more effective.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Oh how I hate my low days. I have decided not ever let them stop me. I never know when a cloud will come over me. So my first reaction when the "sinking feeling" starts to come over me is to stand up and hop. Yes, i am a 54 year old director in a finance and accounting firm that literally will stand up and hop.

    The other thing i do is reach out . It may be MFP or a text to a friend or family member and i give a compliment or congrats someone. It just helps.

    Also, exercise doesnt have to be so intense ... 10 minutes of toe touches and arm twists or even 5 minutes of jumping jacks helps. I set an alarm on my mac calendar to make sure no more than 50 minutes goes by sitting down. I do walk breaks at work.

    I really got depressed and panic'd during my divorce when i was 28 years old.. I got free counseling thru my church and trust me, just talking to a trained professional helped a lot. They are also trained to know if you medication will help you.

    Your are doing great reaching out on this post...on your way to a path to feeling better.. Keep going!
  • twhite4550
    twhite4550 Posts: 25
    Depression happens when one isn't happy with their current circumstances because they are not where they want to be . You need to set new goals and tackle them as if your life depends on it. Create a new Vision in your mind of how your life is going to be from this moment on and do everything it takes to achieve.

    I concur.

    I hope you feel better very soon! Cheers! :smile:
  • anniegail1961
    Good Morning: I read your post and I wish to say that I am very sorry that you are in this dark place.
    I suffered from depression years ago and it can truly paralize a person from living a productive life.
    May I offer you some clinical advice that helped me.
    1) I entered therapy-I couldn't tackle my problems alone-and it really helped to talk all my issues over with someone who was a 3rd party. There are places out there that are free. My Dr's office has a Social Worker who was very good and kind-she was an angel when I really needed one.
    2) Laying in bed is a safe place but it's summer and the sun is a wonderful healer. Even sitting outside is theraputic. Feeling the sun on your face-warming you and re-charging your battery-it's very low-Charge It!
    3) Pray-Get on your knees and open your heart to an Awesome God who is your true source. Ask for help!
    I Belieive in Him, and if you don't --I will lend you my Faith until you feel His presence. A mustard seed of Faith is given to each of us-It's Unbeleif that blocks the flow of His power. "Ask, Seek, and Knock and the door will be opened for you. Mathew 7:7
    5) Strip off the sheets on your bed. Throw out the comics ,the junk food ,the Poor Attitude.
    As we say in A.A. Poor Me! Poor Me! Pour me a drink! Depression is a disease that one has to fight against!
    When I feel myself getting depressed I give myself 3 days. In that time I can cry, moan, eat, sleep but on that 3rd day I better get my *kitten* off that couch-shower and get back into the game. There is a wonderful line from the movie "Braveheart" that inspires me-"Your life is your own-Have the Courage to Follow it!!"
    6) Do what you are able to do! Clean your house- Clean the windows, clean closets's calorie burning! Maybe eventually you will be able to get out for a walk.
    7) Concentrate on the Solution! You are looking at the problem! Totally different Perspectives! Read the "Success Stories" They were where you are now! And they Changed their lives, Health, and Attitude! You Can Too! Believe in Yourself!
    8) Hug Yourself until you are able to Love Yourself. You are a Unique Individual. There is no one else like you. God put you on this earth for a reason. It's your job to find that reason. Right now you are just blocked. Get Unblocked!
    9) Open yourself up to the possibility that -This time next year-You can be a totally New Creation!!!
    10) As we say in A.A. One Day At A Time! I am now 12 yrs. sober-doing it inch by inch. And it wasn't easy but I was "Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired" So I walked through those doors.
    So Can You!
    If you ever want a confidential chat-write me -I care and I'm Here For You!
    I'll be praying for you!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Some pretty solid advice here, I will just add a link that cheers me up...

    Good Luck
  • snadrowski1
    Hi...I've been feeling the same way lately and have also been fighting depression most of my life. I know that after I work out, I feel much better. I also know that on days when I stick to my diet and exercise, then next MORNING I feel way better. I know it's hard sometimes to get moving...boy do I know it!......but if we let depression and inactivity win, we'll be stuck on our butts feeling bad...if we get up and move and stick to our eating plan, we'll eventually lose these shackles and feel so much better. Losing the weight will increase our energy and relieve our debilitating depression. We're strong, right? We can do it! I'm going to hop on my exercise bike right now...not going to waste another day...every day I waste NOT doing it, is another day I spend in this body that doesn't feel like ME. Good luck, honey...I'm right there with ya....let's get moving and rack up some good days.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Depression happens when one isn't happy with their current circumstances because they are not where they want to be . You need to set new goals and tackle them as if your life depends on it. Create a new Vision in your mind of how your life is going to be from this moment on and do everything it takes to achieve.

    Depression is an illness. It needs to be treated like any other illness. It may mean that it requires medication.

    Feeling low may be a result of things not being how you want them to be, but that is different than clinical depression. Telling a depressed person to "think happy thoughts" or just "get out of bed" is as absurd as telling a diabetic to visualise correct insulin levels and expect them to be cured. If your body does not produce what it needs in the right amounts, medical intervention or therapy may be necessary. I'm astounded at how in this day and age depression is still so stigmitised and misunderstood.

    I don't have any advice other than seek medical advice to determine if you are experiencing depression (the illness) or a low mood. Then you can determine what might help to go forward. If you need medication, you need medication. (Would you deny yourself high blood pressure bills or antibiotics?)

    Good luck.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Seek professional help. It doesn't mean you're nuts or a psycho, it will only help you recover quickly and avoid relapses. Wouldn't you go to the orthopedic if your knees hurt?

    ^^^ This
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Don't be afraid to go get professional help if you can't manage it on your own anymore. I've been there - and lots of other people on here have too. I know it's hard to start exercising regularly, but just start small. Some days I literally had to drag myself to the gym and had to do it in little steps - first get dressed, then get in the car and drive to the gym, then promise myself I will at least do 10 minutes. And I usually end up doing more. Don't look at dieting and exercising as a whole, that can be overwhelming. Just take it one meal and one workout at a time. If all you can do is go for a 15 min walk, then do it. And gradually build up. You will feel better for having accomplished something. Even if it's just 10 or 15 minutes at first.

    Whatever you do, don't lose hope and don't give up on yourself. What helped me work through my depression (which I still have some ups and down) is to have a goal to work towards. This has been weightloss for me and regaining control of my mind and body. You have the strength within yourself to do this :)
  • GimmieDatSalad
    I understand your pain, please consider undertaking talking therapy or seeking out a life coach, forcing fake motivation won't solve your initial problem. Fix the depressive issues, and your motivation will return full force on its own! I'm always here to chat it out.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Depression happens when one isn't happy with their current circumstances because they are not where they want to be . You need to set new goals and tackle them as if your life depends on it. Create a new Vision in your mind of how your life is going to be from this moment on and do everything it takes to achieve.

    This is not true. Depression does not "happen" because somebody is upset "with their current circumstances." Depression is much more than that and telling somebody to simply set new goals and create a vision in their mind is similar to telling a stroke patient to 'just get up and walk and start talking like you did before the stroke.'
  • DD0pe
    DD0pe Posts: 34 Member
    I understand you completely i suffer from depression sometimes to. my recommendation is when it happens know that this is happening and accept it and then move past it . for example when you become depressed about anything take a time to sit there and acknowledge the fact that your sad about whats happening and start to think about how you can fix the situation and then do things that make you happy any thing thats going to make you happy again then you realize that you will become less depressed i hope this helped
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Professional help first. After that, it's been found that exercise can help. It need not be strenuous.
  • Reepir
    Reepir Posts: 32 Member
    Some pretty solid advice here, I will just add a link that cheers me up...

    Good Luck

    I love this video <3 And I like your ticker! The Endless are amazing!